Examples of the the word, thinker , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thinker ), is the 6088 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In modern times, Asteroid 7853," Confucius ", was named after the Chinese, thinker , Visual portraits No contemporary painting or sculpture of Confucius survives
  2. The Monster of Florence. *Niccolò Machiavelli, poet,philosopher and political, thinker , author of The Prince and The Discourses. *Florence Nightingale, pioneer of
  3. Minds of the later nineteenth century, and certainly the greatest American, thinker ,ever. " (Russell's Principia Mathematica does not mention Pace; Peirce's
  4. Reichstag during the German Empire period *Karl Marx, philosopher and political, thinker , studied Latin and Greek and received a Ph.D. for a dissertation on ancient
  5. Of seeing and understanding the significance of place. Mather, as a Puritan, thinker ,and social conservative, drew on the language of the Bible to speak to
  6. Confucianism was particularly strong during the Han Dynasty, whose greatest, thinker ,was Dong Honshu, who integrated Confucianism with the thoughts of the
  7. In an interview with Mike Wallace, Rand declared herself" the most creative, thinker ,alive. " Atlas Shrugged was to be Rand's last work of fiction; a turning point
  8. Does not cognize objects, but elucidates and makes actual the being of the, thinker , " Jasper's, a professor at the University of Heidelberg, was acquainted with
  9. A great Swiss scholar of art and culture who was a major political and social, thinker ,as well an opponent of nationalism and militarism, who rejected German claims
  10. Gives humans free will that can be used for evil. Influence as a theologian and, thinker ,Augustine was a bishop, priest,and father who remains a central figure, both
  11. d. 1953) *1864 – John Henry Mackay, Scottish individualist anarchist, thinker ,and writer (d. 1933) *1866 – Karl Sapper, German explorer and linguist (d.
  12. Collectivist anarchist economic systems. An early leading anarcho-syndicalist, thinker ,was Rudolf Rocker, whose 1938 pamphlet Anarchosyndicalism outlined a view of
  13. Economies of scale also play a role in a" natural monopoly. " The management, thinker ,and translator of the Toyota Production System for service, Professor John
  14. Hus, the rector of Charles University and a prominent reformer and religious, thinker , was sentenced to be burnt at the stake as a heretic. The verdict was passed
  15. American, at Harvard Kennedy School. *Giovanni Bolero, ( c.1544–1617),Italian, thinker , priest, poet,and diplomat. *Kenneth E. Bounding, ( January 18, 1910 – March
  16. For Keynes, monopolies were. It makes perfect sense for an eighteenth-century, thinker ,to conclude that humanity would flourish under the market. For a twentieth
  17. In 2005. *Clarence Acres, ( May 6,1891 – July 24, 1972) was the principal, thinker ,in the Texas school of Institutional Economics. B *Nikolai Barbados, ( 6 March
  18. This is one example of why Democritus is considered to be an early scientific, thinker , The process is reminiscent of that by which science gathers its conclusions.:
  19. Of matter and the meaning of life. Diderot was not a coherent and systematic, thinker , but rather" a philosopher in whom all the contradictions of the time struggle
  20. Impressed, commenting:" Here for the first time I encountered an independent, thinker ,who, from the foundations up, has experienced the area out of which I think.
  21. As he wrote to Glickman," Stravinsky the composer I worship. Stravinsky the, thinker ,I despise. " He was particularly enamored of the Symphony of Psalms
  22. Darwin's, and was considered by many (especially Darwin) to be a leading, thinker ,on evolution in his day, whose ideas could not be ignored. One historian of
  23. Of involvement. At times, he was accused of treason for being a separatist, thinker ,and a Marxist-Leninist. The Turkish government tried to portray Maraca as a man
  24. On the Blind" ) (1749),introduced him to the world as a daringly original, thinker , The subject is a discussion of the interrelation between man's reason and the
  25. Koziol, a former public school teacher and prominent public school reform, thinker ,has called vouchers the" single worst, most dangerous idea to have entered
  26. Athlon Press. ISBN 0-485-12036-4. * Scrutiny, Roger," Hegel as a conservative, thinker ," in The Philosopher on Dover Beach, Manchester: Arcane Press,1990. ISBN
  27. Heraclitus, who emerges as a pre-Platonic Nietzsche. " The pre-Socratic Greek, thinker ,Heraclitus was known for the rejection of the concept of being as a constant
  28. Speaker and activist, but did not regard her as a philosophical or theoretical, thinker ,on par with, for instance, Kropotkin. In 1970,Dover Press reissued Goldman's
  29. Educational practice is a difficult one. He was a widely known and influential, thinker , but his views and suggestions were often misunderstood by those who sought to
  30. Writing that she was" inspired by Mary Wollstonecraft, the pioneering feminist, thinker ,who told women they had the same ability to reason as men did and deserved the
  31. Between 1940 and 1943. The title was inspired by the French classical liberal, thinker ,Alexis de Tocqueville's writings on the" road to servitude ". It was first
  32. Possible human virtue, the wisdom of an accomplished theoretical or speculative, thinker , or in other words, a philosopher. Politics In addition to his works on ethics
  33. Has been collected in anthologies of existentialist fiction. Another Spanish, thinker , Ortega y Asset, writing in 1914,held that the human existence must always be
  34. Is an age-old crux of descriptive psychology and theory of knowledge. The first, thinker ,to be deeply sensitive to the immense difficulties to be found here was
  35. Anglo rum, and why he was made a saint. Bede was not an innovative religious, thinker , He made no original writings or thoughts on the beliefs of the church, instead
  36. Conclude that humanity would flourish under the market. For a twentieth century, thinker ,committed to the same ideal, government was an essential tool to the same end.
  37. To represent him as a fervent evangelist and at the same time as a speculative, thinker ,with a passion for free inquiry, always learning and unlearning and arguing out
  38. Discussion of these technologies with inventor and technological-singularity, thinker ,Ray Surreal started to set his thinking along this path. He states in his
  39. Translates as late, but is used as a decorative term for someone who is a slow, thinker ,; riposte: A quick retort in speech or action, or in fencing, a quick thrust
  40. For the world championship. ... He was also a great and profound chess, thinker , second only to Steinmetz, and his works - Die Blockade, My System and Chess
  41. That one has a set of thoughts does not imply that one is a particular, thinker ,or another. Were we to move from the observation that there is thinking
  42. Popper stated," I think I have learned more from you than from any other living, thinker , except perhaps Alfred Tarsi. " (See Cohen,2000). Popper dedicated his
  43. Movements. Some have argued that" without the writings" of Islamic author and, thinker ,Say yid But," al-Qaeda would not have existed. " But preached that because of
  44. They remained at the Division Two level for four years. Seed was an innovative, thinker ,about the game at a time when tactical formations were still relatively
  45. Of such works as Orthodoxy and The Everlasting Man. Chesterton, as a political, thinker , cast aspersions on both progressivism and conservatism, saying," The whole
  46. Namely objective" thought-events" in the former case, and an objective, thinker ,in the latter. Williams provides a meticulous and exhaustive examination of
  47. Experiencing a beautiful object. To see how the principle works,a, thinker ,engages in“ reflective isolation ”, the act of isolating a given concept in a
  48. Kropp was in Paul's class at school and is described as the clearest, thinker ,of the group. Krupp is wounded towards the end of the novel and undergoes an
  49. IV in the Bull De Fontibus Paradise) and Theologorum Monarch was a notable, thinker ,important in the history of scholasticism and the Franciscan School. Life
  50. He was both a firm believer in Orphic mysteries,and a scientific, thinker ,and a precursor of physical science. Aristotle mentions Empedocles among the

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