Examples of the the word, item , in a Sentence Context

The word ( item ), is the 622 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the north signified the arrival of larvae of the wood-ant (a food, item ,) in spring. The beginning of summer was marked by the star's setting with the
  2. Or Ad may also refer to: Media and culture *Advertisement, the promotion of an, item , service, company,and/or idea *A. D. (miniseries),a 1985 television
  3. Of interest and the mechanics of the telescope point the telescope towards that, item ,automatically. They have several notable advantages for amateur astronomers
  4. State; with the following axioms: * top (push (s, x )) = x (pushing an, item ,onto a stack leaves it at the top) * pop (push (s, x )) = s (pop undoes
  5. Tourism, both based outside Antarctica. The Antarctica dollar, a souvenir, item ,sold in the United States and Canada, is not legal tender. Fisheries Antarctic
  6. We start at the first box, choose an item ; go to the second box, choose an, item ,; and so on. The number of boxes is finite, so eventually our choice procedure
  7. Performs a catchy song and dance number in the film. In older films, the ", item ,number" may be performed by a courtesan (ta waif) dancing for a rich client
  8. Structure could be defined by three operations: push, that inserts some data, item ,onto the structure, pop,that extracts an item from it (with the constraint
  9. Entertainment and media. For example, in a film, the main character can use an, item ,or other of a definite brand, as in the movie Minority Report, where Tom Cruise
  10. The list L. largest ← L0 for each item in the list (Length (L)≥1),do if the, item ,> largest, then largest ← the item return the largest Euclid’s algorithm Euclid’s
  11. Personal growth. Kat is also well known for his ability to scavenge nearly any, item ,needed, above all, food. At one point he secures four tins of lobster. Bauer
  12. Was PC with a sound card and a software program called Banana, and the third, item ,was a phone that could easily be used for cloning, such as the OK 900. By
  13. S, stack_Item e); /stack_Item stack_pop (stack’T s); /* Remove the top, item ,from the stack and return it. Int stack_empty (stack’T ts); / This
  14. Show. The actress Helen was famous for her cabaret numbers. In modern films, item ,numbers may be inserted as discotheque sequences, dancing at celebrations, or
  15. If we have several (a finite number of) boxes, each containing at least one, item , then we can choose exactly one item from each box. Clearly we can do this: We
  16. Of) boxes, each containing at least one item , then we can choose exactly one, item ,from each box. Clearly we can do this: We start at the first box, choose an
  17. Now called" item numbers ". A physically attractive female character (the ", item ,girl" ), often completely unrelated to the main cast and plot of the film
  18. On mobile phones for prevention of theft or loss of item s. The protected, item ,has a Bluetooth marker (e.g. a tag) that is in constant communication with
  19. Arbitrage tends to reduce price discrimination by encouraging people to buy an, item ,where the price is low and resell it where the price is high, as long as the
  20. The female reproductive tract using artificial means Business * Action item ,an, item ,discussed in a meeting that requires further action or work * Appreciative
  21. Is the national baseball team. The baseball cap has become a ubiquitous fashion, item ,not only in the United States and Japan, but also in countries where the sport
  22. In the list (Length (L)≥1),do if the item > largest, then largest ← the, item ,return largest Euclid’s algorithm Euclid’s algorithm appears as Proposition II
  23. Into the female reproductive tract using artificial means Business * Action, item , an item discussed in a meeting that requires further action or work *
  24. Nacre layer of the shell of abalone has traditionally been used as a decorative, item , in jewelry, * Halitosis alfredensis Reeve,1846- the Alfred's abalone –
  25. At each of the remaining item s in the list and if it is larger than the largest, item ,so far, make a note of it. # The last noted item is the largest in the list
  26. It is larger than the largest item so far, make a note of it. # The last noted, item ,is the largest in the list when the process is complete. (Quasi-)formal
  27. And Pakistan who came to the Australian outback * Afghan biscuit,an, item ,of Australian and New Zealand cuisine Acadia University is a predominantly
  28. Entertainment and media. For example, in a film, the main character can use an, item ,or other of a definite brand, as in the movie Minority Report, where Tom Cruise
  29. From each box. Clearly we can do this: We start at the first box, choose an, item ,; go to the second box, choose an item ; and so on. The number of boxes is finite
  30. Of numbers L. Output: The largest number in the list L. largest ← L0 for each, item ,in the list (Length (L)≥1),do if the item > largest, then largest ← the
  31. Of Melbourne women. The contents of the urn are reputed to be the ashes of an, item ,of cricket equipment, a bail. The urn is erroneously believed by some to be the
  32. A misunderstanding during a meeting of the Allied forces; in BRE to table an, item ,on an agenda means to open it up for discussion whereas in AME, it means to
  33. Named" To Hell With Babe Ruth" because of that. The most valuable memorabilia, item ,relating to Ruth was his 1923 bat which he used to hit the first home run at
  34. Problem when BCPL was used on machines in which the smallest addressable, item ,was not a word, but a byte or on machines with larger word sizes: 32-bit and
  35. In December 2004,making it the third most valuable baseball memorabilia, item , behind Mark McGwire's 70th home run ball and the famous 1909 Bonus Wagner
  36. Stack_top (stack’T s); /stack’T stack_pop (stack’T s); /* Remove the top, item ,from s, returns the resulting state. The main problem is that C lacks garbage
  37. Europe, particularly in. Bollywood's films have always used what are now called ", item ,numbers ". A physically attractive female character (the" item girl" )
  38. Is the frequency that the phones transmit data to the tower on. The second, item ,was PC with a sound card and a software program called Banana, and the third
  39. Similar to shark fin soup or birds nest soup, it is considered a luxury, item , and is traditionally reserved for special occasions such as weddings and other
  40. The Lunar Module; due to delays in the test program, the LM became a" pacing, item ," meaning that it was in danger of delaying the schedule of the whole Apollo
  41. It (with the constraint that each pop always returns the most recently pushed, item ,that has not been popped yet),and peek, that allows data on top of the
  42. List, or an array (with dynamic resizing) together with two integers (an, item ,count and the array size) Functional-style interface Functional-style ADT
  43. Equipment and personnel *Pedestal, a supporting feature of a statue or other, item ,People with the surname The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary
  44. That it caused the poor to become raucous and unkempt drunkards. Yet one, item , hops, important for the production of beer, did not grow well in the colonies.
  45. Description English prose, as: High-level description: # Assume the first, item ,is largest. # Look at each of the remaining item s in the list and if it is
  46. For SysOp" ( The original chat, before multi-line systems) caller side menu, item ,that sounded an audible alarm to the SysOp. If chosen, the SysOp could then
  47. Apple I computers are still known to exist, making it a very rare collector's, item , An Apple I reportedly sold for $50,000 USD at auction in 1999,with another
  48. Astronaut Duke from Planet Earth. Landed on the Moon, April 1972. " The other, item ,was a commemorative medal issued by the United States Air Force, which was
  49. Push, that inserts some data item onto the structure, pop,that extracts an, item ,from it (with the constraint that each pop always returns the most recently
  50. These computer-driven telescopes, the user typically enters the name of the, item ,of interest and the mechanics of the telescope point the telescope towards that

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