Examples of the the word, masque , in a Sentence Context

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  1. By specialist historians. Legacy Of all the arts of the Renaissance,the, masque ,is the artistic form most alien to audiences today. The most outstanding
  2. Queen and Kingdom. A descriptive narrative of a processional masque is the, masque ,of the Seven Deadly Sins in Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queen (Book i, Canto
  3. Fletcher collaborations. The other was the extreme elaboration of the courtly, masque ,being conducted at the same time by Ben Jonson and Iñigo Jones. See: The Masque
  4. The English composer Thomas Are, another of Frederick's favorite artists. A, masque ,linking the Prince with both the ancient hero-king Alfred the Great's
  5. Is the text used in an extended musical work such as an opera, operetta, masque , oratorio, cantata,or musical. The term" libretto" is also sometimes used to
  6. Popular 1718 setting of Acid and Galatea, an English language pastoral opera or, masque ,with the libretto set by John Gay to Ovid's Metamorphosis. Here, the jealous
  7. Laugh is" Ho ho ho! " Robin Good fellow is the main speaker in Jonson's 1612, masque , Love Restored. John Milton, in L'Allegro tells" how the drudging Goblins wet /
  8. Anticipate the ballad operas of the 18th century. At the same time, the French, masque ,was gaining a firm hold at the English Court, with even more lavish splendor
  9. S late plays have a distinctive aura to them, with elements of tragicomedy and, masque ,blended with elements of comedy and romance and pastoral – not into a chaos as
  10. In ballets at Versailles with music by Jean-Baptiste Lully. Development The, masque ,tradition developed from the elaborate pageants and courtly shows of ducal
  11. The suggestion of James Gruber, inspired by a French medieval and renaissance, masque ,group he had studied while preparing a course on the history of popular music
  12. Songs and dances. In Ben Jonson's Lovers Made Men (1617)," the whole, masque ,was sung after the Italian manner, stilo recitative ". The approach of the
  13. John Dryden and Henry Purcell collaborated, borrows some elements from the, masque ,and further elements from the contemporary courtly French opera of
  14. You doe? Ha! Would you ha'kept me out? Christmas, old Christmas? " Later, in a, masque ,by Thomas Nabbed, The Springs Gloria produced in 1638," Christmas" appears as
  15. New hybrid sub-genre of the tragicomedy enjoyed an efflorescence, as did the, masque ,throughout the reigns of the first two Stuart kings, James I and Charles I.
  16. Aspirations. Later the song got a permanent life of his own regardless of the, masque , Thomson, who supported the Prince of Wales politically, also dedicated to him
  17. And Charles I performed in the masque s at their courts. In the tradition of, masque , Louis XIV danced in ballets at Versailles with music by Jean-Baptiste Lully.
  18. Theatre-going and literary king with absolutist aspirations, attends the, masque ,The Golden Age Restored, a satire by Ben Jonson on fallen court favorite
  19. By Sir Walter Scott. Later, in the court of James I, narrative elements of the, masque ,became more significant. Plots were often on classical or allegorical themes
  20. Designer Iñigo Jones. For example, Jones designed the scenery for Jonson's, masque ,Oberon, the Fairy Prince performed at Whitehall on 1 January 1611 in which
  21. Of Venice, with Thomas Better ton as Bassanio. This version (which featured a, masque ,) was popular, and was acted for the next forty years. Granville cut the Yobbos
  22. Of the masque . In the 20th century, Ralph Vaughan Williams wrote Job,a, masque ,for dancing which premiered in 1930,although the work is closer to a ballet
  23. Revisiting Flaherty's Louisiana Story ", Southern Spaces,27 April 2010. The, masque ,was a form of festive courtly entertainment which flourished in 16th and early
  24. Less frequently staged. " Rule, Britannia! " Started out as part of Alfred,a, masque ,about Alfred the Great co-written by James Thomson and David Mallet which was
  25. From the center of cultural and political activities, staging her last known, masque ,in 1614 and no longer maintaining a noble court. Her influence over James
  26. Spenser's The Faerie Queen (Book i, Canto IV). A particularly elaborate, masque , performed over the course of two weeks for Queen Elizabeth, is described in
  27. Appears as a primarily comedic version of his romance character. John Dryden's, masque ,King Arthur is still performed, largely thanks to Henry Purcell's music
  28. December 25 –" Father Christmas" is a main character of the Christmas, masque ,written by Ben Jonson and presented at the court of King James I of England.
  29. And unity between Queen and Kingdom. A descriptive narrative of a processional, masque ,is the masque of the Seven Deadly Sins in Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queen (
  30. Lori Justinian, the Venetian ambassador, wrote of the Christmas 1604, masque , that " in everyone's opinion no other Court could have displayed such pomp and
  31. Is dismantled and the Medici family comes back into power. * The word ", masque ," is first used to denote a poetic drama. * Wolverhampton Grammar School is
  32. To Protestantism. In Comes Milton may make ironic use of the Caroline court, masque ,by elevating notions of purity and virtue over the conventions of court revelry
  33. Including the intermedia (a public version of the masque was the pageant). A, masque ,involved music and dancing, singing and acting, within an elaborate stage
  34. VIII. John Milton's Comes (with music by Henry Laws) is described as a, masque , though it is generally reckoned a pastoral play. Reconstructions of Stuart
  35. It was written by the Scottish poet and playwright James Thomson as part of the, masque ,Alfred which was first performed on 1 August 1740 at Clive den, the country home
  36. Purely musical interludes might be accompanied by a dumb show. Origins The, masque ,has its origins in a folk tradition where masked players would unexpectedly
  37. To a ballet than a masque as it was originally understood. His designating it a, masque ,was to indicate that the modern choreography typical when he wrote the piece
  38. With Keon. Paunches is also represented. In Shakespeare's The Tempest,the, masque ,that Prospero conjures to celebrate the troth-pledging of Miranda and Ferdinand
  39. Masque texts of Ben Jonson and the stagecraft of Iñigo Jones. There is also a, masque ,sequence in his Romeo and Juliet and Henry VIII. John Milton's Comes (with
  40. 20th century While no longer popular, there are some later examples of the, masque , In the 20th century, Ralph Vaughan Williams wrote Job, a masque for dancing
  41. From alchemy and hermeticism should draw on the Mysteries for its central, masque ,sequence. Pathogenic theories Some scholars have proposed that the power of
  42. Earlier in Italy, in forms including the intermedia (a public version of the, masque ,was the pageant). A masque involved music and dancing, singing and acting
  43. 1634: A Mask Presented at Ludo Castle,1634 commonly known as Comes (a, masque ,) * 1645: Poems of Mr John Milton, Both English and Latin Political
  44. From the Ojibwa word maashkinoozhe, meaning " ugly pike ", by way of French, masque ,along (modified from the Ojibwa word by folk etymology)," elongated face.
  45. Dancing which premiered in 1930,although the work is closer to a ballet than a, masque ,as it was originally understood. His designating it a masque was to indicate
  46. Masques; and until the Puritans closed the English theaters in 1642,the, masque ,was the highest art form in England. But because of its ephemeral nature, not a
  47. Among the best-known British patriotic songs up to the present, while the, masque ,of which it was originally part is only remembered by specialist historians.
  48. Tempest, understood by modern scholars to have been heavily influenced by the, masque ,texts of Ben Jonson and the stagecraft of Iñigo Jones. There is also a masque
  49. The use of improvisation. This period also introduced the Elizabethan, masque , featuring music, dance and elaborate costumes as well as professional
  50. 1617) *Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue (6 January 1618; printed 1641) The, masque ,was a failure; Jonson revised it by placing the anti- masque first, turning it

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