Examples of the the word, centers , in a Sentence Context

The word ( centers ), is the 5815 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 2004. The company currently has locations covering most of the population, centers ,of Alaska, including Juneau, Ketchikan and Kodiak. However, rural Alaska
  2. That the many shades of pink also have stripes, veining,darkened edges, white, centers , and light yellow centers also setting them apart from the original light pink.
  3. In order to cut operating costs, AOL decided to cease using U. S. -based call, centers ,to provide customer service. AOL drastically downsized U. S. corporate
  4. Always been many therapies offered outside of conventional cancer treatment, centers ,and based on theories not found in biomedicine. These alternative cancer cures
  5. And Indigenous Studies established in 2007,as well as museums and cultural, centers , Ainu people living in Tokyo have also developed a vibrant political and
  6. Majority of the foreign embassies of Algiers, of many ministries and university, centers , which makes it one of the administrative and policy centers of the country. *
  7. Used for centuries for leather burnishing tools. Idar-Oberstein was one of the, centers ,which made use of agate on an industrial scale. Where in the beginning locally
  8. Dependence on agriculture. Despite the growth of major industries and urban, centers , white rural interests dominated the state legislature until the 1960s,while
  9. Covers a relatively small area of the state, linking the central population, centers ,and the Alaska Highway, the principal route out of the state through Canada.
  10. And university centers , which makes it one of the administrative and policy, centers ,of the country. * The street Di douche Courage is located in the 3rd district Of
  11. Republic of Armenia which occupies part of historical Armenia, whose ancient, centers ,were in the valley of the Arabs River and the region around Lake Van in Turkey.
  12. And esoteric guise. Walter M. Miller, Jr. is novel A Canticle for Leibowitz, centers ,on a monastic order called the Albertan Order of Leibowitz, named by its
  13. In the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museums in Washington, DC and at NASA's, centers ,in Florida, Texas and Alabama. The Apollo 13 Command Module is housed at the
  14. To the United Kingdom. * AOL closed one of its three Northern Virginia data, centers , Reston Technology Center, and sold it to CRG West in January 2008. This sale
  15. Although they" were expecting to see activity in the brain's reward, centers ,", based on the idea that" people perform altruistic acts because they feel
  16. With American and British anthropologists. At the same time, he established, centers ,and laboratories within France to provide an institutional context within
  17. China, Ancient Greece, Rome,as well as Inca, Maya,and Olmec. Each of these, centers ,of early civilization developed a unique and characteristic style in its art.
  18. The Abolition of the Han system and the establishment of prefectures as local, centers ,of administration. (Traditional Japanese date: July 14, 1871). *1885 –
  19. Time Warner announced that the company would be dissolving AOL's retention, centers ,due to its profits hinging on $1 billion in cost cuts. The company estimated
  20. Point where flora and fauna would be endangered. Among major industrial, centers ,closed to curtail pollution were the Carat Chemical Plant, the Slavery
  21. Pink also have stripes, veining,darkened edges, white centers and light yellow, centers ,also setting them apart from the original light pink. In addition, the hybrids
  22. Hospitalizations and close to 45 million outpatient visits to health care, centers , Arthritis makes it very difficult for the individual to remain physically
  23. In P. C. Cast's sixth Goddess Summoning novel Warrior Rising. The novel, centers ,on his relationship with Pollen. Film The role of Achilles has been played by
  24. Of the standard formulas of the home front genre. " Another controversy, centers ,on his alleged refusal to acknowledge Japan's wartime guilt. In one of
  25. S air as the most polluted in the former Soviet Union, and other industrial, centers ,suffer similar problems. The Caspian Sea, including Baku Bay, has been polluted
  26. Weights. ": Archimedes uses the principles derived to calculate the areas and, centers ,of gravity of various geometric figures including triangles, parallelograms and
  27. Each with four pear-shaped lobes, each lobe tangent to two others, and the, centers ,of all four lying in one plane, between a pair of axes. Three of these planes
  28. The movie, which is influenced by Nikolai Gogol's The Government Inspector, centers ,around two Mexicans who are mistaken for government inspectors from Mexico City
  29. A unique architecture with planned community spaces. The ancient population, centers ,such as Chico Canyon (outside Crown point, NM ), Mesa Verde (outside Cortez
  30. The Azerbaijani diaspora is found in 42 countries and in turn there are many, centers ,for ethnic minorities inside Azerbaijan, including the German cultural society
  31. Professor of German through the Second World War and beyond. The narrative, centers ,on yearly birthday celebrations with his former students, during which the
  32. Has been continuously inhabited for at least 7000 years. Unlike other Mycenaean, centers , such as Mycenae and Pylons, it is not known whether Athens suffered destruction
  33. Anime clubs have become prevalent in colleges, high schools, and community, centers ,as a way to publicly exhibit anime as well as broadening Japanese cultural
  34. Existence of a network of Mac User Groups in most major and many minor, centers ,of population where Mac computers are available. Mac users would meet at the
  35. A large variety of compounds are known with both Sb (III) and Sb (V), centers , including mixed chloro-organic derivatives, anions,and cations. Examples
  36. In Burgundy. He was a god of healing, especially of the eyes. Origins The cult, centers ,of Apollo in Greece, Delphi and Demos, date from the 8th century BCE. The Demos
  37. Culture covered most of the state from AD 1000 to 1600,with one of its major, centers ,being at the Montville Archaeological Site in Montville, Alabama. Analysis of
  38. Muslims and non-Muslims lived side by side. Afghanistan became one of the main, centers ,in the Muslim world during the Islamic Golden Age. The destruction caused by
  39. Unrequested advance towards Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, one of the eastern chief, centers ,of commerce. On this route he conquered the cities of Curiati (Kurt)
  40. Even so, his ideas helped to found one of the first adult education, centers ,in America, and provided the foundation for future generations of liberal
  41. And brought Nazi Germany to a formal end. Speer was taken to some internment, centers ,for Nazi officials and interrogated. In September 1945,he was told that he
  42. And philosophical novel that she wrote over a period of seven years. The novel, centers ,on an uncompromising young architect named Howard Roar and his struggle
  43. Anasazi, an exonym meaning" ancestral enemies. " The Ancient Pueblo homeland, centers ,on the Colorado Plateau, but extends from central New Mexico on the east to
  44. And made it their capital city which became then one of the most influential, centers ,of power in Africa and the Mediterranean region. Origins In his book The Muslim
  45. For and demonstrate that from 900 BC onwards Athens was one of the leading, centers ,of trade and prosperity in the region. The leading position of Athens may well
  46. Of a history of the birth of the USSR in an historical novel. The novel, centers ,on the disastrous loss in the Battle of Vandenberg in August 1914,and the
  47. Now Belém) in (Brazil),and Iquitos, Peru became thriving, cosmopolitan, centers , of commerce and spectacular—albeit illusory—"modern" " urban growth ". This
  48. Government investment. The new robot city will feature research and development, centers ,for manufacturers and part suppliers, as well as exhibition halls and a stadium
  49. Or cunning. Jimbo (The Bodyguard),Kurosawa Production's second film, centers ,on a masterless samurai, Sanjuro, who strolls into a 19th Century town ruled by
  50. And letters. The school, considered one of the first formal adult education, centers ,in America, was also attended by foreign scholars. It continued for nine years.

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