Examples of the the word, fascinate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fascinate ), is the 8816 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Covered with oak forests. Natural springs, singing of the birds, and fresh air, fascinate ,all lovers of nature. Administrative divisions Colleges and universities *
  2. Attentions in Is, which appear to involve Blanche. That lady continues to, fascinate ,and frustrate Shim rod. Later, as part of his service to Jürgen, Shimrod
  3. To create an elusive, dream-like atmosphere, which still has the power to, fascinate ,(or repel) listeners today. *Pietro Mascagni (1863–1945). Italian composer
  4. The prequels, which were quite developed at this point, continued to, fascinate ,him. After Star Wars became popular once again, in the wake of Dark Horse's
  5. Of navigation, the expedition was an organizational disaster which continues to, fascinate ,the Australian public. In 1862,John McDougall Stuart succeeded in traversing
  6. As his attention turns from his inner struggles and the intellectual ideas that, fascinate ,him towards the real world outside and the real options offered by his current
  7. Women in relation to his own work:" I don't like his women at all, but they, fascinate ,me, like a snake. That's why I always buy Rossetti whenever I can. His women
  8. For being enigmatic and elusive, the instrument and its history continues to, fascinate ,and intrigue musicians, historians and writers - appearing as a feature in
  9. Effects on the" F" ring led scientists to call them" shepherd moons ". They, fascinate ,all researchers interested in the dynamics of the ring system, because their
  10. Only wish is to get home safely as soon as possible. Spy thrillers continue to, fascinate ,readers even if the Cold War period is over now. Another development is the
  11. And personal orientations could hardly be more different, Myrna and Ignatius, fascinate ,one another. The novel repeatedly refers to Myrna and Ignatius having engaged
  12. Photographs of several of the prostitutes, but mostly of Hattie. His activities, fascinate ,Violet. Nell decides that Violet is now old enough for her virginity to be
  13. Of reaction mass is gaining credibility. The Bailed–Brown effect continues to, fascinate ,those interested in better space propulsion technologies. A 1956 analysis by
  14. From the verb fascinate ," to cast a spell" ( the origin of the English word ", fascinate ,"),was used against the evil eye. The spreading in the belief of the evil eye
  15. Come into the family drawing room, now in their full dress uniforms, which, fascinate , the Prince's daughters and puzzle the Prince, who says he thought they were
  16. Bag, a piece of rope with a knot, etc. * Clothespins with springs used to, fascinate ,young children and served as raw material for various contraptions:
  17. Environment. The film's ambiguous, perplexing ending continues to, fascinate ,contemporary audiences and critics. After this film, Kubrick would never
  18. And others with the" less talented De Silas and Zinnemanns who continue to, fascinate ,the critics. " However, as in" Underground Press ", the term developed as a
  19. Organza. It was later said that she had been selected by the French court to, fascinate ,the king of England, but for this there seems to be no evidence. Yet when there
  20. The top of the underwater food chain. Their extraordinary skills as predators, fascinate ,and frighten humans, even as their survival is under serious threat from
  21. Later workers to create generalizations. Large number co-incidences continue to, fascinate ,many mathematical physicists. For instance, James G. Gílson has constructed a "
  22. Elves have no proper imagination or real emotions, and therefore such things, fascinate ,them. Because they cannot create they steal musicians and artists. Because they
  23. Of Buechner's literary talent to theological issues that has continued to, fascinate ,his audience:: :"Ever since the publication of A Long Day's Dying ...
  24. As in the West following the revival of classical learning. Sparta continues to, fascinate ,Western Culture; an admiration of Sparta is called laconophilia. Names The
  25. Of his appearances his one defining characteristic is his blood-red eyes, which, fascinate , anyone who looks into them. Patrick Danville also mentions that the King fades
  26. Truth about Elizabeth's romantic life and possible parenthood will continue to, fascinate ,generations to come. " He has also recently appeared in a National Geographic
  27. Aqueduct constructed during the 16th century - 17th century. What is bound to, fascinate ,you when you encounter Bar Old Town is its monumental size, the scale of its
  28. Acknowledged. The dramatic force of Tosca and its characters continues to, fascinate ,both performers and audiences, and the work remains one of the most frequently
  29. The hard rock boy bands of late ", and claimed that" they will continue to, fascinate ,and challenge music's standard sounds. " Q magazine gave Hybrid Theory four
  30. Complex interplay of natural, environmental objects in ways that challenge and, fascinate ,children and teach them about the wonders and intricacies of the natural world
  31. Of opera serial, Handel composed a series of over 30 operas that continue to, fascinate ,audiences today. His masterwork is generally thought to be Giulio Cesare.
  32. The 1970s,centers on the suicides of five sisters. The Lisbon girls' suicides, fascinate ,their community as their neighbors struggle to find an explanation for the acts
  33. Which includes one of those carefully worked out alibis that seem alike to, fascinate ,Mrs. Christie and to provide her with the best opportunities for displaying her
  34. Mysteries into the minor details of his stories; mysteries that tend to, fascinate ,his readers, once they notice them, and often form the kernel around which
  35. Religion and atheism, sanity and madness, love and hate, are what seem to, fascinate ,the poet. Certain motifs are used repeatedly in pursuit of depicting these
  36. For many people it is Elvis Presley, and it continues to excite and, fascinate ,listeners. Heartbreak Hotel is a classic performance, yet when it is analyzed
  37. Three new avenues (Rizal, Taft,and Ayala). Marvel after marvel continued to, fascinate ,the Pasadena. On April 11, 1914,Pasty entered the Aviation Age. Miss Cora
  38. Want to see them. " In the same article, Honsinger commented:" Simple things, fascinate ,me, simple stories and simple characters. It's not that I write for children
  39. So much an exhibition of intelligent grace and unerring skill that it could, fascinate ,even the least seamanlike of our passengers. " Conrad made two voyages to
  40. Processes which create free associations between disparate phenomena which so, fascinate ,Tyson. The Nature Paintings (2005–2008) A mixture of paints, pigments and
  41. Comic strips in the Beeper in that it addressed the metaphysical questions that, fascinate ,children and philosophers such as - where do thoughts come from and why do
  42. That although her mannerisms were grating," they compel attention, and they, fascinate ,an audience. She is a distinct, definite,positive personality - the first
  43. Rabbit. " My offensive equipment being practically nil, it remains for me to, fascinate ,him with the power of my eye. " ---- Cartoon from Punch magazine,28 July 1920
  44. General decay and despair there is joy there still and simplicity ... Shakers, fascinate ,me. " Others shared his interest. In 1961 a group of Lexington-area citizens
  45. In June 1988. Literature and popular culture The unusual story has continued to, fascinate ,and inspire many writers. *Alexandre Dumas, père,included a fictional account
  46. Many rail fans have a fixation with steam locomotives, which sometimes also, fascinate ,the public, as seen by the attendance at stations to view steam-hauled
  47. Tours or the hire car 'circuit' around Tasmania. Some features continue to, fascinate ,tourists, either the mountains, the slag heap or the gravel football ground.
  48. More than a century later, gold and legends of Old West mining continue to, fascinate ,historians. Although this is one of California's newest state parks, the
  49. Men, And outcasts always mourn. Biographies Wilde's life continues to, fascinate ,and he has been the subject of numerous biographies since his death. The
  50. II of Macedon conquered all of Greece. The Peloponnesian War continues to, fascinate ,later generations, because of the way it engulfed the Greek world. The insight

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