Examples of the the word, trial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( trial ), is the 1152 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Appellate division. Depending on the system, certain courts may serve as both, trial ,courts and appellate courts, hearing appeals of decisions made by courts with
  2. British English),is any court of law that is empowered to hear an appeal of a, trial ,court or other lower tribunal. In most jurisdictions, the court system is
  3. Record of the evidence presented to the trial court and all the pre- trial and, trial ,court proceedings are reviewed—unless the appeal is by way of re-hearing, new
  4. On the case, unless the appeal court has directed further proceedings in the, trial ,court. The mandate is distinguished from the appeal court's opinion, which
  5. Most jurisdictions, the court system is divided into at least three levels: the, trial ,court, which initially hears cases and reviews evidence and testimony to
  6. Summary judgment which is usually based only upon written submissions to the, trial ,court and not on any trial testimony. Another situation is where appeal is by
  7. Challenges the grounds of the conviction based on an error that occurred at, trial ,or some other stage in the adjudicative process. Preservation Issues An
  8. That its presence or absence would have made a material difference in the, trial , Another issue suitable for appeal in criminal cases is effective assistance of
  9. That do not provide all the procedural attributes of a formal judicial, trial , If unchallenged, these decisions have the power to settle more minor legal
  10. Clients was the Illinois Central Railroad. Lincoln's the most notable criminal, trial ,occurred in 1858 when he defended William" Duff" Armstrong, who was on trial
  11. To hearing appeals based on matters that were originally brought up before the, trial ,court. Hence, such an appellate court will not consider an appellant's
  12. His case and that there are a reasonable probability that the result of the, trial ,would have been different had the lawyer given competent representation, he is
  13. This mean that the defendant had to object to the error when it occurred in the, trial , Because constitutional claims are of great magnitude, appellate courts might
  14. Court, only consideration of the record of the evidence presented to the, trial ,court and all the pre- trial and trial court proceedings are reviewed—unless the
  15. Could be released from incarceration, the sentence could be modified, or a new, trial ,could be ordered. Habeas Corpus See Habeas corpus in the United States Notice
  16. Or otherwise invalid, or may convince the higher court to order a new, trial ,on the basis that evidence earlier sought was concealed or only recently
  17. The judgment will also allow appeal of all other orders or rulings made by the, trial ,court in the course of the case. This is because such orders cannot be appealed
  18. Trial occurred in 1858 when he defended William" Duff" Armstrong, who was on, trial ,for the murder of James Preston Metzger. The case is famous for Lincoln's use
  19. Had the lawyer given competent representation, he is entitled to a new, trial , In the United States, a lawyer traditionally starts an oral argument to any
  20. Jurisdictional, or other fundamental violations that occurred at, trial , " Graham v. Bergen,483 F 3d. 475 (7th Cir. 2007) (no. 04-4103) (slip op.
  21. And the peremptory pleas (or pleas in bar) setting out reasons why a, trial ,cannot proceed. Pleas of" solo contender" ( no contest) and the" Alford
  22. The conviction represents an acquittal of the more serious offenses. " A, trial ,on the same charges in the circuit court does not violate double jeopardy
  23. The state or prosecution may appeal an issue of law by leave from the, trial ,court and/or the appellate court. The ability of the prosecution to appeal a
  24. By the Sioux uprising in Minnesota in 1862--where Lincoln approved the military, trial ,and execution of Indians who had attacked settlers. Lincoln paid less attention
  25. As Orestes has become Apollo's supplicant. Apollo advocates Orestes at the, trial , and ultimately Athena rules with Apollo. Other stories Apollo killed the
  26. Superior courts and the district courts. The superior and district courts are, trial ,courts. Superior courts are courts of general jurisdiction, while district
  27. In some jurisdictions, the state or prosecution may appeal as of right from a, trial ,court's dismissal of an indictment in whole or in part or from a trial court
  28. Preservation Issues An appellant's claim (s) must usually be preserved at, trial , This mean that the defendant had to object to the error when it occurred in
  29. Violation clearly exists and clearly deprived the defendant of a fair, trial ,; 4. If subject to harmless error analysis, the state has failed to demonstrate
  30. By way of re-hearing. Certain jurisdictions permit certain appeals to cause the, trial ,to be heard afresh in the appellate court. An example would be an appeal from a
  31. That justifies upsetting the verdict. Therefore, only a small proportion of, trial ,court decisions result in appeals. Some appellate courts, particularly supreme
  32. Notice of a decision by a court of appeal; this notice is transmitted to the, trial ,court and, when filed by the clerk of the trial court, constitutes the final
  33. In the one charged constitutes an acquittal of the greater offense, permitting, trial , de Nova in the circuit court only for the lesser-included offense. " In an
  34. With that of Apollo, and to challenge Apollo, the god of the Ithaca, to a, trial ,of skill. Tools, the mountain-god, was chosen to umpire. Pan blew on his pipes
  35. Thus helping to curb frivolous appeals. In some cases, an application for, trial ,de Nova effectively erases the prior trial as if it had never taken place. The
  36. As of right. This means that a party who is unsatisfied with the outcome of a, trial ,may bring an appeal to contest that outcome. However, appeals may be costly
  37. And Northern Ireland, arraignment is the first of eleven stages in a criminal, trial , and involves the clerk of the court reading out the indictment. The defendant
  38. The United States legal system generally recognizes two types of appeals: a, trial ,de Nova or an appeal on the record. A trial de Nova is usually available for
  39. A cross-appeal is an appeal brought by the respondent. For example, suppose at, trial ,the judge found for the plaintiff and ordered the defendant to pay $50,000. If
  40. Recognizes two types of appeals: a trial de Nova or an appeal on the record. A, trial ,de Nova is usually available for review of informal proceedings conducted by
  41. Notice is transmitted to the trial court and, when filed by the clerk of the, trial ,court, constitutes the final judgment on the case, unless the appeal court has
  42. The Athenians to sin twice against philosophy," a reference to Athens's prior, trial ,and execution of Socrates. He died in Europa of natural causes within the year
  43. Speaking the appellate court examines the record of evidence presented in the, trial ,court and the law that the lower court applied and decides whether that
  44. Usually based only upon written submissions to the trial court and not on any, trial ,testimony. Another situation is where appeal is by way of re-hearing. Certain
  45. Appeal allowed is equivalent to the U. S. term reversed. Generally, there is no, trial ,in an appellate court, only consideration of the record of the evidence
  46. With the finding of such a tribunal, one generally has the power to request a, trial ,de Nova by a court of record. In such a proceeding, all issues and evidence may
  47. From a trial court's dismissal of an indictment in whole or in part or from a, trial ,court's granting of a defendant's suppression motion. Likewise, in some
  48. Exercised unprecedented war powers, including the arrest and detention without, trial ,of thousands of suspected secessionists. He prevented British recognition of
  49. In some cases, an application for trial de Nova effectively erases the prior, trial ,as if it had never taken place. The Supreme Court of Virginia has stated that
  50. Of the inferior tribunal as completely as if there had been no previous, trial , "' The only exception to this is that if a defendant appeals a conviction for

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