Examples of the the word, diploma , in a Sentence Context

The word ( diploma ), is the 5827 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Directly as it is not able to grant ESSD credits instead they receive this, diploma ,from one of CCSET's (constantly changing) partner schools based in Ontario.
  2. The FDP calls for the establishment of full-day schools and the high school, diploma ,after twelve years of schooling. In addition, the Liberals are opposed to
  3. Astrological education is offered at a number of institutions, some offering a, diploma ,upon completion of the course and an examination. In addition, the University
  4. As one of its national systems of medicine, and a minimum of a recognized, diploma ,in homeopathy and registration on a state register or the Central Register of
  5. Who are adults with no other academic qualifications than a secondary education, diploma , Some education is also provided to members of the postgraduate designer
  6. Human hunter with a knife. Wolf trials are still a regular part of the hunting, diploma ,for all Russian sight dog breeds of the relevant type, either singly or in pairs
  7. D. Doctor in Medicine and Surgery) to almost five, with the provision that the, diploma ,is not terminal anymore, and it is given with the title of Medic (Medico).
  8. To private-sector institutions. However, the value of a state high-school, diploma ,is limited by the fact that the grades obtained account for only around 25 % of
  9. Personal attention afforded by the individual colleges. The Bachelor of Science, diploma ,received at graduation is issued by Harvey Mud College. The college is named
  10. A respected pupil, for more than five years, receiving a first (intermediate), diploma , in 1908. Some of his classroom counterpoint-exercises, such as the, were
  11. Kings, followed by Owen of Strathclyde and Hotel DDA, who subscribed to the, diploma , At Christmas of 935,Owen of Strathclyde was once more at Æthelstan's court
  12. In 1965 * Remington College, acquired in December 1998 and offering degree and, diploma ,programs * Colorado Technical University, established in 1965 The city's
  13. And in 1896 he enrolled in the four-year mathematics and physics teaching, diploma ,program at the Polytechnic in Zurich. Marie Winter moved to Goldberg
  14. Unit, as in the AND Colleges. * Most Takes, which offer certificate and, diploma ,vocational courses, are styled" TAKE colleges" or" Colleges of TAKE ". Some
  15. A two-year intermediate school and a four-year secondary course, after which a, diploma ,called the bachillerato (high school diploma ) is awarded. Relatively few
  16. Glass, a glass company of Cambridge, Ohio * Cambridge State University,a, diploma ,mill, formerly in Louisiana and Hawaii and later relocated to Mississippi *
  17. Interest. In 1900 Einstein was awarded the Zurich Polytechnic teaching, diploma , but Magic failed the examination with a poor grade in the mathematics
  18. Manuscripts burnt up along with the churches that housed them. And a solemn, diploma ,from Christ Church, Canterbury dated 873 is so poorly constructed and written
  19. ISBN 0-385-41903-1). Corolla can be seen paying off the book to receive his, diploma ,in an episode of his TLC show, The Adam Corolla Project. During his earlier
  20. Is Charles Robert in 1301 after which Croatia contented herself with a separate, diploma ,inaugural. The reign of Louis the Great (1342–1382) is considered the golden
  21. High, and North Hollywood High School. Corolla did not receive his high school, diploma ,until years later, claiming he owed the library $19.95 for a copy of We The
  22. Region of France. She studied piano as a child and received her primary school, diploma ,with high marks in mathematics and dictation. In 1893,at age 20,she married
  23. Extra-Mural school. She had no less difficulty in gaining a qualifying, diploma ,to practice medicine. London University, the Royal Colleges of Physicians and
  24. Students can enroll in a full-time course load leading to a, diploma ,or enroll in particular courses as part of their enrollment in another school
  25. Initial certificate is available to anyone with a high school education,the, diploma ,is meant to be a post-graduate qualification and in fact can be incorporated
  26. A CEGEP in Quebec. In Canada, college student might denote someone obtaining a, diploma ,in business management while university student is the term for someone earning
  27. Began to introduce diploma s and degrees in jazz performance. Students in jazz, diploma ,or Bachelor of Music programs take individual bass lessons, get experience in
  28. Classical composition and arrangement. In 1946,Morrison received his trumpet, diploma ,and in the same year he composed" IL Matting" (" The Morning" ) for voice
  29. And 156 Postgraduates) as of year 2010/2011. The Institute offers two-year, diploma ,programs in the fields of Land Surveying and Land Management and Valuation.
  30. As a" nervous breakdown ", and consequently never received his high school, diploma ,(although he maintained for most of his life that he did graduate). S. T.
  31. Earn an associate's degree at Washtenaw Community College and a high school, diploma ,at the same time. Health and utilities The University of Michigan Medical
  32. Among the six students in the mathematics and physics section of the teaching, diploma ,course. Over the next few years, Einstein and Marić's friendship developed
  33. Documents. This practice is still common and graduates after receiving their ", diploma ," would usually change their personal documents in order to officially indicate
  34. ESSD this is somewhat controversial because CC SET students do not receive their, diploma ,from CC SET directly as it is not able to grant ESSD credits instead they
  35. School, but dropped out at the age of 17. In 2009, he was awarded an honorary, diploma ,from Brooklyn Tech. While a teenager, he co-founded the New York–based
  36. Completion of all the basic and middle education years, a high-school, diploma ,is awarded. The high-school graduate is known as a Achilles, because secondary
  37. Years at Bridgeport High School in Bridgeport, Connecticut without receiving a, diploma , The cartoonist liked to joke about how he failed geometry for nine straight
  38. Secondary course, after which a diploma called the bachillerato (high school, diploma ,) is awarded. Relatively few lower-income students succeed in reaching this
  39. Onto them. Some proponents advocated replacing the traditional high school, diploma ,with a Certificate of Initial Mastery. Other reform movements were
  40. And the median age is 38. Of the total population,82.88 % have a high school, diploma ,and 23.2 % have obtained a Bachelor's degree. The median income for a
  41. For Band" ( fanfare) in 1952,his studies concluded in 1954,obtaining a, diploma ,in Composition under the composer Goff redo Petals. In 1955,Morrison started
  42. Feedback is reported. Both institutions have as a follow-up a professional, diploma , usually taken after a year or two in the field. Although the initial
  43. In Rosenbaum, where he received his Abitur (high school, diploma ,) in 1961,although he had to repeat one year for failing in Latin. His
  44. Classes in secondary school and in 1866 received the secondary school, diploma , According to his parents' wishes, he passed the examination to the medical
  45. High school grades almost entirely for admissions purposes. While a high-school, diploma ,is mandatory for university attendance, admissions are decided almost
  46. The institutions receive little outside oversight, and some may be fraudulent, diploma ,mills, although in many jurisdictions, an institution may not use terms such as
  47. University, people are granted a (professional, technical or technological), diploma , and licensed (if required) to practice the career they have chosen. For some
  48. Start University. The Australian International Hotel School offers degree and, diploma ,level courses and operates the Hotel Hurrahing in Barton. Tertiary level
  49. At a local secretarial school due to his financial backing and earns his, diploma ,by the end of the day because he didn't understand what was going on in class
  50. Taken oath to respect their liberties, and insisted upon his erasing from the, diploma ,certain phrases which seemed to reduce Croatia to the rank of a mere province.

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