Examples of the the word, proudly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( proudly ), is the 8815 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 7 15s to the bill. The ground was immediately renamed Goodson Park and, proudly ,opened on 24 August 1892,by Lord Dinnered and Frederick Wall of the FA. But
  2. S chairmanship in the 60s, flags of all other teams in the Division 1 were, proudly ,flown along the Thames. However, when Fulham were relegated in 1969,Grinder
  3. Cheekbones. The Mongolian spot which is common among Mongols, is looked upon, proudly ,as a distinguishing feature of the ethnic group. The vast majority of Mongols
  4. A statue in his honor on the tiny Mile Rousseau in Lake Geneva. Today he is, proudly ,claimed as their most celebrated native son. In 2002,the
  5. The 1890–1920s era were McDuck's competition as he earned his fortune. Scrooge, proudly ,asserts" I made it by being tougher than the toughies and smarter than the
  6. Busy highway: And the sleepy town: Raised against the arch of heaven: Looks she, proudly ,down Buildings Carnegie Hall, built in 1909,is a large, two-storey
  7. As the Bavarian organizations, which represent a specific part of Germany. They, proudly ,put forth a German Parade called Steuben Parade each year. Various affiliated
  8. Of the three states completely surrounded by a single other country. San Marino, proudly ,asserts its independence and various treaties of friendship have been signed
  9. BC) and a mechanical engineer known as An Shi, an 'artificer '. The latter, proudly ,presented the king with a life-size, human-shaped figure of his mechanical
  10. Year Club. Dedicated to those Forty-Niners, who have served ten or more years, proudly ,wearing the scarlet and gold. ” 1950s: 1960s: 1970s: 1980s: 1990s: 2000s:
  11. Of the other" burgers" were filled with game discs, the one for R-Type Final, proudly ,on display right below the top bun. 2005 saw IREM debuting a phony console, the
  12. Radio receiver, which was also used as a lightning detector, on May 7,1895. He, proudly ,demonstrated his wireless receiver before a group of reporters on a stormy
  13. Considerations that Israelis ... have been dealing with since the Palestinians, proudly ,decided to use suicide murder as their primary weapon. " World War II
  14. He hated to lose — at anything. " Name "/NP"> Oct adv"/> He was even known to, proudly ,display a scar he received after being gored at the Running of the Bulls in
  15. With the printer's name and date, the Mainz Psalter of August 1457,and while, proudly ,proclaiming the mechanical process by which it had been produced, it made no
  16. With Nazism, but this label is also used ironically and/or occasionally, proudly ,self-applied. Examples of flaming Any subject of a polarizing nature can
  17. In Egypt and the rest of the Muslim world" the word secular, a label, proudly ,worn 30 years ago, is shunned" and" used to besmirch" political foes. The
  18. 21,000 in 1929 to 3,703 in 1933. Despite those dismal numbers, Harley-Davidson, proudly , unveiled its lineup for 1934,which included a Flathead with Art Deco styling.
  19. By reasserting a unique ethnic identity and political consciousness, proudly ,identifying themselves as Chicanos. Others believe it was a corrupted term of "
  20. Published Dzerzhinsky own quote: In the autumn of 1918,the Cheney openly and, proudly ,announced itself to be a terrorist organization in the name of a working class.
  21. Classic," Texas-style" sense of independence refers to: the traditional and, proudly ,eclectic, liberal lifestyles of many Austin residents; a desire to protect
  22. It is a day when in addition to the exchange of books and roses, Catalans will, proudly ,display their senders. UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Catalonia There are
  23. Focusing on subjects such as global warming (a campaign poster at the time, proudly ,stated:" Everyone is talking about Germany; we're talking about the weather!
  24. The tea ritual, but Okayama is adopting the manners and dress of the newcomers, proudly ,displaying his new pocket watch, cutaway coat and" A Bowler Hat ". But there
  25. The nickname 'Shinbones '. Likewise, local butchers on Abbotsford St, used to, proudly ,hang shinbones decorated in blue and white streamers from their veranda. It is all
  26. A set of ideals. The flag has become a powerful symbol of Americanism, and is, proudly ,flown on many occasions, with giant outdoor flags used by retail outlets to
  27. Claim allegiance to two countries. " Despite this declaration, Bell has been, proudly ,claimed as a" native son" by all three countries he resided in: the United
  28. Mention of his valor in slaying a Goliath-like opponent (frag. 350),and he, proudly ,describes the military hardware that adorned their family home (frag. 357).
  29. Rural communities as well as the towns and villages throughout the province, proudly ,retain a slower-paced, old-world flavor, something factoring heavily into
  30. City information The main feature of the city is essentially the Monastery that, proudly ,presents a long and somber façade with 18th Century embellishments. This
  31. To some sources, British Commander General Edmund Allen by during World War I, proudly ,declared" today the wars of the Crusaders are completed" by rising up his
  32. Portrait, an unusual gift to bestow upon a commoner, and one that Drake sported, proudly ,in his portrait by Marcus Cheerers,1591. On one side is a state portrait of
  33. Him, posthumously published as Real Love: The Drawings for Sean. Lennon later, proudly ,declared," He didn't come out of my belly but, by God, I made his bones
  34. With the law firm Winger and Bella in Whittier, In later years, Nixon, proudly , stated that he was the only modern president to work as a practicing attorney.
  35. In search of seal herds. Nansen became an expert marksman, and on one day, proudly ,recorded that his team had shot 200 seals. In July, Viking became trapped in the
  36. Days. By 1648 her mother returned to Sweden. In October 1650 Maria Eleonora, proudly ,attended her daughter's postponed coronation ceremony. Christina then bought
  37. From here? " Queried one. " From here we're heading' for The Big Apple,", proudly ,replied the other. " Well,you'd better fatten up them Skinner or all you'll
  38. Album Welcome to Hell. Their dark, blistering sound, harsh vocals, and macabre, proudly ,Satanic imagery proved a major inspiration for extreme metal bands. Another
  39. Translated as" Forest of Incandescent Bliss ". In his later years, Linebarger, proudly ,wore a tie with the Chinese characters for this name embroidered on it. As an
  40. Feudal and counterrevolutionary as synonyms for evil, and backwardness, and, proudly , proclaimed themselves to be revolutionary. Chiang called the warlords
  41. Flag before it could ever touch the ground, the king took it in his hand, and, proudly , waved it in front of his discouraged troops, giving them hope, and leading them
  42. Lovingly renovated and converted, and the village was reborn, and went on to, proudly ,win Faberge Best Kept Village, and runner-up in the Suffolk Community Council
  43. Understanding of the blues. At a press conference the following year, he, proudly , declared," I know practically every religious song that's ever been written.
  44. A 'Top 10 list' segment. The audience went wild as Letterman stood up and, proudly ,invited Carson to sit at his desk. The applause was so protracted that Carson
  45. Harderwijk. On the way, they stopped in Hamburg, where they met the mayor, who, proudly , showed them a wonder of nature which he possessed: the taxidermist remains of a
  46. Admission, did not give much thought to politics, and several times he writes, proudly ,of how little attention he had paid" to political affairs of his day ". In a
  47. Non-Muslims have been among the targets and victims. Some groups have, proudly ,proclaimed the attacks, others have been silent or denied involvement.
  48. In January 1975. At the same time at a press event in Beijing, Sihanouk, proudly , announced Saloth's" death list" of enemies to kill after victory. The list
  49. The free forger of his own destiny, who could make PICO Della Miranda exclaim, proudly ,:" What a divine thing is man! " Is now only a" tiny worm" with the awareness
  50. Campaign to encourage atheists worldwide to declare their stance publicly and, proudly , Inspired by the gay rights movement, Dawkins hopes that atheists' identifying

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