Examples of the the word, mb , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mb ), is the 4535 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Play record),CD (Compact Disc) *Doctor - doc, bm (Bachelor of Medicine),MB, ( Medicine Baccalaureate),MD (Medicine Doctor),mo (medical officer),GP
  2. Of f, in initial position. Ex: forearm * Conservation of the consonant group, mb , in intermediate position. Ex: label * Frequently conservation of the
  3. Project. Scenes can be saved in a variety of formats, the default being., mb , ( Maya Binary). Maya exposes a node graph architecture. Scene elements are
  4. The earlier" b" is now deprecated, but still often seen especially in ", mb ," rather than the proper" bar" for millibars. Usage Atmospheric air pressure
  5. Sy mb ol: bar),center (sy mb ol: car),and millibar (sy mb ol: bar or, mb , ). They are not SI units, nor are they CGS units, but they are accepted for use
  6. Always the case that measurements are made at nominally 1 atmosphere (1013.25,MB, ± the variations caused by changing weather patterns) but as specific gravity
  7. Stars is calculated by subtracting the magnitude nu mb er of the brighter star (, mb , ) from the magnitude nu mb er of the fainter star (mph),then using the
  8. Force of:: N = m g - \rho_f V g. \, It is common to define a buoyancy mass, mb , that represents the effective mass of the object as can be measured by a
  9. X\CD (a, b ) + YC \CD (a, b,c) so the final equation will be: x (Na +, mb , ) + YC (in)a + (km)b + YC \CD (a, b,c). \, So then to apply to n nu mb ers
  10. Puñya → Penna, vandhya → Vanessa → Vanessa → ganja *The sequence Mr becomes, mb , via the epenthesis of a stop between the nasal and liquid, followed by
  11. Before a 65 mph winds with gust near 100 mph and a minimal pressure around 980,MB, meaning the worst has been avoided. St. Kits and Nevis After passing through
  12. For input data lines in input file set TCI 1 title 'f (deg) ' 'DS/DF! (, mb , ) ' set TCI 1 text 180.0 2e1 'f=179 ... 181 deg' 0.12 close 55 return
  13. To \, ^_\math rm ^ \to \ \box. No atoms were detected and a yield limit of 5,MB, ( 5,000,000 PB) was measured. Current results (see ununquadium) have shown
  14. Equivalent, except for, pronounced as j. Additionally, the digraphs ‹ KP, gb, mb , MV, nd, ng, ngb, nz › are pronounced, and respectively. ‹’ b ›, ‹ thank you ›
  15. They experienced a wind and a maximal gust. The minimal pressure fell to 1000,MB, ( 29.54 IMG) for several hours. Meter France forecast 12–24 hours before a 65
  16. Is found from: SG_V = SG_A - (SG_A-1) Since the density of dry air at 1013.25,MB, at 20 °C is 0.001205 g·cm−3 and that of water is3 0.998203 g·cm−3 we see that
  17. Mclnturff,1978): a stratospheric warming can be said to be major if 10,MB, or below the latitudinal mean temperature increases poleward from 60 degree
  18. Clusters in medial and final position only: * Nasal + obstruct: mp, mf, ms,MB, NT, nk, n,NH, ns, nd, ng (however NH was simplified to h, with nasalization
  19. Show temperature gradients, on a constant pressure surface of 300 MB or 250,MB, show where the jet stream is located. Use of constant pressure charts at the
  20. Changes are:::: * velar → labial before alveolar consonants and (e.g. NGC →, mb , ):::::: * Alveolars palatalized to when before short or long:: On the other
  21. Is pronounced; n+HL becomes NTL; n+z becomes NDB, etc. The orthographic b in, mb , is a voiced plosive, When voiceless clicks c, x,q are penalized, a silent
  22. Of the annual rainfall is 567.25 mm. The average barometer value is 992.74,MB, There are 123 days with rain and 43 days with snow. On the average, the wind
  23. Atmosphere at which the barometric pressure has scaled back to a reading of 700,MB, is greater than 60 degrees, nothing more than flurries can be expected. If the
  24. The body of water and the vertical height at which the pressure reads 700,MB, is between 30 and 60 degrees, weak lake-effect bands are possible. In
  25. In the metric part of the world (i.e. Europe) Unicode has a character for ", mb ,":, U+33D4,but it exists only for compatibility with legacy Asian encoding.
  26. A unit. And since up \CD (CD (a, b ), c ) the result is proven. So if Na +, mb , \CD (a, b ) then there are x and y such that x\CD (a, b ) + YC \CD (a, b
  27. R_c (~2.8179 FM) in linear dimension, and r_e^2 (~ 7.9406x10^ m^2 or 79.406,MB, ) in size The Klein–Fishing formula was derived in 1928 by Oskar Klein and
  28. Htm Win bond Serial Flash Module (SFM) cards, size range 1 MB,2 MB and 4,MB, Memory cards in video game consoles originally used proprietary
  29. For example MA will be expected to be ordered before MBA, because the diagram, mb , follows the letter m. The letters r and h are rare but present in borrowed
  30. 2000. On septe mb er 29, 2000 Nvidia shipping graphics driver which had 16 and 32,MB, of video memory size. Architecturally identical to the GTS, the Ultra simply
  31. Dedication document Monday,16 January 1961. (. PDF - 4.3,MB,
  32. Of merit) *Medic - doc (short for doctor),BM (Bachelor of Medicine),MB, ( Medicine Baccalaureate),MD (Medicine Doctor),mo (medical officer),GP
  33. Be used to determine the average position of a particular clump of buoyant mass, mb , For an infinitely tall bottle of beer, the gravitational potential energy is
  34. M0 and m1,and the receiver has a bit b, and the receiver wishes to receive, mb , without the sender learning b, while the sender wants to ensure that the
  35. The most intense Atlantic hurricane on record with a minimum pressure of 882,MB, *2007 – Philippines. A bo mb explosion rocked Loretta 2,a shopping mall in
  36. Temperatures ranging from -110 C to +13 C, surface pressures of 5.5 to 6,MB, water vapor concentrations 5000 times less than in Earth's atmosphere, the
  37. Nu mb er) into its integer representative. Now the product of the factors a −, mb , mod n can be obtained as a square in two ways—one for each homomorphism. Thus
  38. Between the surface and vertical height at which the pressure reads 700,MB, should be no greater than to prevent the upper portions of the band from
  39. Brand name, and its mobile phone domain name to SoftBank Mobile, SoftBank,and, mb , Softbank. Jp respectively. * January 28, 2008 - It was announced that SoftBank
  40. Or piece of substance an of amount ma and another piece of substance b of amount, mb , which can be co mb ined without interaction. For example, lead and tin co mb ine
  41. Incorporated companies required the letters of their province, like., mb , Ca. Only an entity with presence in two or more provinces was typically
  42. cross-sections are often written in units of ħ2c2/GeV2 (approximately 0.3894,MB, ). SI units with prefix In SI, one can use units such as square femtometers (
  43. Htm Win bond Serial Flash Module (SFM) cards, size range 1 MB,2,MB, and 4 MB. Memory cards in video game consoles originally used
  44. In reaching and penetrating the tropopause into the stratosphere. 3. ) 500,MB, ( 50 PA) temperatures of −20 °C or colder, which produce numerous positive
  45. Of the second object before impact: ma is the mass of the first object:, mb , is the mass of the second object: CR is the coefficient of restitution; if it
  46. Htm Win bond Serial Flash Module (SFM) cards, size range 1,MB, 2 MB and 4 MB. Memory cards in video game consoles originally
  47. 1.013 25 bar: ≡ 1013.25 hectopascal (HPA): ≡ 1013.25 millibars (bar, also,MB, ): ≡ 760 tour B: ≈ 760.001 mm-Hg,0 °C, subject to revision as more precise
  48. The last one not available precomposed in Unicode),as well as digraphs ch, mb , ND, ng, nt, rr and the glottal stop '. # Hausa has the
  49. Isotherms show temperature gradients, on a constant pressure surface of 300,MB, or 250 MB show where the jet stream is located. Use of constant pressure charts
  50. 13,15) with area 24 shows. If (a, b,c) is a Heroin triple, so is (ma, mb , MC) where m is any positive integer greater than one. The Heroin triple (a

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