Examples of the the word, architectural , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Considerably. There are at least 15 churches on the island, several of, architectural ,interest. Although a minority on the island, it is an important location to
  2. The Ghazvanid, Ghurid, and Timurid eras, Afghanistan produced many fine Islamic, architectural ,monuments as well as numerous scientific and literary works. Ba bur, a
  3. Discussion of interference, echoes,and reverberation—the beginnings of, architectural ,acoustics. The physical understanding of acoustical processes advanced rapidly
  4. Shaped windows and doors. The old city center is the focal point of all the, architectural ,styles before the end of the 19th century. Jugendstil and Art Deco are mostly
  5. Landscape and gardens created by Scott as of outstanding aesthetic, scenic and, architectural ,importance, and,as the creation of Scott, of international significance. Scott
  6. Then in place. The first such application was Sabine’s groundbreaking work in, architectural ,acoustics, and many others followed. Underwater acoustics was used for
  7. Art deco building with a beautiful lobby and six screens. Theater One is an, architectural ,treasure with comfortable seats, two balconies and recently restored ceilings.
  8. Of Ankara still furnish today valuable bas-reliefs, inscriptions and other, architectural ,fragments. Augustus decided to make Ankara one of three main administrative
  9. Seen the rise of specializations within the profession. Many architects and, architectural ,firms focus on certain project types (for example, health care, retail,public
  10. When they began their work, resulting in the need to re-invent many of the, architectural ,innovations Babbage had proposed. Howard Aiken, who built the quickly-obsoleted
  11. American Institute of Architects, titles and job descriptions within American, architectural ,offices might be as follows: *Senior Principal / Partner: Typically an owner or
  12. Itself to the churches and other buildings erected by them. The defining, architectural ,characteristic of the Cistercian abbeys was the most extreme simplicity and a
  13. Of the profession as a whole, serving as a focal point for advances in, architectural ,technology and theory. Professional title distinctions According to the
  14. Orders, with new and more stringent rules, requiring a modification of the, architectural ,arrangements. One of the earliest of these reformed orders was the Clinic.
  15. While much of the construction in these sites conforms to common Pueblo, architectural ,forms, including Rivas, towers,and pit-houses, the space constrictions of
  16. Stands. Completed in 1953,it is an impressive fusion of ancient and modern, architectural ,styles. An adjacent museum houses a wax statue of Ataturk, his writings
  17. Reserve, Ordubad National Reserve and the Palace of Shake Khans. Among other, architectural ,treasures are Quadrangular Castle in Mandarin, Parigala in Bukhara Chardaglar
  18. Graduating in 1921. In 1923, he returned to Jyväskylä, where he opened his first, architectural ,office. Jyväskylä would become a notable city for his architecture, with more
  19. Assassination plan subsequently met with some skepticism, with Speer's, architectural ,rival Hermann Kaiser sneering," the second most powerful man in the state did
  20. Noumea style became popular, and many new buildings were constructed in this, architectural ,style. Since Amsterdam expanded rapidly during this period, new buildings
  21. Life. He would later remember: Soon after Hitler had given me the first large, architectural ,commissions, I began to suffer from anxiety in long tunnels, in airplanes, or
  22. JPG|Casey Battle Parabolic Arches Park Güell (, ) is a garden complex with, architectural ,elements situated on the hill of El Carmel in the Gracie district of Barcelona
  23. In the national educational canon for culture as an example of important, architectural ,work. There are many museums scattered around the city with Arms being the
  24. Are impressive. Four basilicas adorned with rich mosaic floors and elaborate, architectural ,sculptures (such as the ram-headed column capitals - see picture) have been
  25. Prize, sometimes termed the" Nobel Prize for architecture. " Other prestigious, architectural ,awards are the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, the Richard H. Drainage Prize
  26. Of his father and grandfather and studied architecture. Speer began his, architectural ,studies at the University of Karlsruhe instead of a more highly acclaimed
  27. With brick ones. During this period, many buildings were constructed in the, architectural ,style of the Renaissance. Buildings of this period are very recognizable with
  28. He recognized that it would lead to the postponement, at the least, of his, architectural ,dreams. Speer placed his department at the disposal of the Wehrmacht. When
  29. The same period is known as the Wilmer. Architecture Amsterdam has a rich, architectural ,history. The oldest building in Amsterdam is the Rude Kirk (Old Church),at
  30. Order of architectural style originating from Ancient Greece was the dominant, architectural ,style in the age of Augustus and the imperial phase of Rome. Suetonius once
  31. That Rome's aqueducts did not fall into disrepair. The Corinthian order of, architectural ,style originating from Ancient Greece was the dominant architectural style in
  32. Is now to be found in the Capitoline Museums. Asgard was not renowned for his, architectural ,abilities. Although he was in charge of the project for the papal villa, the
  33. To call on Hitler in the morning for a walk or chat, to provide consultation on, architectural ,matters, and to discuss Hitler's ideas. Most days he was invited to dinner.
  34. 2011,Steve Jobs gave a presentation to Cupertino City Council, detailing the, architectural ,design of the new building and its environs. The new campus is planned to house
  35. Him on a political and governmental career which lasted fourteen years. His, architectural ,skills made him increasingly prominent within the Party, and he became a member
  36. Distinctive residences were built in Baku and elsewhere. Among the most recent, architectural ,monuments, the Baku subways are noted for their lavish decor. Cinematography
  37. US who have made contributions to the profession through design excellence or, architectural ,education, or have in some other way advanced the profession, are elected
  38. And Appear Hall. Beginning in the 1930s,the International style and other, architectural ,movements such as Bauhaus and Art Deco began to exert an influence on almost
  39. To the interface and introduced new networking capabilities. It remained the, architectural ,basis for macOS until 2001. The success of the Powerboat and other products
  40. Were intended to last forever were constructed of stone instead of bricks. The, architectural ,elements used in the world's first large-scale stone building,Djoser's
  41. Typically command higher percentages, as high as 15-20 %. Overall billings for, architectural ,firms range widely, depending on location and economic climate. Billings have
  42. From the Analytical Engine and lacked the Analytical Engine's most prescient, architectural ,feature, conditional branching. J. Prosper Expert and John W. Muchly similarly
  43. That he had been looking for a young architect capable of carrying out his, architectural ,dreams for the new Germany. Speer quickly became part of Hitler's inner circle
  44. UK who have made contributions to the profession through design excellence or, architectural ,education, or have in some other way advanced the profession, are elected
  45. Can be found in travel notes of Eastern travelers. Animal carvings on, architectural ,monuments, ancient rocks and stones survived up to the present times. The first
  46. Immense complexes known as" Great Houses" embodied worship at Chico. As, architectural ,forms evolved and centuries passed, the houses kept several core traits. Most
  47. Ancient Athens. Neoclassicism, the international style of this epoch, was the, architectural ,style through which Bavarian, French and Greek architects such as Hansen
  48. Armaments miracle. Architectural legacy Little remains of Speer's personal, architectural ,works, other than the plans and photographs. No buildings designed by Speer in
  49. Prevailed between the 12th century and the 16th century in Europe. Mainly an, architectural ,movement, Gothic was characterized by its detailed ornamentation most
  50. Architecture typically combines elements of East and West. Many ancient, architectural ,treasures such as the Maiden Tower and Palace of the Shirvanshahs in the Walled

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