Examples of the the word, clash , in a Sentence Context

The word ( clash ), is the 5823 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Exacerbated by Dreadnought was one of the causes of World War I, which saw a, clash ,of large battle fleets at the Battle of Jutland. The Naval Treaties of the
  2. A large offensive in June, resulting in up to 200 casualties. After this final, clash , the mutineers stayed calm. Crimes conducted by Matisse’s militias and
  3. But they rarely got close to their targets, Renown enjoying a brief, clash ,against the German 11-inch battlecruisers, scoring three non-critical hits on
  4. Must judge exactly when to damp the cymbals based on the written duration of, clash ,and the context in which it occurs. Clash cymbals have traditionally been
  5. To first play cymbals at pianissimo, adding a touch of color rather than loud, clash , Clash cymbals are usually damped by pressing them against the player's body.
  6. Hawthorn's Rick Lawson, Joel Macdonald and Troy Elwood missed the must-win, clash ,against Sydney. Brisbane started off well with Richard Hadley booting the first
  7. Was suspended for one year in 1916 due to heavy club losses. The ANZAC Day, clash ,is one example of how the war continues to be remembered in the football
  8. Of convoys, and the laying of defensive minefields; the only significant, clash ,of battleship squadrons there was the Battle of Moon Sound at which one Russian
  9. End of World War II. *1914 – World War I: in Belgium, British and German troops, clash ,for the first time in the war. *1922 – Michael Collins, Commander-in-Chief of
  10. Near Jutland, Denmark. It was the largest naval battle and the only full-scale, clash ,of battleships in the war. It was also only the third major fleet action
  11. Egypt. As the Inters grew in power and expanded their control northward,a, clash ,between the two rival dynasties became inevitable. Around 2055 BC the Theban
  12. Among the liberators (federalism and centralism) gave rise to an internal, clash ,which contributed to the reconquest of territory by the Spanish. The
  13. Tend to be heavy with little taper, more similar to a ride cymbal than to a, clash ,cymbal as found in a drum kit, and perform a ride rather than a clash function.
  14. The region. His refusal to continue his campaigns deeper into India prevented a, clash ,with the East India Company and allowed them to continue to acquire power and
  15. For a" sizzle ", striking them against each other in what is called a ", clash ,", tapping the edge of one against the body of the other in what is called a "
  16. With the non-violent protests as collateral damage provoked by the, clash ,between the law enforcement ranks themselves and the more violent and brutal
  17. From Mozart's Die Entführung AUS them Series. Clash cymbals Orchestral, clash ,cymbals are traditionally used in pairs, each one having a strap set in the
  18. The texts described Jews and Christians as enemies of Muslim believers and the, clash ,between them as an ongoing fight that will end in victory over the Jews. Jews
  19. The CIA reported that Guevara was captured on 8 October as a result of the, clash ,with the Cuban-led guerrillas. He had a wound in his leg, but was otherwise in
  20. Traditions may promote distinct norms of behavior, and these in turn may, clash ,or harmonize with the perceived interests of a state. Socially accepted or
  21. Regular screening at Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Center. The film depicts the, clash ,between the Yorkist and Lancastrian armies on an open field, focusing on
  22. Henry VII (1502). For Professor Peter Sacco, the battle was indeed a unique, clash ,in the annals of English history, because " the victory was determined, not by
  23. Fate (although all tax collectors were executed during the revolution) was a, clash ,a few years earlier with the young Jean-Paul Marat whom he dismissed curtly
  24. Junction and Green Acres. Series storylines Most episodes revolved around the, clash ,between the" uncivilized" hillbilly culture represented by the Competes and
  25. The Tudor historians attached a sense of myth to the battle: it became an epic, clash ,between good and evil with a satisfying moral outcome. According to Reader
  26. Closely reviewed the dispatches and interrogated naval officers during their, clash ,in the Battle of Hampton Roads. Despite his dissatisfaction with McClellan's
  27. And Russia had all ordered ironclad warships, and by the time of the famous, clash ,of the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia at the Battle of Hampton Roads at least
  28. Then to a clash cymbal as found in a drum kit, and perform a ride rather than a, clash ,function. Suspended cymbal Another use of cymbals is the suspended cymbal. This
  29. A military official reported. Five Marine soldiers also were wounded in the, clash ,with some 80 terrorists believed to be led by Abu SAAF leader Allan
  30. 1877 – Indian Wars: Battle of Big Hole – A small band of New Peace Indians, clash ,with the United States Army *1892 – Thomas Edison receives a patent for a
  31. Us, they formed only one front, without any intermediate spaces. " The initial, clash ,favored the Dutch and Danish squadrons. The disparity of numbers – exacerbated
  32. Giving her the motivation she needs to face him in battle. They eventually, clash ,during the middle of the senior dance at Buffy's high school. Through the use
  33. Using one cymbal mounted to the shell of the bass drum itself. The player would, clash ,the cymbals with his left hand and use a mallet to strike the bass drum in his
  34. Latter compete in an annual single-elimination tournament that concludes with a, clash ,between the top two teams before a university-wide audience on the Thursday
  35. President Richard Nixon. *1977 – Members of the British National Front (NF), clash , with anti-NF demonstrators in Lewis ham, London,resulting in 214 arrests and at
  36. The Bolivian government's story that Che had been killed in action during a, clash ,with the Bolivian army. " Rodriguez said the US government had wanted Che in
  37. Villeroy and his generals anticipated success. Neither opponent expected the, clash ,at the exact moment or place where it occurred. The French moved first to
  38. Shoulder of a drum stick to obtain a sound somewhat akin to that of a pair of, clash ,cymbals. Other methods of playing include scraping a coin or a triangle beater
  39. Saw United goalkeeper Ray Wood carried off with a broken cheekbone after a, clash ,with Villa center forward Peter McFarland. Though Charlton was a candidate to
  40. Bay, Australia. *1781 – American Revolutionary War: British and French ships, clash ,in the Battle of Fort Royal off the coast of Martinique. *1861 – American Civil
  41. Picture of Henry's reign, depicting the Battle of Bosworth Field as the final, clash ,of the civil war and downplaying the subsequent uprisings. For England the
  42. Intolerance was trying to suppress scientific discoveries which appeared to, clash ,with a literal reading of the Book of Genesis and other established Jewish and
  43. S 28,the German High Seas Fleet stood little chance of winning a head-to-head, clash , The Germans therefore adopted a divide-and-conquer strategy: staging raids
  44. As members of the local population joined the invading army. The first major, clash ,between the two sides was fought in late February 1526. Babur's son, Humayun (
  45. Further attempt to draw British ships into battle on German terms resulted in a, clash ,of the battle fleets in the Battle of Jutland. The German fleet withdrew to port
  46. To Siege of Toulon. *1798 – Wolfe Tone's United Irish and French forces, clash ,with the British Army in the Battle of Castle bar, part of the Irish Rebellion
  47. War was an anticlimax for the great dreadnought fleets. There was no decisive, clash ,of modern battle fleets to compare with the Battle of Sushi. The role of
  48. Drafting proposals, but the format is that of a trial, voting yes or no after a, clash ,of speeches and such. Citizen-initiator The institutions sketched above —
  49. Did implies that he did so out of cowardice, in order to avoid the imminent, clash ,with the opposition. But it is more likely that he was pursuing a large enemy
  50. Windy Corner ". Arbuthnot's armored cruisers had no real place in the coming, clash ,between modern dreadnoughts, but he was attracted by the drifting hull of the

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