Examples of the the word, hughes , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Pseudohermaphroditism" has, until very recently, name " 2006,Hughes,91" /> been the term used in the medical literature to describe the condition
  2. Or complete inability of the cell to respond to androgens. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2008 Galvani 7" /> name" 1995 Google 16" /> The
  3. A full female habits, despite the presence of a Y-chromosome. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2008 Uccello 68" /> name" 2006 Berlin 65" />
  4. To one third of de Nova mutations result in somatic mosaicism. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> It is worthwhile to note that not every mutation of the AR gene results
  5. By MAIN (e.g. isolated infertility or gynecomastia). Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 1994 Tsubasa 79" /> name" 2000 German 85" />
  6. Small population size, and thus are known to be imprecise. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> CARS is estimated to occur in 1 out of every 20,400 46,XY births.
  7. From the medical literature, including 2 of his own patients. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 1995 Google 16" /> name" 1953 Morris 65" /> The term
  8. Has a different list of differential diagnoses to consider. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> Depending on the form of AIS that is suspected, the list of
  9. Of differentials to consider for PASS is particularly large name" 2006,Hughes,20" />. Prompt diagnosis is particularly urgent when a child is born with
  10. External genitalia is partially, but not fully masculinized name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2008 Galvani 7" /> name" 2008 Uccello 68" />
  11. In AR-mutant-positive cases than AR-mutant-negative cases name" 2008,Hughes,22" />. The use of dynamic endocrine tests is particularly helpful in
  12. Or words should be used in its place still one of much debate. Name" 2008,Hughes,22" /> name" 2007 Simmonds 92" /> name" 2010 cannon 29" />
  13. Of the target cell to the action of androgenic hormones. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> AIS is broken down into three classes based on phenotype: complete
  14. Different individuals, even among members of the same family. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2001 Gottlieb 17" /> name" 2003 German 61" />
  15. Sperm count through the use of supplementary testosterone. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 1994 Yong 344" /> A genetic male conceived by a man with
  16. 919 codons) spanning eight exons, designated 1-8 or A-H. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 1995 Google 16" /> Introns vary in size between 0.7 and 26
  17. 208" /> and impaired spermatogenesis and / or virilization. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2008 Uccello 68" /> name" 2006 Berlin 65" />
  18. Name" 1995 Simpson" />. Cryptorchidism is common name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2008 Galvani 7" />, and carries with it a 50 % risk of germ
  19. And subsequent aromatization of testosterone into estrogen. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> A few years before Morris published his landmark paper, Lawson Wilkins
  20. A diagnosis of PASS, but it cannot be used to rule out PASS name" 2008,Hughes,22" />. Evidence of abnormal androgen binding in a genital skin fibroblast
  21. And carries with it a 50 % risk of germ cell malignancy name" 2006,Hughes,91" />. If the testes are located intrascrotally, there may still be
  22. Typically maternal and follows an X-linked recessive pattern; name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2001 Gottlieb 17" /> individuals with a 46,XY karyotype
  23. Not great enough to completely prevent genital masculinization name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2008 Galvani 7" /> name" 2008 oak 21" /> name "
  24. In the partial inability of the cell to respond to androgens name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2008 Galvani 7" /> name" 1995 Google 16" />. The
  25. Also called the carboxyl-terminal ligand-binding domain). Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2008 Galvani 7" /> name" 1995 Google 16" /> name
  26. Androgen receptor work together to produce androgenic effects: name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2008 Galvani 7" /> name" 1995 Google 16" /> name
  27. Morris' syndrome, and Goldberg-Maxwell syndrome; name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2004 Hester 16" /> PASS includes Ravenstein syndrome
  28. Bhangoo" />. Grade 3,the most common phenotypic form of PASS name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2006 battier 91" />, features a predominantly male
  29. Name" 1995 Google 16" />, which can be severe name" 2006,Hughes,20" />. Hypomanias may manifest with a partially formed channel from the
  30. 89" /> name" 2002 Lenten 57" /> somatic mosaicism, name " 2006,Hughes,20" /> expression of the 5RD2 gene in genital skin fibroblasts, name "
  31. Name" 1995 Simpson" /> name" 2010 quint 53" /> name" 2008,Hughes,22" /> name" 2002 Kim 15" />
  32. That isolated micropenis was not a manifestation of PASS name" 2006,Hughes,20" />. However, in 2010,two cases of PASS manifesting with isolated
  33. To raise the child as male or female is often not obvious. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2005 Kohler 90" /> name" 2006 battier 91" />
  34. With a Y-chromosome, or more specifically, an DRY gene). Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> Clinical phenotypes in these individuals ranges from a normal male
  35. Caused by molecular defects in the androgen receptor gene. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2005 Gottlieb 10" /> name" 1987 perez-palacios 27 "
  36. True Hermaphroditus. ". Name" 2007 verkauskas 177" /> name" 2006,Hughes,91" /> Usage of the word in the medical literature predates the discovery of
  37. System of nomenclature has been recently suggested, name " 2006,Hughes,91" /> but the subject of exactly which word or words should be used in its
  38. Risk of germ cell malignancy when the testes are descended name" 2006,Hughes,91" />. If the testes are located intrascrotally, there may still be
  39. Across all AR mutations, and is much more extreme in some. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2002 German 87" /> name" 1999 Gottlieb 14" />
  40. External genitalia is partially, but not fully masculinized. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2008 Galvani 7" /> name" 2008 Uccello 68" />
  41. 2007 ismail-pratt 22" /> or undermasculinized genitalia, name " 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 1997 Evans 76" /> name" 2008 oak 21" /> partial or
  42. Credited as" little ceased" ) - guitars *Mark Hughes (credited as" bad news, hughes ,") - bass *Steven Barnett (credited as" dirty mean Steve" ) - drums Jerry
  43. Size and hypomanias to a slightly enlarged clitoris name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2008 Galvani 7" /> name" 1995 Google 16" />. Wolfman
  44. Studies have not yet been published to assess this risk name" 2006,Hughes,91" />. Some men with PASS may experience sexual dysfunction including
  45. Of individuals with PASS as being either male or female name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2005 Kohler 90" />, although the majority of individuals
  46. PASS),and mild androgen insensitivity syndrome (MAIN). Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2008 Galvani 7" /> name" 2008 Uccello 68" />
  47. Including mild clitoromegaly and / or partial labial fusion name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 1995 Google 16" />. Previously, it was erroneously thought
  48. Scrotum, and / or pseudovaginal penoscrotal hypomanias name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> name" 2008 oak 21" /> name" 1997 Evans 76" />. Impotence
  49. With a Y chromosome, or more specifically, an DRY gene) name" 2006,Hughes,20" />. PASS is one of three types of androgen insensitivity syndrome, which
  50. Resistance in CARS or PASS patients with a normal AR gene. Name" 2006,Hughes,20" /> XY karyotype Depending on the mutation, a person with a (46,XY

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