Examples of the the word, mile , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mile ), is the 1139 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Racing ". This takes place on shale or tarmac tracks – usually around 1/4, mile , in length. The governing bodies for the sport are the Oval Racing Council (ORC
  2. Families residing in the city. The population density was 1,902.1 per square, mile ,(734.4/km²). There were 11,259 housing units at an average density of 868.5
  3. 5.1 % or 137,472. The population density of the state is 51.3 people per square, mile , According to the 2010 U. S. Census, Arkansas had a population of 2,915,918. In
  4. Square meter 10,000 square centimeters 1,000,000 square millimeters * 1 square, mile ,3,097,600 square yards 27,878,400 square feet In addition, Other units There
  5. Seven hundred pounds (320 kg). And was in all. It contained approximately 1, mile , ( 1.6 km) of wire,280 dual-triode vacuum tubes,31 gyrations, and was about
  6. The New York City Fifth Avenue" Cube" store had a line as long as half a, mile ,; a few Mac fans took the opportunity of the setting to propose marriage. The
  7. One of the most sparsely populated areas in the world, at 1.0 person per square, mile ,(0.42/km²),with the next state, Wyoming,at 5.1 per square mile (1.97/km²)
  8. There were 3,591 housing units at an average density of 805.1 per square, mile ,(310.9/km²). The racial makeup of the city was 61.05 % White,33.22 % Black
  9. A reservoir pond, surrounded by trees, served as a recreational area one, mile ,north of the base. Other recreational facilities included a gymnasium, movie
  10. And elapsed time differ from class to class. Average street cars cover the ¼, mile ,in 12 to 16 seconds, whereas a top fuel dragster takes 4.5 seconds or less
  11. From its ability to outdistance other breeds of horses in races of a quarter, mile ,or less; some individuals have been clocked at speeds up to 55 mph (88.5 km/h
  12. The 40 acre parcel to the back of the farm. Most of the US Midwest is on square, mile ,grids for surveying purposes. One acre comprises 4,840 square yards,43,560
  13. Of land called the township (36 square mile s),the section (one square, mile ,), and the quarter section (160 acres). This system was carried forward to
  14. Around the equator or a meridian) equals about),approximately one nautical, mile ,(approximately, because the Earth is slightly oblate); a second of angle is
  15. As a cart with a gear mechanism that dropped a ball into a container after each, mile ,traveled. Cicero (106–43 BC) mentions Archimedes briefly in his dialogue De
  16. Families residing in the city. The population density was 2,050.2 per square, mile ,(791.6/km²). There were 3,591 housing units at an average density of 805.1
  17. A bit less than Alaska). The population density was 2,610.4 people per square, mile ,(1,007.9/km²). There were 276,842 housing units at an average density of
  18. Temple of Set The temple of Set I was built on entirely new ground half a, mile ,to the south of the long series of temples just described. This surviving
  19. Is related to the square mile , with 640 acres making up one square mile . One, mile ,is 5280 feet (1760 yards). Divisions of land area were typically based on the
  20. Into quarters, with each side being 1/4 mile long, and being 1/16th of a square, mile ,in area, or 40 acres. In the United States, farmland was typically divided as
  21. Were typically based on the square mile , and fractions thereof. If the square, mile ,is divided into quarters, each quarter has a side length of 1/2 mile (880
  22. And the well depths, a hundred and fifty. The Echo River, three-quarters of a, mile ,long and two hundred feet at most, wide,slides under a dome of fifteen high.
  23. With U. S. Route 30 and U. S. Route 101 as the main highways, and the 4.2, mile , Astoria – Member Bridge connecting to neighboring Washington across the river.
  24. Flyer driven by George Schuster was declared the winner of the epic 22,000, mile , race in 169 days. The first purpose built racing circuits The Milwaukee Mile is
  25. The way to the Moon and back. The figure was based on an estimated at $1.00 per, mile , plus $4.00 for the first mile . An extra $536.05 was included for battery
  26. With a round ball, the distance between the goals was approximately half a, mile ,(approximately four times longer than the modern Melbourne Cricket Ground
  27. The Earth, so the kilometer is the decimal analog to the sexagesimal nautical, mile , The grad is used mostly in triangulation. *The diameter part (occasionally
  28. In a parallel lane. This distance is traditionally ¼ mile (400 m),though ⅛, mile ,(200 m) has become popular since the 1990s. The vehicles may or may not be
  29. There were 276,842 housing units at an average density of 1,100.7 per square, mile ,(425.0/km²). There were 265,648 households out of which 26.8 % had children
  30. On the European side marking the shortest point in the Dardanelles, scarcely a, mile ,broad. The strategic site has been a prohibited zone in the twentieth century.
  31. The square mile is divided into quarters, each quarter has a side length of 1/2, mile , ( 880 yards) and is 1/4 square mile in area, or 160 acres. These subunits
  32. Residing in the city. The population density was 2,352.3 people per square, mile ,(908.1/km²). There were 18,757 housing units at an average density of 869.7
  33. Each quarter has a side length of 1/2 mile (880 yards) and is 1/4 square, mile ,in area, or 160 acres. These subunits would typically then again be divided
  34. Residing in the city. The population density was 1,597.6 people per square, mile ,(617.1 per km²). There were 4,858 housing units at an average density of
  35. Feet (1760 yards). Divisions of land area were typically based on the square, mile , and fractions thereof. If the square mile is divided into quarters, each
  36. Would typically then again be divided into quarters, with each side being 1/4, mile , long,and being 1/16th of a square mile in area, or 40 acres. In the United
  37. Figure was based on an estimated at $1.00 per mile , plus $4.00 for the first, mile , An extra $536.05 was included for battery charging, oxygen,and an "
  38. The acre is related to the square mile , with 640 acres making up one square, mile , One mile is 5280 feet (1760 yards). Divisions of land area were typically
  39. And well worth seeing are the two remaining city gates, the Monitor, one half, mile ,northwest of the cathedral, and the Kleinmarschiertor, close to the central
  40. Km²). There were 4,858 housing units at an average density of 790.9 per square, mile ,(305.5 per km²). The racial makeup of the city was: 5.98 % of the population
  41. There were 18,757 housing units at an average density of 869.7 per square, mile ,(335.7/km²). The racial makeup of the city was 87.34 % White,7.70 % Asian
  42. Per square mile (0.42/km²),with the next state, Wyoming,at 5.1 per square, mile ,(1.97/km²). Alaska is the largest U. S. state by area, and the sixth
  43. By a furlong (chain 22 yards, furlong 220 yards) * 1/640 (0.0015625) square, mile ,(1 square mile is equal to 640 acres) Historical origin The word" acre" is
  44. Use of the acre is to measure tracts of land. The acre is related to the square, mile , with 640 acres making up one square mile . One mile is 5280 feet (1760 yards)
  45. 22 yards, furlong 220 yards) * 1/640 (0.0015625) square mile (1 square, mile ,is equal to 640 acres) Historical origin The word" acre" is derived from Old
  46. Is also sometimes used,e.g. 3° 5.72′ 3 + 5.72/60 degrees. A nautical, mile ,was historically defined as a minute of arc along a great circle of the Earth.
  47. In a crash here. In 1916,Chevrolet won the first Universal Films Trophy at the, mile ,and an eighth http://www.uniontownspeedway.com Uniontown Speedway board track,
  48. Tombs The Royal necropolis of the earliest dynasties were placed about a, mile ,into the great desert plain, in a place now known as Umm Elena'ab, The Mother
  49. The plight Of being king and government and nation. A road,a, mile ,of kingdom, I am king Of banks and stones and every blooming thing. * In
  50. Start, ahead of a vehicle in a parallel lane. This distance is traditionally ¼, mile ,(400 m),though ⅛ mile (200 m) has become popular since the 1990s. The

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