Examples of the the word, mission , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mission ), is the 1171 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Lunar Module. Borman, on the other hand, jumped at the chance: his original, mission ,would have largely been a repeat of the previous flight, albeit in a higher
  2. S flight plan to ensure it would not collide with Apollo 11,though its exact, mission ,was unknown. While moving within the cabin, Aldrin accidentally broke the
  3. In Houston on the second and third floor, only one of which was used during a, mission ,). The conference participants decided that there was little to worry about and
  4. Earth Orbit mission and less than 40 days before launch. With the change in, mission ,for Apollo 8,Director of Flight Crew Operations Duke Slayton decided to swap
  5. You very much. '" Aldrin added, : " This has been far more than three men on a, mission ,to the Moon; more, still,than the efforts of a government and industry team;
  6. Hour of flight. Although all crew members were trained in all aspects of the, mission , it was necessary to specialize. Borman, as commander, was given training on
  7. Orbit mission , but was still referred to in press releases as an Earth Orbit, mission ,at Webb's direction. No public announcement was made about the change in
  8. And their staffs. The support crew members were not trained to fly the, mission , but were able to stand in for astronauts in meetings and be involved in the
  9. To Earth from another celestial body—Earth's Moon. The three-man crew of, mission ,Commander Frank Borman, Command Module Pilot James Lovell, and Lunar Module
  10. To be greater than initially predicted; over the course of the twenty-hour, mission , the orbit was perturbed to buy. The S-IC impacted the Atlantic Ocean at and
  11. To swap the crews of the D and E mission s. Activity, the commander of the D, mission , has said he was never offered the circular flight, but would probably have
  12. E" mission could be dispensed with. The net result was that only the" D ", mission ,had to be delayed. Almost every senior manager at NASA agreed with this new
  13. Rest of his agency in support of the new mission , Webb eventually approved the, mission ,change. The mission was officially changed from a" D" mission to a" C-Prime
  14. The simulators to begin their preparation for the flight. By the time the, mission ,flew, the crew had spent seven hours training for every actual hour of flight.
  15. After learning of the re-designation of the flight to become a lunar orbital, mission , The graphic design of the insignia was done by Houston Artist and animator
  16. Had been rectified, NASA administrators could not justify risking a manned, mission ,until additional unmanned test flights proved that the Saturn V was ready.
  17. Approved the mission change. The mission was officially changed from a" D ", mission ,to a" C-Prime" Lunar Orbit mission , but was still referred to in press
  18. Mission until November 12,three weeks after Apollo 7's successful Earth Orbit, mission ,and less than 40 days before launch. With the change in mission for Apollo 8
  19. It shows a red figure 8 looping around the earth and moon representing the, mission ,number as well as the circular nature of the mission . On the red number 8
  20. The Soviet Union by the end of the 1960s,which he had expressed during a 1961, mission , statement before the United States Congress:" I believe that this nation
  21. Had to be delayed. Almost every senior manager at NASA agreed with this new, mission , citing both confidence in the hardware and personnel, and the potential for a
  22. The broadcast was the most watched TV program ever. Apollo 8's successful, mission ,paved the way for Apollo 11 to fulfill U. S. President John F. Kennedy's goal
  23. LMP position, and Collins was assigned as CMP. Mission control The Earth-based, mission ,control teams for Apollo 8 consisted of astronauts assigned to the support crew
  24. Planet, and then the first to directly see the far side of the Moon. The 1968, mission , the first manned launch of a Saturn V rocket, was also the first manned launch
  25. Webb, the NASA administrator. With the rest of his agency in support of the new, mission , Webb eventually approved the mission change. The mission was officially
  26. Moon representing the mission number as well as the circular nature of the, mission , On the red number 8 are the names of the three astronauts. The initial design
  27. Jr, on Earth's Moon on July 20, 1969,at 20:17:39 UTC. The United States, mission ,is considered the major accomplishment in the history of space exploration.
  28. Was officially changed from a" D" mission to a" C-Prime" Lunar Orbit, mission , but was still referred to in press releases as an Earth Orbit mission at Webb
  29. Suggest the Apollo 11 crew be less flippant in naming their craft. During early, mission ,planning, the names Snow cone and Haystack were used and put in the news release
  30. Venting S-IVB made it hard to distinguish the stars. By seven hours into the, mission , the crew was about one hour and 40 minutes behind flight plan due to the
  31. And 1972. Crew Each crewman of Apollo 11 had made a spaceflight before this, mission , making it only the second all-veteran crew (the other being Apollo 10) in
  32. Astronauts John S. Bull, Vance D. Brand, Gerald P. Carr, and Ken Mat tingly. The, mission ,control teams on Earth rotated in three shifts, each led by a flight director.
  33. In support of the new mission , Webb eventually approved the mission change. The, mission ,was officially changed from a" D" mission to a" C-Prime" Lunar Orbit
  34. The event each year on the Sunday closest to July 20. The schedule for the, mission ,called for the astronauts to follow the landing with a five-hour sleep period
  35. Module test in an elliptical medium Earth orbit in early 1969,the, mission ,profile was changed in August 1968 to a more ambitious Command Module-only
  36. B. Anthony dollar which was unveiled in 1979,ten years after the Apollo 11, mission , 40th anniversary events On July 15, 2009,Life. Com released a photo gallery
  37. As Lovell had previously commanded Gemini XII. Backup crew On a lunar, mission , the Command Module Pilot (CMP) was assigned the role of navigator, while the
  38. 39 in Merritt Island, Florida on July 16,Apollo 11 was the fifth manned, mission , and the third lunar mission , of NASA's Apollo program. The crew consisted of
  39. In the Vatican Museums along with Moon rocks. Apollo 8,the second manned, mission ,in the American Apollo space program, was the first human spaceflight to leave
  40. And animator, Bill Bradley. This also meant that the medium Earth orbit" E ", mission ,could be dispensed with. The net result was that only the" D" mission had to
  41. Speculation that they might be preparing to launch men on a similar circular, mission ,before the end of 1968. The Apollo 8 crew, now living in the crew quarters at
  42. Florida on July 16,Apollo 11 was the fifth manned mission , and the third lunar, mission , of NASA's Apollo program. The crew consisted of Armstrong as Commander and
  43. Prior to the Apollo 11 launch. From July 16–24, 2009 NASA streamed the original, mission ,audio on its website in real time 40 years to the minute after the events
  44. Own descent to the lunar surface. Launched only three days before the Apollo 11, mission , this was the third Soviet attempt to return lunar soil back to Earth. The
  45. Bird of the United States, the bald eagle, which is featured prominently on the, mission ,insignia. Backup commander Jim Lovell recommended the name. Mission highlights
  46. At Webb's direction. No public announcement was made about the change in, mission ,until November 12,three weeks after Apollo 7's successful Earth Orbit mission
  47. Crew, no one with experience on CSM 103 (the specific spacecraft used for the, mission ,) was available, so Aldrin was moved to CMP and Fred Raise brought in as backup
  48. All of its tasks in real time and had to postpone some of them. During the, mission , the cause was diagnosed as the rendezvous radar switch being in the wrong
  49. Able to stand in for astronauts in meetings and be involved in the minutiae of, mission ,planning, while the prime and backup crews trained. They also served as captors
  50. The prime and backup crews trained. They also served as captors during the, mission , For Apollo 8,these crew members included astronauts John S. Bull, Vance D.

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