Examples of the the word, making , in a Sentence Context

The word ( making ), is the 4536 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 0–9 were arranged, so they correspond to values in binary prefixed with 011, making , conversion with binary-coded decimal straightforward. Many of the
  2. Realized the importance of taking immediate executive control of the war and, making ,an overall strategy to put down the rebellion. Lincoln encountered an
  3. With its harsh program of Reconstruction. He signed the Homestead Act in 1862, making , millions of acres of government-held land in the West available for purchase at
  4. First phonemic script and it contained only about two dozen distinct letters, making ,it is a script simple enough for common traders to learn. Another advantage of
  5. A paymaster in December 1849. He served in that role for more than five years, making ,six tours, and traveling more than annually on the Indian frontier of Texas. He
  6. Pursued the same goal. It has been a matter of eliminating the ambiguity by, making ,oneself pure unwariness or pure externality, by escaping from the sensible
  7. With handfuls or bucketfuls of adobe, until the Spanish introduced them to the, making ,of bricks. ) Adobe brick making was used in Spain already in the Late Bronze Age
  8. A tablet found on the Greek island Salamis in 1846 AD dates back to 300 BC, making ,it is the oldest counting board discovered so far. It is a slab of white marble
  9. Becomes validated and grasped not by words and reflections alone, but in the, making ,of the connection. Though it might seem obvious that altruism is central to the
  10. The area of multinational corporations, but increasingly the PRC and India are, making ,significant inroads. Many companies from Europe, North America, South Korea and
  11. That year. Nearly all of Angola's oil goes to the United States, in 2006, making , it the eighth-largest supplier of oil to the United States, and to the People
  12. Century," alchemy" was considered to be restricted to the realm of" gold, making ,", leading to the popular belief that most, if not all, alchemists were
  13. Strikers, but matches them in moral courage and is capable of appreciating and, making ,use of their creations. He sticks it out with the railway to the bitter end
  14. Surface area. The first part of its name refers to Atlas of Greek mythology, making ,the Atlantic the" Sea of Atlas ". The oldest known mention of" Atlantic" is
  15. Dan and the Flying A Studios origins in La Mesa, California. After, making ,a series of westerns and comedies, Dwan directed fellow Canadian Mary Pickford
  16. Culture regions as well, since mapping cultures is central to both sciences. By, making ,comparisons across cultural traditions (time-based) and cultural regions (
  17. Time: documents the travels in Italy of Andrei Tchaikovsky in preparation for the, making ,of his film Nostalgia, Tonino Guerra,1983. Ambiguity of words or phrases is
  18. Minerals in medicine, and wrote" Many have said of Alchemy, that it is for the, making ,of gold and silver. For me such is not the aim, but to consider only what
  19. Followed Henry Clay in supporting the American Colonization Society program of, making ,the abolition of slavery practical by helping the freed slaves to settle in
  20. Papyrus X. Dating from 300 to 500 CE, they contained recipes for dyeing and, making ,artificial gemstones, cleaning and fabricating pearls, and the manufacture of
  21. Polyhalite, and Sylvie form extensive deposits in ancient lake and seabeds, making ,extraction of potassium salts in these environments commercially viable. The
  22. Simple example of the formal cause is the blueprint or plan that one has before, making ,or causing a human made object to exist. *The efficient cause is" the primary
  23. The Middle Ages, farmers in North Africa, the Near East, and Europe began, making ,use of agricultural technologies including irrigation systems based on
  24. Haggard is an expert influence peddler who is, however,incapable of, making ,operational decisions on his own. He relies on his sister, Dagny Haggard, too
  25. When volunteers generously placed the interests of others before their own by, making ,charitable donations, another brain circuit was selectively activated: the
  26. Crew Each crewman of Apollo 11 had made a spaceflight before this mission, making ,it only the second all-veteran crew (the other being Apollo 10) in human
  27. The National Football Conference (NFC),currently contain 16 teams each, making ,up the 32 teams of the NFL. The American Football Conference originated as the
  28. Led to the word tarmac, which is now used in common parlance to refer to road, making ,materials. However, since the 1970s,when natural gas succeeded town gas
  29. The merger, five expansion teams have joined the AFC and two have left, thus, making , the current total 16. When the Seattle Seahawks and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers
  30. Frame of reference for the places human beings have traveled, their ways of, making ,a living, and their demographics. Archaeologists also investigate nutrition
  31. Lasts only 24 hours and consists of: * The disappearance of the gill pouch, making ,the front legs visible. * The transformation of the jaws into the big jaws of
  32. McLaren, Len Lye and Stan Breakage. * Paint-on-glass animation: a technique for, making ,animated films by manipulating slow drying oil paints on sheets of glass, for
  33. American and Japanese directors, an experience which influenced his own film, making , His teacher and mentor at the film school, Mikhail Room, allowed his students
  34. Voluntary consensus standards quicken the market acceptance of products while, making ,clear how to improve the safety of those products for the protection of
  35. State in the United States with of total area: 3.19 % of the area is water, making ,Alabama twenty-third in the amount of surface water, also giving it the
  36. Not its claim),while gaining an unencumbered passage to the gulf. The area, making ,up today's northern and central Alabama, known as the Yahoo lands, had been
  37. His experiments were smeared on pewter plates and then exposed to light, thus, making , a black and white image. It was similarly used to print millions of Photoshop
  38. That this reaction will be useful, given the extremely difficult task of, making ,sufficient amounts of 254Es to make a large enough target to increase the
  39. The moon, Apollo 8,included American William Andes who was born in Hong Kong, making ,him the first Asian-born astronaut in 1968. In April 1985,Taylor Wang became
  40. Years at Delphi. The bay laurel plant was used in expiatory sacrifices and in, making ,the crown of victory at these games. The palm was also sacred to Apollo because
  41. Analysis and added the use of observations, experimentation,and conclusions in, making ,scientific evaluations. Grossest also did much work to bridge Platonic and
  42. And Japanese models, the beads of Roman model run in grooves, presumably, making , arithmetic calculations much slower. Another possible source of the sampan is
  43. Decline, the heavily subsidized US farmer is not forced to reduce his output, making ,it is difficult for cotton prices to rebound, but his Mali counterpart may go
  44. But he showed his party loyalty by participating in almost all votes and, making ,speeches that echoed the party line. Lincoln, in collaboration with
  45. Angola 2011,was crowned Miss Universe 2011 in Brazil on September 12th,2011, making , her the first Angolan to win the pageant. Gallery File: Church in Tomb
  46. Up a second maxim:" Napoleon is always right. " Napoleon abuses his powers, making ,life harder for the animals; the pigs impose more control while reserving
  47. Languages may use a Semitic ahead with mandatory vowel diacritics, effectively, making , them Aquinas. On the other hand, the Phase script of the Mongol Empire was
  48. Set the rules for operations of the United States government. It was capable of, making ,war, negotiating diplomatic agreements, and resolving issues regarding the
  49. Had access to" improved sanitation ". According to the World Bank, Algeria is, making ,progress toward its goal of" reducing by half the number of people without
  50. Some locations between Dillingham and Ethel average around of precipitation., making ,Alaska tied with Hawaii as the state with the lowest high temperature in the

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