Examples of the the word, heating , in a Sentence Context

The word ( heating ), is the 4538 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To air conditioning. Air conditioners (for cooling) and heat pumps (for, heating ,) both work similarly in that heat is transferred or" pumped" from a cooler
  2. Separate from the logic board. However, many Apple III's experienced, heating ,issues, allegedly caused by insufficient cooling and inability to dissipate the
  3. To construct a 'house with no bills ', which would be comfortable without, heating ,and cooling, which would make its own electricity, collect its own water and
  4. S temperature remains constant by heat exchange with the outside. Adiabatic, heating ,and cooling Adiabatic changes in temperature occur due to changes in pressure
  5. With the wind, though normally the pilot can control the altitude, either by, heating ,the air or by releasing ballast, giving some directional control (since the
  6. Of blister steel during the Middle Ages. This method introduced carbon by, heating ,wrought iron in charcoal for long periods of time, but the penetration of
  7. The summer of 1987,even as Roussimoff's health declined. The feud would begin, heating ,up again when each wrestler was named the captain of rival teams at the
  8. Each room to be adjusted independently. PAC systems may be adapted to provide, heating ,in cold weather, either directly by using an electric strip, gas or other
  9. Two pieces of amber may be united by smearing the surfaces with linseed oil, heating ,them, and then pressing them together while hot. Cloudy amber may be clarified
  10. Of aluminum alloys is their sensitivity to heat. Workshop procedures involving, heating ,are complicated by the fact that aluminum, unlike steel, melts without first
  11. Devices (radio, CD changer, iPod,TV tuner),satellite navigation, heating ,and ventilation, and other car controls with a screen. MMI was widely reported
  12. Potash and composed mostly of potassium carbonate, was mildly basic. After, heating ,this substance with calcium hydroxide (slaked lime),a far more strongly
  13. Cage" ). While Grothendieck was at the IVES, opposition to the Vietnam War was, heating ,up, and Cartier suggests that this also reinforced Grothendieck's distaste at
  14. Of central air conditioner systems, often in combination with heat pump based, heating ,systems. Thermostats control the operation of HVAC systems, turning
  15. Education is the determination of the amount of water in a hydrate by, heating ,the sample to remove the water such that the difference in weight is due to the
  16. They pass over the outer highlands, and becoming constantly drier owing to the, heating ,effects of the burning soil of the interior; while the scarcity of mountain
  17. White crystals of a substance called Amtrak can be separated from ambergris by, heating ,raw ambergris in alcohol, then allowing the resulting solution to cool.
  18. Placed and used as thermal masses. Power, including electricity, heat and water, heating , is from solar power. 1990s architects such as William McDonough and Ken Yang
  19. But also because it lends itself easily to brazing, braze-welding,metal, heating ,(for annealing or tempering, bending or forming),the loosening of corroded
  20. Carefully, the stone acquires a dead-white, chalky appearance. The effect of, heating ,appears to be a partial dehydration of the gypsum. If properly treated, it very
  21. Brides of americium include AmB4 and AmB6. The tetrachloride can be obtained by, heating ,an oxide or halite of americium with magnesium dioxide in vacuum or inert
  22. Air system very simple. In Central Canada separate room-based hydropowered, heating ,is more common, leading to the higher cost of retrofitting a central air system
  23. A high pH, as required for a long shelf life. The stability of aspartame under, heating ,can be improved to some extent by encasing it in fats or in maltodextrin. The
  24. Done using a simple refrigeration cycle. In construction, a complete system of, heating , ventilation and air conditioning is referred to as" HVAC ". History In 1758
  25. Dried at room temperature, has the chemical formula Am2 (C2O4)3·7H2O. Upon, heating ,in vacuum, it loses water at 240 °C and starts decomposing into AmO2 at 300 °C
  26. In Canada, the large size of the average Canadian home and cold winters make, heating ,and cooling one of the largest household expenses. Canadian summers are often
  27. Cost A common misconception is that the SEER rating system also applies to, heating ,systems. However, SEER ratings only apply to air conditioning. Air conditioners
  28. The name" simulated annealing" alludes to the metallurgic term meaning the, heating ,and cooling of metal to achieve freedom from defects. The purpose of the random
  29. Special case: A glass is an amorphous solid that transforms into a liquid upon, heating ,through the glass transition. Other types of amorphous solids include gels
  30. Survives of the others are chimneys, remnants of a largely ineffective means of, heating , Many of these wooden buildings were constructed from prefabricated sections
  31. Temperatures. Solid exterior walls are painted with lime to minimize the, heating ,effects of the sun. In accord with the climate and tradition of each area, the
  32. Canadian homes are built with already-compatible central forced air natural gas, heating ,systems, making installing a central air system very simple. In Central Canada
  33. Like all structural alloys, also are subject to internal stresses following, heating ,operations such as welding and casting. The problem with aluminum alloys in
  34. Stroke to elevate the temperature sufficiently to ignite the fuel. Adiabatic, heating ,also occurs in the Earth's atmosphere when an air mass descends, for example
  35. To the number of carbon atoms. The first four alkanes are used mainly for, heating ,and cooking purposes, and in some countries for electricity generation. Methane
  36. Remained neutral in this war, Amsterdam suffered a food shortage, and, heating , fuel became scarce. The shortages sparked riots in which several people were
  37. Contrast, free expansion is an isothermal process for an ideal gas. Adiabatic, heating ,occurs when the pressure of a gas is increased from work done on it by its
  38. On it by its surroundings,e.g. a piston. Diesel engines rely on adiabatic, heating ,during their compression stroke to elevate the temperature sufficiently to
  39. Acid yields white-colored actinium phosphate hemihydrate (AcPO4·0.5H2O),and, heating ,actinium oxalate with hydrogen sulfide vapors at 1400 °C for a few minutes
  40. Pronounced at room temperature, due to annihilation of radiation defects; also, heating ,to room temperature the sample which was kept for hours at low temperatures
  41. Or cooling systems to bring the building to the set temperature. Typically, the, heating ,and cooling systems have separate control systems (even though they may share
  42. Is believed to have been the first to isolate the element in 1250 by, heating ,soap together with arsenic disulfide. In the Victorian era," arsenic" ( "
  43. Alaska's economy depends heavily on increasingly expensive diesel fuel for, heating , transportation, electric power and light. Though wind and hydroelectric power
  44. It with uranium oxide. He also isolated the first sample of uranium metal by, heating ,uranium tetrachloride with potassium. The atomic mass of uranium was then
  45. Thermostats control the operation of HVAC systems, turning on the, heating ,or cooling systems to bring the building to the set temperature. Typically the
  46. Compartment is heated. This is usually called a heat pump, and is capable of, heating ,a home to comfortable temperatures (25 °C; 70 °F),even when the outside air
  47. He added backs to the benches on which students sat, improved lighting and, heating , de-emphasized rote learning, and provided individual slates to each student —
  48. Repairs the crystal defects, but not as many can be hardened by controlled, heating ,and cooling. Many alloys of aluminum, copper,magnesium, titanium,and nickel
  49. In properties such as strength and hardness and ductility *Annealing (glass), heating , a piece of glass to remove stress *Annealing (biology),DNA or RNA pairing by
  50. To electrophoretic techniques. Since passing current through a gel causes, heating , gels may melt during electrophoresis. Electrophoresis is performed in buffer

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