Examples of the the word, linear , in a Sentence Context

The word ( linear ), is the 4537 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By weight, it should not be a surprise that the boiling point has almost a, linear ,relationship with the size (molecular weight) of the molecule. As a rule of
  2. Is finite-dimensional, the automorphism group of V is the same as the general, linear ,group, GL (V). * A field automorphism is a bijective ring homomorphism from a
  3. Every infinite-dimensional topological vector space there is a discontinuous, linear ,map. **A uniform space is compact if and only if it is complete and totally
  4. The influences of Japanese calligraphy and Japanese painting also characterize, linear ,qualities of the anime style. The round ink brush traditionally used for
  5. Inference that is standard in finite-population survey sampling. Derived, linear ,model Kempthorne uses the randomization-distribution and the assumption of unit
  6. One that emphasizes, in the words of one such scholar," chronological, causal, linear , and historical thinking. " But it has also been claimed that, from his very
  7. Every polynomial p (x) of degree n ≥ 1,with coefficients in F, splits into, linear ,factors. In other words, there are elements k,x1,x2,…, xn of the field F
  8. And **The Hahn–Banach theorem in functional analysis, allowing the extension of, linear ,functional **The theorem that every Hilbert space has an orthonormal basis.
  9. From the first true alphabet, Greek. Most of them are composed of lines (, linear ,writing); notable exceptions are Braille, fingerspelling, and Morse code.
  10. Orbital. Electron states are best represented by time-depending" mixtures" (, linear ,combinations) of multiple orbitals. See Linear combination of atomic orbitals
  11. Equations, and searched for equations that would be invariant under general, linear ,transformations only. In June 1913 the Century (" draft" ) theory was the
  12. And the assumption of unit treatment additivity to produce a derived, linear ,model, very similar to the textbook model discussed previously. The test
  13. Is complicated and is closely approximated by the approach using a normal, linear ,model, most teachers emphasize the normal linear model approach. Few
  14. At the base of the plant, and are alternate, distichous, flat,sessile, simple, linear , or Lancelot, and parallel veined, with entire margins. The flower is
  15. To their input size. There is a wide variety: some algorithms complete in, linear ,time relative to input size, some do so in an exponential amount of time or
  16. A vector space V is a linear operator V → V. An automorphism is an invertible, linear ,operator on V. When the vector space is finite-dimensional, the automorphism
  17. Tree, Kruskal, Prim,Collin. * Linear programming. When solving a problem using, linear ,programming, specific inequalities involving the inputs are found and then an
  18. Techniques including film and CCD astrophotography. Because CCD imagers are, linear , image processing may be used to subtract away the effects of light pollution
  19. In his book The Wealth of Nations (published in 1776). Probably the first, linear ,and continuous assembly process of post-Renaissance times were the Portsmouth
  20. F is algebraically closed if and only if, for each natural number n, every, linear , map from FN into itself has some eigenvector. An endomorphic of FN has an
  21. Structure; see, for example: group homomorphism, ring homomorphism, and, linear , operator ). The identity morphism (identity mapping) is called the trivial
  22. Of the molecule. Structure classification Saturated hydrocarbons can be: *, linear ,(general formula) wherein the carbon atoms are joined in a snake-like
  23. Is expanded (see configuration interaction expansion and basis set) into, linear ,combinations of anti-symmetrized products (Slater determinants) of
  24. Model are closely approximated by the test statistics of an appropriate normal, linear ,model, according to approximation theorems and simulation studies by Kempthorne
  25. 2-methyl isomers),which often have melting points higher than those of the, linear ,analogues. Conductivity and Solubility Alkanes do not conduct electricity, nor
  26. Are oriented at right angles to each other, as determined by their respective, linear ,combination of values of m_\ell. Four of the five d-orbitals for n = 3 look
  27. And equipped, as all the tops and sides of the trunk, numerous transverse, linear ,reliefs, in which sensory endings abound. The dorsal fin, well behind, is very
  28. A 'generic' algorithm such as the simplex algorithm. A more complex variant of, linear ,programming is called integer programming, where the solution space is
  29. Even when the statistical model is non linear , it can be approximated by a, linear ,model for which an analysis of variance may be appropriate. A model often
  30. A, B and C with group D). Comparisons can also look at tests of trend, such as, linear ,and quadratic relationships, when the independent variable involves ordered
  31. Group. * In linear algebra, an endomorphic of a vector space V is a, linear ,operator V → V. An automorphism is an invertible linear operator on V. When the
  32. Alkanes often have a common name using a prefix to distinguish them from, linear ,alkanes, for example n-pentane, isopentane, and repentance. IUPAC naming
  33. UTC began. UTC is a discontinuous timescale composed of segments that are, linear ,transformations of atomic time, the discontinuities being arranged so that UTC
  34. Is called cycloalkanes. Saturated hydrocarbons can also combine any of the, linear , cyclic (e.g., polycyclic ) and branching structures, and they are still
  35. UT1 thereafter. This was a compromise arrangement for a broadcast timescale: a, linear ,transformation of the BIH's atomic time meant that the timescale was stable
  36. Bunyakovsky, Korkin and Regor Solitary about an apparently new method to solve, linear ,ordinary differential equations and was invited to the so-called Working
  37. As shrines related to these activities. Finally, features such as long, linear ,grooves were cut into the bedrock along certain roads which do not seem to
  38. Older and younger generations. Some cultural differences may be based on, linear ,traditions, on teaching from one generation or“ school” to another. Other
  39. And the t sound comes after that),they can generally be easily written in a, linear ,(one-dimensional) writing system such as an alphabet. There are only a few
  40. In textbooks Many textbooks present the analysis of variance in terms of a, linear ,model, which makes the following assumptions about the probability distribution
  41. By the approach using a normal linear model, most teachers emphasize the normal, linear ,model approach. Few statisticians object to model-based analysis of balanced
  42. Has been studied from several approaches, the most common of which use a, linear ,model that relates the response to the treatments and blocks. Even when the
  43. Compound. However, some bacteria can metabolize some alkanes (especially those, linear ,and short),by oxidizing the terminal carbon atom. The product is an alcohol
  44. Of these photons (x-rays) increased from one target to the next in a, linear ,fashion. This led to the conclusion (Moseley's law) that the atomic number
  45. Short a way not written, as in the India Aquinas, one could argue that the, linear ,arrangement made this a true alphabet. Conversely, the vowel marks of the
  46. G has trivial center it can be embedded into its own automorphism group. * In, linear ,algebra, an endomorphic of a vector space V is a linear operator V → V. An
  47. Problems (such as the maximum flow for directed graphs) can be stated in a, linear ,programming way, and then be solved by a 'generic' algorithm such as the
  48. To the textbook model discussed previously. The test statistics of this derived, linear ,model are closely approximated by the test statistics of an appropriate normal
  49. Is not true. Even assuming that every polynomial of the form in − a split into, linear ,factors is not enough to assure that the field is algebraically closed. If a
  50. Inputs are found, and then an attempt is made to maximize (or minimize) some, linear ,function of the inputs. Many problems (such as the maximum flow for directed

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