Examples of the the word, embryo , in a Sentence Context

The word ( embryo ), is the 5828 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Embryony, the embryo is formed from the diploid nucleus tissue surrounding the, embryo ,sac. Nu cellar embryo occurs in some citrus seeds. Male atomizes can occur in
  2. Successfully cloned, followed by three African wildcats from a thawed frozen, embryo , These successes provided hope that similar techniques (using surrogate
  3. Research using MO, mostly in D. period. MO can be injected into one cell of an, embryo ,after the 32-cell stage, reducing gene expression in only cells descended from
  4. IVF),and acupuncture suggests that acupuncture performed near the time of, embryo ,transfer increases the live birth rate, although this effect could be due to
  5. Sheep from a somatic cell in 1997. * Rhesus Monkey: Tetra (January 2000) from, embryo ,splitting * Gaul: (2001) was the first endangered species cloned. *,2004
  6. Annelid. Development In animals at least as complex as an earthworm,the, embryo ,forms a dent on one side, the blastopore, which deepens to become the
  7. In which nuclear-mitochondrial incompatibilities may lead to death. Artificial, embryo ,splitting or embryo twinning may also be used as a method of cloning, where an
  8. For example, the differentiation of fingers and toes in a developing human, embryo ,occurs because cells between the fingers apoptosis; the result is that the
  9. By natural means, or by artificial breeding using artificial insemination or, embryo ,transfer. Calves are born after a gestation of nine months. They usually stand
  10. Fertilization by a male. In plants, parthenogenesis means the development of an, embryo ,from an unfertilized egg cell, and is a component process of atomizes. In
  11. Dandelion. Atomizes mainly occurs in two forms: In gametophytic atomizes,the, embryo ,arises from an unfertilized egg within a diploid embryo sac that was formed
  12. As the Saharan Cypress Cypresses dupreziana, where the genetic material of the, embryo ,are derived entirely from pollen. The term" atomizes" is also used for
  13. In the meninges. Development During early development of the vertebrate, embryo , a longitudinal groove on the neural plate gradually deepens as ridges on
  14. And the spinal cord, the rhombencephalon. (By six weeks in the human, embryo ,) the prosencephalon then divides further into the telencephalon and
  15. Mice. The embryo s in the picture are four days old. At the top is a wild-type, embryo , below is a mutant. The mutant lacks black pigment in its melanocytes because
  16. Is the step in the life cycle after fertilization – the development of the, embryo , starting from the zygote (fertilized egg). Organisms can differ drastically
  17. ACT's director of tissue engineering, told the Daily Mail newspaper that the, embryo ,could not be seen as a person before 14 days. While making an embryo , which may
  18. Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) abortion consists of removing the fetus or, embryo , placenta and membranes by suction using a manual syringe, while electric
  19. To the cave fish's evolution says that because of its dark habitat, the fish, embryo ,saves energy it would normally use to develop eyes to develop other body parts
  20. Of both kinds of orgasms. Embryonic development During the development of an, embryo , at the time of development of the urinary and reproductive organs, the
  21. It into the egg cells of an African elephant in hopes of producing a mammoth, embryo , The researchers said they hoped to produce a baby mammoth within six years. In
  22. Incompatibilities may lead to death. Artificial embryo splitting or, embryo ,twinning may also be used as a method of cloning, where an embryo is split in
  23. Splitting or embryo twinning may also be used as a method of cloning, where an, embryo ,is split in the maturation before embryo transfer. It is optimally performed at
  24. When the sperm breaks through the hard outer shell of the egg a new cell, embryo ,is formed, which,in humans, grows to full size in 9 months. *Cell movement:
  25. Vertebrates *Developmental biology: gamete — spermatid — ovum — zygote —, embryo ,— cellular differentiation — morphogenesis — homeboy **Animal development:
  26. On coastal dunes As a dune forms, plant succession occurs. The conditions on an, embryo ,dune are harsh, with salt spray from the sea carried on strong winds. The dune
  27. Hatching takes place 48–72 hours after fertilization, depending on the, embryo ,'s internal conditions and the external temperature, ideally. Swimming and
  28. From the zygote (fertilized egg). Organisms can differ drastically in the how, embryo ,develops, especially when they belong to different phyla. For example
  29. Tank. *Two-celled embryo can be fused into a single cell, creating a homozygous, embryo ,* Demonstrated similarity to mammalian models and humans in toxicity testing *
  30. Same tissues that would have become the glans and upper shaft of a penis if the, embryo ,had been exposed to“ male” hormones. Changes in appearance of male and female
  31. Used as a method of cloning, where an embryo is split in the maturation before, embryo ,transfer. It is optimally performed at the 6- to 8-cell stage, where it can be
  32. Enzymes during seed germination to form simple sugars that nourish the growing, embryo , Cellulose microfibrils are not readily digested by plants, however. Formation
  33. Area of Jiangxi province, where Mao went to establish a communist system,the, embryo ,of a future state of China under communism, which adopted the official name of
  34. Several ways. The manner selected often depends upon the gestational age of the, embryo ,or fetus, which increases in size as the pregnancy progresses. Specific
  35. Pregnant woman's body. " The Babylonian Talmud Yeast 69b states that:" the, embryo ,is considered to be mere water until the fortieth day. " Afterwards, it is
  36. Of two ways: a nondisjunction event during an early cell division in a normal, embryo ,leads to a fraction of the cells with trisomy 21; or a Down syndrome embryo
  37. Of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or, embryo ,before fetal viability. Forty percent of the world's women are able to access
  38. Growth results in an adult organism that is strikingly different from the, embryo , The proliferating cells tend to be distinct from differentiated cells (see
  39. That the embryo could not be seen as a person before 14 days. While making an, embryo , which may have resulted in a complete human had it been allowed to come to
  40. S egg whose DNA was removed. It was destroyed after 12 days. Since a normal, embryo ,implants at 14 days, Dr Robert Lanka,ACT's director of tissue engineering
  41. Sac that was formed without completing meiosis. In nu cellar embryo ,the, embryo ,is formed from the diploid nucleus tissue surrounding the embryo sac. Nu cellar
  42. If the mother does not gain enough weight to survive through the winter,the, embryo ,does not implant and is reabsorbed into the body. The average litter has one to
  43. Hot water to soften the seed coat, which is then removed to reveal the white, embryo , Description Tree The almond is a small deciduous tree, growing in height, with
  44. 24 chromosomes. When combined with a normal gamete from the other parent,the, embryo ,now has 47 chromosomes, with three copies of chromosome 21. Trisomy 21 is the
  45. Or a Down syndrome embryo undergoes nondisjunction and some cells in the, embryo ,revert to the normal chromosomal arrangement. There is considerable variability
  46. Expression in only cells descended from that cell. However, cells in the early, embryo ,(less than 32 cells) are interpermeable to large molecules, allowing
  47. Embryo leads to a fraction of the cells with trisomy 21; or a Down syndrome, embryo ,undergoes nondisjunction and some cells in the embryo revert to the
  48. Apomixis, the embryo arises from an unfertilized egg within a diploid, embryo ,sac that was formed without completing meiosis. In nu cellar embryo , the
  49. Drugs may be administered by adding directly to the tank. *Two-celled, embryo ,can be fused into a single cell, creating a homozygous embryo * Demonstrated
  50. Of the blastocyst, and abortion, the removal or expulsion of a fetus or, embryo ,from the uterus. Contraceptives include barrier methods, such as condoms or the

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