Examples of the the word, sail , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sail ), is the 4996 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Although his is the only known evidence for this. Eden gave Teach permission to, sail ,to St Thomas to seek a commission as a privateer (a useful way of removing
  2. April 1798,he was ordered to collect the squadron stationed at Gibraltar and, sail ,for the Ligurian Sea. On 21 May, as Nelson's squadron approached Toulon, it
  3. 11:00 on 30 May, Jellicoe was warned that the German fleet seemed prepared to, sail ,the following morning. By 17:00,the Admiralty had intercepted the signal from
  4. German U-boats. *In 1952,Ann Davison was the first woman to single-handedly, sail ,the Atlantic Ocean. * In 1969 and 1970 Thor Heyerdahl launched expeditions to
  5. On the grounds that there were not enough men aboard the French ships to both, sail ,the ships and man the guns. Nelson then gave orders for his leading ships to
  6. Inlet to collect the Revenge and the remainder of his crew, intending to, sail ,to Saint Thomas Island where he would receive his commission. Unfortunately for
  7. Achilles rejected all Agamemnon offered him, and simply urged the Greeks to, sail ,home as he was planning to do. The Trojans, led by Hector, subsequently pushed
  8. Was the first man to cross the Atlantic Ocean rowing. *In 1984,Five Argentines, sail ,in a 10 meters long raft made from tree trunks named Atlantis from Canary
  9. Kite" or" skate" over the bottom due to the large fluke area acting as a, sail ,or wing. Once set, the anchor tends to break out and reset when the direction
  10. Anxious to secure his bride, Henry assembled approximately 2,000 men and set, sail ,from France on 1 August. Commanders By the 15th century, English chivalric
  11. Who gives Odysseus a tightly closed bag full of the captured winds, so he could, sail ,easily home to Ithaca on the gentle West Wind. All three men named Aeolus
  12. Lands that Altars Cabral had explored, suggesting that the intention is to, sail ,west to Asia, as on the 1499-1500 voyage. On reaching the
  13. Been called" arguably, the most decisive naval engagement of the great age of, sail ,", and " the most splendid and glorious success which the British Navy gained.
  14. With Alonso de Ojeda (or Hoped) as the fleet commander. The intention was to, sail ,around the southern end of the African mainland into the Indian Ocean. After
  15. Degrees around. If executed correctly, the aggressive boxer will lunge in and, sail ,harmlessly past his opponent like a bull missing a matador. This is rarely seen
  16. In Sweden is Södertälje. Scholar 121 of IV 20 tells also::" For those who, sail ,from Skåne (Scotia) of the Danes to Burka, the journey takes five days, from
  17. By Cricketer, the English Bishop of Salsa. *1492 – Christopher Columbus sets, sail ,from Palms de la Frontera, Spain. *1527 – The first known letter from North
  18. To one deck due to weight considerations. Although made of wood and reliant on, sail ,for most journeys, La Loire was fitted with a propeller, and her wooden hull
  19. Officers who were to administer the colony. The First Fleet, of 11 ships, set, sail , on 13 May 1787. Captain Arthur Phillip collected a number of Cochineal-infested
  20. By its crew),and three other captured ships were too battered to ever, sail ,again. Of the remaining prizes, only three were ever sufficiently repaired for
  21. By humans and gods. Trojan War Agamemnon gathered the reluctant Greek forces to, sail ,for Troy. Preparing to depart from Rules, which was a port in Boeotia
  22. Boat ancestors, have been structurally modified to promote greater speed under, sail , The island's waters and striking underwater sites are occasionally visited by
  23. Proceed only a little past Bahia before returning to Lisbon in 1504. He did not, sail ,again, and as there seemed no more work for him in Portugal he returned to
  24. She also sponsored the Cosmos 1 spacecraft, which intended to demonstrate solar, sail ,propulsion technology as a means of interstellar space travel. Unfortunately
  25. 900 Portuguese,200 Hindu mercenaries and about eighteen ships. He then set, sail ,from Goa to Malacca, against the orders of the kingdom and under the protest of
  26. In Shi prow, tells the story of Aberdeen's links with the sea from the days of, sail ,and clipper ships to the latest oil and gas exploration technology. It includes
  27. To be the finest fur in the world, small associations of fur traders began to, sail ,from the shores of Siberia towards the Aleutian islands. The first permanent
  28. Rostock that they had destroyed several other vessels and that they intended to, sail ,to Hispaniola and lie in wait for an expected Spanish armada, supposedly laden
  29. Pacific Coast, and before the Panama Canal was opened, ships from Europe had to, sail ,around Cape Horn in order to get to the Pacific Coast. This was overcome in
  30. Orders with the suggestion that if About Bay was too dangerous Areas could, sail ,north to Corfu, leaving only the transports and a handful of lighter warships
  31. Technologies would take several millennia, though the possibility of space, sail , or Nuclear Pulse Fusion technology may cut this down to a matter of decades.
  32. Of a Roman sail ing ship 400 feet (120 m) away. In all the experiments,the, sail ,failed to reach the 210 °C (410 °F) required to catch fire, and the verdict
  33. To the south-eastern end of the Niagara River, to become the first ship to, sail ,the upper Great Lakes of North America. *1714 – The Battle of Gang: the first
  34. Are set adrift and the rebel crew returns to Tahiti briefly and then sets, sail ,for Pitcairn Island. *1792 – France invades the Austrian Netherlands (present
  35. Of a penal settlement, and in 1787 the first shipment of convicts set, sail , arriving in 1788. Britain continued to transport convicts to New South Wales
  36. Or six days about nine vessels were stopped and ransacked as they attempted to, sail ,past Charleston Bar, where Teach's fleet was anchored. One such ship, headed
  37. Persians because, under the cover of night,some Persian fleet had set, sail ,for Athens. Despite the numerical advantage of the Persians, the hollies
  38. Waggon. Maritime transportation was via manual labor such as canoe or wind on, sail , Water or land travel speeds was approximately. Settlement was along river
  39. Within it. During the initial North Sea patrol the ships were instructed to, sail ,only north-south so that any enemy who chanced to encounter one would believe
  40. Civilizational orders. In 1500,Vicente Lane Pinion was the first European to, sail ,into the river. Pinion called the river flow Rio Santa María del Mar Dunce
  41. Pocahontas marries English colonist John Role. *1621 – The Mayflower sets, sail ,from Plymouth, Massachusetts on a return trip to Great Britain. *1722 – The
  42. The indigenous West Indians made excellent sea-going vessels which they used to, sail ,the Atlantic and the Caribbean. As a result, Caribs and Arawaks were able to
  43. Planning to wait for the following day, Brueys rescinded his earlier order to, sail , Areas may have been hoping that the delay would allow him to slip past the
  44. Da Monotone, who was besieging Joan's troops in L'Aquila, but had to set, sail ,for Spain, where a war had broken out between his brothers and the Kingdom of
  45. Another popular activity is deep sea fishing. The major attraction is, sail ,fishing. Fish caught here have weighed between 89 and 200 pounds. Sailfish are
  46. Before starting to return east at the end of October. On 5 December 1912 he set, sail ,back to Europe. During his talks he proclaimed Bahá'í principles such as the
  47. He found no support for his proposed mountaineering expedition, and so set, sail ,to return to Britain, arriving there in June 1906. The AWAY and the Holy Books
  48. The Bruce campaign in Ireland. *1519 – Ferdinand Magellan's five ships set, sail ,from Seville to circumnavigate the globe. The Basque second in command
  49. For ships. The priest begs God to bless the vessel and protect those who, sail ,in. The ship is usually sprinkled with holy water. A formal defection of this
  50. Forced astern, usually using the auxiliary motor but possibly by backing a, sail , A hand on the anchor line may telegraph a series of jerks and jolts

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