Examples of the the word, issues , in a Sentence Context

The word ( issues ), is the 5054 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Contemporaneously. Currently, anthropologists pay attention to a wide variety of, issues ,pertaining to the contemporary world, including globalization, medicine and
  2. Programs to privately funded health insurance. After childhood, key treatment, issues ,include residential care, job training and placement, sexuality,social skills
  3. Concerning the organization of the anarchist movement, popular education, issues , the general strike or antimilitarism. A central debate concerned the relation
  4. To request a trial de Nova by a court of record. In such a proceeding, all, issues , and evidence may be developed newly, as though never heard before, and one is
  5. The 1998 laureate in Economics, Amartya Sen. Sen's work has centered on global, issues ,including famine, welfare,and third-world development. Martha Sen was Master
  6. In 1865. An exceptionally astute politician deeply involved with power, issues ,in each state, he reached out to War Democrats and managed his own re-election
  7. Anthem. The state power in Azerbaijan is limited only by law for internal, issues , but for international affairs is additionally limited by the provisions of
  8. Revolutionary War, conduct diplomacy with Europe and deal with territorial, issues ,and Indian claims. Nevertheless, the confederation type of national government
  9. Between social structure and individual agency. Also, influential in these, issues ,were Nietzsche, Heidegger,the critical theory of the Frankfurt School, Derrida
  10. Sumner and Sen. Benjamin Wade, political allies of the president on other, issues , Determined to find a course that would reunite the nation and not alienate the
  11. Most division and conflict between scholars focusing on domestic sociocultural, issues ,and scholars focusing on" other" societies. Post–World War II Before WWII
  12. For appeal" by objecting. In cases where a judge rather than a jury decided, issues ,of fact, an appellate court will apply an abuse of discretion standard of
  13. Popularity of theorists such as Antonio Gram sci and Michel Foucault moved, issues ,of power and hegemony into the spotlight. Gender and sexuality became popular
  14. US Attorney General dropped the lawsuit on November 30, 1897 leaving several, issues ,undecided on the merits. During a deposition filed for the 1887 trial, Italian
  15. Composed of all ministers and vice ministers, met regularly to discuss policy, issues , Governors of the 18 provinces were appointed by and serve at the pleasure of
  16. Cases valued up to $100,000. Local political communities have often worked on, issues ,related to land use development, fishing,tourism, and individual rights.
  17. Of the definition of" algorithm ", and activity is ongoing because of, issues ,surrounding, in particular, foundations of mathematics (especially the
  18. Division reports regularly on the state's revenue sources. The Department also, issues ,an annual summary of its operations, including new state laws that directly
  19. And intellectuals, free love and birth control advocates (see Anarchism and, issues ,related to love and sex),individualist naturists nudists (see
  20. Over the ethical and legal issues of abortion. Abortion and abortion-related, issues ,feature prominently in the national politics in many nations, often involving
  21. Reforms that would improve human health and the environment. The" real, true, issues , are not being addressed by the political process because of the influence of
  22. The states for ratification in November 1777. There were long debates on such, issues ,as sovereignty, the exact powers to be given the confederal government, whether
  23. That operates continuously on the data, running on an analog computer. Legal, issues ,: See also: Software patents for a general overview of the patentability of
  24. The crew was about one hour and 40 minutes behind flight plan due to the, issues ,of moving away from the S-IVB and Lovell's obscured star sightings. The crew
  25. Over whether and to what extent to incorporate such considerations when judging, issues ,of language and dialect. Influence of Arabic on other languages The influence
  26. The right to security of person, and the right to reproductive health are major, issues ,of human rights that are sometimes used as justification for the existence or
  27. Arabs mostly assert that they all speak a single language, despite significant, issues ,of mutual incomprehensibility among differing spoken versions. From a
  28. It was capable of making war, negotiating diplomatic agreements, and resolving, issues ,regarding the western territories. Article XIII stipulated that" their
  29. On political projects, but she disagreed with them (and they with her) over, issues ,such as religion and ethics. She denounced libertarianism, which she associated
  30. Appellate court normally gives less deference to a lower court's decision on, issues ,of law, and may reverse if it finds that the lower court applied the wrong
  31. Learning and serves the creation of a consumer society instead. Internal, issues ,and debates Anarchism is a philosophy which embodies many diverse attitudes
  32. Of ongoing debate. Recent crises (such as avian influenza, mad cow disease and, issues ,such as the use of genetically modified organisms) illustrate the complexity
  33. Were having second thoughts, especially regarding Lincoln's views on racial, issues , Black historian Throne Bennett won wide attention when he called Lincoln a
  34. US-led war, the current political situation, as well as the economic and social, issues ,affecting their daily lives. One was conducted in 2010 by the Asia Foundation (
  35. And Q&A sessions, she often took controversial stances on political and social, issues ,of the day. These included supporting abortion rights, opposing the Vietnam War
  36. Despite the bitterness of the defeat for Lincoln, his articulation of the, issues ,gave him a national political reputation. In May 1859,Lincoln purchased the
  37. Thus, most Affidavits now require being Apostilled if used for cross border, issues , Ireland Affidavits are made similarly as to England and Wales, although
  38. Is a school of thought within anarchism which puts an emphasis on environmental, issues , with an important precedent in anarcho-naturism and whose main contemporary
  39. Anthropology worried about anthropology's relevance. Since the 1980s, issues , of power, such as those examined in Eric Wolf's Europe and the People Without
  40. Earned him an unofficial title as the father of the Green Revolution. Livestock, issues ,A senior UN official and co-author of a UN report detailing this problem
  41. Government in Kabul and are responsible for all administrative and formal, issues ,within their provinces. There are also provincial councils which are elected
  42. There is prominent and divisive public controversy over the ethical and legal, issues ,of abortion. Abortion and abortion-related issues feature prominently in the
  43. The National Space and Biomedical Research Institute (NS BRI) to address these, issues , Prominent among This is the Advanced Diagnostic Ultrasound in Microgravity
  44. Was especially insulted by projects that tried to fix population and labor, issues ,with a simple cure-all solution. A memorable example of these sorts of schemes
  45. Testing. As new genetic tests are developed several ethical, legal,and social, issues ,will emerge. Commercial availability of tests may precede adequate
  46. S position on the complex ethical, moral,philosophical, biological,and legal, issues ,is often related to his or her value system. Opinions of abortion may be
  47. Atlantic would be Hurricane Katrina in the 2005 season. Current environmental, issues ,Endangered marine species include the manatee, seals,sea lions, turtles,and
  48. However, genetic engineering of plants has proven to be controversial. Many, issues ,surrounding food security and environmental impacts have risen regarding GMO
  49. Food at an affordable price. Food safety, labeling and regulation Food security, issues ,also coincide with food safety and food labeling concerns. Currently, a global
  50. From this period, Huxley began to write and edit non-fiction works on pacifist, issues , including Ends and Means, An Encyclopedia of Pacifism, and Pacifism and

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