Examples of the the word, hundred , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hundred ), is the 1148 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Unwise enough to let Poirot discover this. Poirot even sent Miss Barnaby two, hundred , pounds as a final payoff before her dog kidnapping campaign came to an end. In
  2. 3 runs after Victor Trumpet had scored 104 on a" bad wicket ", reaching his, hundred , before lunch on the first day. England won the last Test at The Oval by one
  3. Not thrive) in seawater, but there are no true marine amphibians. Several, hundred , frog species in adaptive radiations (e.g., Eleutherodactylus, the Pacific
  4. And captured Hamilton. In March 1782,Pennsylvania militiamen killed about a, hundred , neutral Native Americans in the Gnadenhütten massacre. In the last major
  5. Planted as early as the 17th century, alchemy still flourished for some two, hundred , years,and in fact may have reached its apogee in the 18th century. As late as
  6. Centuries, of the religious life in the Church of England. " For the next one, hundred , years,religious orders for both men and women proliferated throughout the
  7. Of his empire, Anatolia was ruled by a series of Hellenistic kingdoms. Two, hundred , years later western and central Anatolia came under Roman control, but it
  8. The descendants of the Xiongnu who had been northern neighbors of China three, hundred , years before and may be the first expansion of Turkic people across Eurasia.
  9. Of Christianity, or a defender of original Christianity. Of the roughly three, hundred , bishops in attendance at the Council of Nice, only three bishops did not sign
  10. A total length of one hundred and fifty miles. The runner wider measures two, hundred , feet long, the most impressive cave a hundred high and the well depths, a
  11. For other uses of particle accelerators. According to CERN, it has cost a few, hundred , million Swiss Francs to produce about 1 billionth of a gram (the amount used
  12. Shipwreck" of their faith (1 Tim 1:19),Wesley claims that" not one, or a, hundred , only,but I am persuaded, several thousands ... innumerable are the instances
  13. And Canfield) in 2009,with postgraduate courses commencing in 2010. The two, hundred , year-old Royal Institution of Great Britain is also establishing an Australian
  14. Vector game, Lunar Lander, but demand for Asteroids was so high" that several, hundred , Asteroids games were shipped in Lunar Lander cabinets. " Asteroids was so
  15. A couple of landings on islands and the sea along the way, and taxied several, hundred , miles ). *Later in 1919,a British airplane piloted by Alcock and Brown made
  16. Dealt specifically with sexually explicit subject. However, most of the, hundred , copies printed for the initial release were later seized and destroyed by
  17. Took the more famous color photo, later picked by Life magazine as one of its, hundred , photos of the century. Then, after talking about what they were flying over
  18. Taylor's Scientific Memoirs under the initialism" AAL ". In 1953,over one, hundred , years after her death, Lady Lovelace's notes on Babbage's Analytical Engine
  19. Karabakh, sent troops to the region, and forcibly occupied Baku, killing over a, hundred , civilians. In April 1991,Azerbaijani militia and Soviet forces targeted
  20. To add up to the desired number; so to write the number eighty or eight, hundred , the symbol for ten or one hundred was written eight times respectively.
  21. 1575 as" São Paulo de Loanda ", with a hundred families of settlers and four, hundred , soldiers. Benguela, a Portuguese fort from 1587 which became a town in 1617
  22. Was able to concentrate americium from smoke detectors after managing to buy a, hundred , of them at remainder prices and also stealing a few. There have been cases of
  23. Represent a relatively comfortable class of dwelling as, even as recently as a, hundred , years ago, some people still used" Beehive" style houses (small circular
  24. Underground galleries, arranged over five floors, with a total length of one, hundred , and fifty miles. The runner wider measures two hundred feet long, the most
  25. Southampton, Virginia,leading to the deaths of more than 50 whites and several, hundred , African Americans who are killed in retaliation for the uprising. *1849 – The
  26. Overseas Province of Angola. Portugal had a presence in Angola for nearly five, hundred , years,and the population's initial reaction to calls for independence was
  27. Enormously in number of species. The family Tracheae alone accounts for about a, hundred , genera,totaling over two thousand species. The rest of the families together
  28. Philosophy could be equated with Aristotelianism. Legacy More than twenty-three, hundred , years after his death, Aristotle remains one of the most influential people who
  29. In contention until the deciding final Test at The Oval, but yet another double, hundred , by Brahman, and 7/92 by Percy Hornbook in England's second innings, enabled
  30. Objects temporarily become quasi-satellites for a few decades or a few, hundred , years,before returning to their earlier status. Both Earth and Venus are known
  31. That, throughout the twenty-three years of his reign, he never went within five, hundred , miles of a legion ". His reign was the most peaceful in the entire history of
  32. Karabakh, sent troops to the region, and forcibly occupied Baku, killing over a, hundred , civilians. In April 1991,Azerbaijani militia and Soviet forces targeted
  33. Paulo Dias de Novais founded Luanda in 1575 as" São Paulo de Loanda ", with a, hundred , families of settlers and four hundred soldiers. Benguela, a Portuguese fort
  34. Two thousand species. The rest of the families together contain only about five, hundred , species. Conquest (1981) placed the Alismatales in subclass Alismatidae
  35. He had been doing since the age of ten, and in 1898 he privately published one, hundred , copies of one of his poems, Aceldama, but it was not a particular success.
  36. Building contains three halls, Grote Zeal, Kleine Zeal, and Spiegelman. Eight, hundred , concerts per year are performed there for approximately 850,000 patrons. The
  37. Investors buy thousands of hectares of farmland or raw land at prices of a few, hundred , US$ per hectare. To promote exports of agricultural products, many government
  38. Immediately, the epidemic could kill off half the town's population of two, hundred , thousand within a couple of months. During the epidemic, Rieux heads an
  39. Accounts of community life in the ancient world that spans almost four, hundred , years. There is no comparable site in which the organization, social
  40. A hundred and fifty. The Echo River, three-quarters of a mile long and two, hundred , feet at most, wide,slides under a dome of fifteen high. Owes its name to the
  41. For Bhaktivedanta Swami at the San Francisco Airport, where fifty to a, hundred , hippies greeted the Swami chanting Hare Krishna in the airport lounge with
  42. Nation of the Huns, which was in Thrace, became so great that more than a, hundred , cities were captured and Constantinople almost came into danger and most men
  43. Across North America. They settled first in the Ancient Pueblo areas for a few, hundred , years,then migrated to their current location. Migration from the homeland It
  44. So to write the number eighty or eight hundred , the symbol for ten or one, hundred , was written eight times respectively. Because their methods of calculation
  45. Feet long, the most impressive cave a hundred high and the well depths,a, hundred , and fifty. The Echo River, three-quarters of a mile long and two hundred feet
  46. In detail. Turing's bombe was first installed on 18 March 1940. More than two, hundred , bombes were in operation by the end of the war. Hut 8 and Naval Enigma Turing
  47. They slumped to 48–5 before Jessop's 104 gave them a chance. He reached his, hundred , in just 75 minutes. The last wicket pair of George First and Rhodes were left
  48. Of these were found at the sanctuaries of Apollo with more than one, hundred , from the sanctuary of Apollo Photos, Boeotia alone. The last stage in the
  49. Ruled by a series of Hellenistic kingdoms which came under Roman control two, hundred , years later. The Kingdom of Pontus was independent of the 3rd century BC
  50. The runner wider measures two hundred feet long, the most impressive cave a, hundred , high and the well depths, a hundred and fifty. The Echo River, three-quarters

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