Examples of the the word, linguistic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( linguistic ), is the 6092 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For the India scripts in 1997 by William Bright, following South Asian, linguistic ,usage, to convey the idea that" they share features of both alphabet and
  2. It into the Frankish empire, early in the 8th century. Today, Alemannic is a, linguistic ,term, referring to Alemannic German, encompassing the dialects of the southern
  3. Aesthetics consisted in the description of a whole culture which is a, linguistic ,impossibility. That which constitutes aesthetics lies outside the realm of the
  4. Monsieur" while" Mme" is that for" madame ". Like many other cross-channel, linguistic ,acquisitions, many Britons readily took this up and followed this rule
  5. Language, original and historic" of Aragon, therefore there are a number of, linguistic ,rights, as the utilization of aragonite language in the public administrations
  6. Boundary between Germanic and Latin Europe, Belgium is home to two main, linguistic ,groups, the Dutch-speakers, mostly Flemish, and the French-speakers, mostly
  7. Issues of mutual incomprehensibility among differing spoken versions. From a, linguistic ,standpoint, it is often said that the various spoken varieties of Arabic differ
  8. UK have convictions of this nature. Many advertisers employ a wide-variety of, linguistic ,devices to bypass regulatory laws (e.g. printing English words in bold and
  9. Places itself in the" tribalism" category, taking the term Anglo-Saxon as a, linguistic ,or cultural rather than a racial concept. Politics and controversies Ásatrú
  10. Peoples speaking these languages is largely unknown. Whereas for certain other, linguistic ,groups, such as the speakers of Indo-European, Uralic, and Austronesian, we are
  11. The time in the Middle East, and some were written in the Persian language. Of, linguistic ,significance even to this day are a few books that he wrote in nearly pure
  12. Linguistic methods to bear on anthropological problems, linking the analysis of, linguistic ,forms and processes to the interpretation of sociocultural processes.
  13. In the four crucial and interrelated fields of sociocultural, biological, linguistic , and archaic anthropology (e.g. archaeology). Anthropology in the United
  14. To a nice car. Metonymy miscommunication is considered a primary mechanism of, linguistic ,humor. Psychology and management In sociology and social psychology, the term
  15. And North Africa. They are identified as such on one or more of genealogical, linguistic , or cultural grounds, with tribal affiliations, and intertribal relationships
  16. This should probably be regarded as a common stylistic difference rather than a, linguistic ,difference, as neither form would be considered incorrect nor unusual in either
  17. Subsequent analyses criticized its cultural inappropriateness, as well as its, linguistic ,and archeaoastronomical claims, to describe it as an example of" cult
  18. More than half the population is now living in the cities which, from the, linguistic ,point of view, have become highly heterogeneous. This means, of course, that
  19. Region. A German-speaking Community exists in eastern Wallonia. Belgium's, linguistic ,diversity and related political and cultural conflicts are reflected in the
  20. Between language and culture. It is the branch of anthropology that brings, linguistic ,methods to bear on anthropological problems, linking the analysis of linguistic
  21. Most people would not think you used a shovel to dig in the mud. However, some, linguistic , contexts do not provide sufficient information to disambiguate a used word. For
  22. Practised and indicating survival from earlier systems. There are also possible, linguistic ,and even physical survivals to be considered. Mycenae and Turns are the two
  23. Prefixes and suffixes may be separable affixes. Affiliation is, thus,the, linguistic ,process speakers use to form different words by adding morphemes (affixes) at
  24. Operation Polo in 1948. In an effort to gain an independent state based on the, linguistic ,and protect the interests of the Andhra (Telugu-speaking) people of Madras
  25. Distanced itself from the mentalities approach, replaced by the cultural and, linguistic ,turn, which emphasize analysis of the social history of cultural practices. The
  26. As a whole constitute a socio linguistic language. This means that on purely, linguistic ,grounds they would likely be considered to constitute more than one language
  27. Takes all- or it does but is then elided into the main word, depending on one's, linguistic ,opinion; the effect, however,is the same. The optional h at the end of both of
  28. Remain fundamental in any kind of anthropology, whether cultural, biological, linguistic , or archaeological. Biological anthropologists are interested in both human
  29. Mentioned by Bert Aux as likely coming from, Harvard University Indo-European, linguistic ,comparison Armenian is an Indo-European language, and so many of its
  30. Parties came into being well after the middle of last century, mainly around, linguistic , nationalist, or environmental themes and recently smaller ones of some
  31. Language means 'old '. The original meaning of this word may be lost but recent, linguistic ,research has pointed to the relationship between the word 'Bay at' and the word
  32. Would eventually help to Arabize much of it ethnically in addition to the, linguistic ,and political impact on the none-Arabs there. With the collapse of the Umayyad
  33. Games, food,festivals, and language (which is also the object of study in, linguistic ,anthropology). Archaeology is the study of human material culture, including
  34. To form a network of divergent boundaries, so there is no clear border for the, linguistic ,region. Mythology and religion The territory now known as Andalusia fell within
  35. From the Oxford University Register,1503: During the growth of philological, linguistic ,theory in academic Britain, abbreviating became very fashionable. The use of
  36. Is pronounced like the letter" d" as in" develop. " There is no precise, linguistic ,border between one dialect and another because there is nearly always a dialect
  37. Situation of Arabic in modern times provides a prime example of the, linguistic ,phenomenon of diglossia, which is the normal use of two separate varieties of
  38. Flower arranging () and tea ceremony (). Therefore, from a purely, linguistic ,point of view, we could say Aikido is 'Way of combining forces '. The term
  39. Claim then current also among Christian authors, that a child left unexposed to, linguistic ,stimulus would automatically begin to speak in Hebrew. Eco (1993) notes that
  40. Cultural anthropology also known as sociocultural anthropology, archaeology, linguistic , anthropology,and physical (or biological) anthropology. The four-field
  41. Through publication in linguistic s journals of articles containing detailed, linguistic ,analysis of ASL, he was able to convince the scientific mainstream that ASL was
  42. From all regions of the existing United States and developed a far more generic, linguistic ,pattern. Most North American speech is rho tic, as English was in most places in
  43. When they occur in medial or final position. A commonly stated, linguistic ,universal is that languages contrasting aspiration will also feature either the
  44. Have split into distinct components that mainly represent the political and, linguistic ,interests of these communities. The major parties in each Community, though
  45. Several of the dialects have been influenced by contact with non-Germanic, linguistic ,groups, such as the dialect of Carinthia, where in the past many speakers were
  46. Linguistics ASL is a natural language, as proven to the satisfaction of the, linguistic ,community by William Stoke, and contains phonology, morphology,semantics
  47. Who consider themselves Arab do so based on the overlap of the political and, linguistic ,definitions. Few people consider themselves Arab based on the political
  48. Communities, the remaining modern speakers of Aramaic dialects escaped the, linguistic ,pressures experienced by others during the large scale language shifts that saw
  49. Was spoken not only in Galilee, but also in the surrounding parts. It is the, linguistic ,setting for the Jerusalem Talmud (completed in the 5th century),Palestinian
  50. Influence. Latin was spoken in the Roman army but had almost no impact on the, linguistic ,landscape. In addition to the formal, literary dialects of Aramaic based on

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