Examples of the the word, surge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( surge ), is the 5812 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Officially established in 1908,only interrupted between 1942 and 1954 with the, surge ,of World War II. Relations are mostly based on commercial trade that has
  2. At sea level, was hit by Hurricane Ivan on 11–12 September 2004. Ivan's storm, surge ,completely over-washed Grand Cayman, and an estimated 95 % of the buildings on
  3. Of pipers trained for military service in the First and Second World War. The, surge ,coincided with a decline in the popularity of many traditional forms of bagpipe
  4. The Scottish Great Highland Bagpipe became well-known worldwide. This, surge ,in popularity was boosted by large numbers of pipers trained for military
  5. Holding (which can vary),so the logistic system has to be able to cope with, surge ,and slack. Artillery has always been equipment intensive and for centuries
  6. July 15. Immediately the club won 12 games in a row, and 19 of 20 overall, to, surge , to the AL East title in what would be referred to as Morgan Magic. But the
  7. Stations. That evening, as Lara neared the all-time batting record, a huge, surge ,of fans crowded to enter the grounds. Lara also holds the record for the
  8. Complicated fingering system. During the 1950s and 1960s,Britain underwent a, surge ,in the popularity of traditional jazz. During this period, a British
  9. Reducing the number of seats of every other party substantially. The NDP, surge ,nearly destroyed the Bloc, reducing them to 4 seats, far below the minimum
  10. Knives, including utility knives, from 16 to 18,in an effort to tackle a, surge ,in knife crimes. Bronze is a metal alloy consisting primarily of copper
  11. Parts division of General Motors. Because of this, AC Del co experienced a sales, surge , In 1986 Yeager was invited to drive the Chevrolet Corvette pace car for the
  12. Bachelor, master and doctorate degrees becoming available in the emphasis. A, surge ,in advertising interest is typically attributed to the strong relationship
  13. To carry it out successfully. He stated:" I am not persuaded that another, surge ,of troops into Baghdad for the purposes of suppressing this communitarian
  14. On a tight schedule with inexperienced animation-staff. The 1970s saw a, surge ,of growth in the popularity of manga – many of them later animated. The work of
  15. A tremendous number of new jobs to the city, and with it another population, surge , This time, the majority of new arrivals were migrants from the "
  16. The first popular martyrs of the Cuban independence movement. The 1830s saw a, surge ,of the reformist movement, whose main leader was José Antonio Sack, standing
  17. Round trip flight cost is $295.58. In the last few years there has been a, surge ,in Canadians flying out of Buffalo, mainly due to much cheaper tax and airline
  18. Regarded as vassals of Ashurbanipal. He built vast libraries and initiated a, surge ,in the building of temples and palaces. After the crushing of the Babylonian
  19. The hinges. Because of the number of accidents taking place, there has been a, surge ,in the number of lawsuits. Thus, organizations may be at risk when car doors or
  20. It was recognized that valve failures occurred most frequently with the current, surge ,when powering up, so the Colossus machines, once turned on, were never powered
  21. Resulting treaty known as the Rio Protocol. The protocol became the focus of a, surge ,of Ecuadorian national pride and concomitant opposition which resulted in an
  22. For his criticism of Spanish despotism and the slave trade. Nevertheless, this, surge , bore no fruit; Cubans remained deprived of the right to send representatives to
  23. Away during the 2006–07 off-season to Pittsburgh. The Braves made a late-season, surge , coming within 2 games of the wild card leading Colorado Rockies in late
  24. Fusion has been described as a" failed information epidemics ". The sudden, surge ,of supporters until roughly 50 % of scientists support the theory, followed by
  25. Increase in spending was even greater, there being a November – December buying, surge ,of 100 percent in bookstores and 170 percent in jewelry stores. In the same
  26. Code" in the same year. Underground comics In the late 1960s and early 1970s a, surge ,of creativity emerged in what became known as underground comics. Published and
  27. The" dinosaur renaissance" The field of dinosaur research has enjoyed a, surge ,in activity that began in the 1970s and is ongoing. This was triggered, in part
  28. Obama against surging US forces in Afghanistan. The president announced the, surge ,the following December. Political views A moderate Republican, Powell is well
  29. Afghan refugees settled in Quetta and the surrounding area) as prior to recent, surge ,of migration various other Afghan refugee called as Afghani Khoisan tribes
  30. Associated Press reported on the growing USAF presence in Iraq as a result of ", surge ," in forces. Also mentioned is the reintroduction of B-1Bs to be a
  31. System. At the time, the population was about 2,400. The Erie Canal brought a, surge ,in population and commerce which led Buffalo to incorporate as a city in 1832
  32. And swept the Eastern Sprints in 2009. Brown Football's reemergence, and its, surge ,in northeast college popularity generally, is credited to its historic 1976 Ivy
  33. By Ahead Khan. Scholar became a classic in the genre, and its success lead to an, surge ,in films in this genre, Ganga I Uganda (1978) once again with Amitabh
  34. The other hand more Westerners and Asians are settling in Dar es Salaam. This, surge ,of foreigners from the West has put more pressure on Dar es Salaam officials to
  35. Of greats there were other factors that drastically increased the power, surge ,after 1994. The factors cited are: smaller sized ballparks than in the past,"
  36. Pottery has been excavated from many sites across the region, and the apparent, surge ,in late 5th century Mediterranean and/or Byzantine imports is yet to be
  37. Metalworking, and music. Bali, a tourist haven for decades, has seen a further, surge ,in tourist numbers in recent years. History Bali was inhabited by about 2000 BC
  38. To free their slaves following the American Revolution, and many did so in a, surge ,of individual manumissions for idealistic reasons. By 1810 three-quarters of
  39. N't support a decision to go to war. " Powell's position on the Iraq War troop, surge ,of 2007 has been less clear. In December 2006,he expressed skepticism that the
  40. And city council are under scrutiny by the European Union. The construction, surge ,is the subject of hot debates among politicians and citizens alike. The latest
  41. 1994,the city has struggled with problems such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis,a, surge ,in violent drug-related crime and more recent xenophobic violence. At the same
  42. From exports of blue water fish, which in recent years experienced a tremendous, surge ,in demand, mainly from Japan and South Korea. Croatia is a notable producer of
  43. In France until the revolution of 1830. Then, in the 1830s,there was a, surge ,of interest, and asphalt became widely used" for pavements, flat roofs, and
  44. Emulation of the Merovingian elite. From ca. the 520s to the 620s,there was a, surge ,of Alemannic Elder Fut hark inscriptions. About 70 specimens have survived
  45. Cause erosion by themselves; however, tidal bores can erode as the waves, surge ,up river estuaries from the ocean. Waves erode coastline as they break on shore
  46. And its new political system a psychological boost. Chileans experienced a, surge ,of national enthusiasm and cohesion behind a regime accepted as legitimate and
  47. Figures, the stern and courageous pope and the dismayed and frightened Attila, surge ,forward from the center into three dimensions. Only they two see the descending
  48. Tournament" rewarding the champions with cash and prizes sparking an immediate, surge ,in online gaming. Some of the first prizes were $500 cash and a lifetime
  49. End of September told the historian Tom Devine in Dublin that if there was no, surge ,of the energy of old, he would have to reappraise the situation within a few
  50. Upgrades between Melbourne and Ballarat has witnessed a significant growth, surge , Ballarat's abundance of affordable land and highly established infrastructure

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