Examples of the the word, economically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( economically ), is the 5061 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Decrease in tourism has also affected the Christian minority, leaving many, economically ,stricken as they are the owners of many Bethlehem hotels and services that
  2. Pollen, which helps honey bees overwinter. Some members of the Asteraceae are, economically ,important as weeds. Notable in the United States are the ragwort, Senecio
  3. H₂ + N2 → 2 NH3 Hydrogen required for ammonia synthesis could also be produced, economically ,using other sources like coal or coke gamification, less economically from the
  4. Asian countries. The World Economic Forum rates Botswana as one of the two most, economically ,competitive nations in Africa. In 2004 Botswana was once again assigned" A "
  5. Core in a transparent exterior layer which is then annealed in a furnace. More, economically , millefiori beads can also be made by limiting the patterning process to long
  6. Have, historically,been more influential, interculturally,geographically, and, economically , than other American vernacular traditions. African Americans have also had an
  7. Their savings, misled the public in important matters, should be humanely and, economically ,disposed of in small euthanasia institutions supplied with proper gasses. A
  8. As an ethical issue, as larger companies are taking advantage of other less, economically ,advanced companies. Economic systems Political economy and political philosophy
  9. In 2004 were not opened, due to insufficient funding. * In Spain, it is not, economically ,profitable to open insolvency/bankruptcy proceedings against certain types of
  10. Rule of the seven Imams saw the growth of Hyderabad city both culturally and, economically , Hyderabad city became the formal capital of the kingdom (Hyderabad state)
  11. Produced economically using other sources like coal or coke gamification, less, economically , from the electrolysis of water into oxygen + hydrogen and other alternatives
  12. Tour de France champion cyclist Lance Armstrong, as well as environmentally and, economically ,minded bicycle commuters. Combining these three disciplines is a growing crop
  13. The majority of the population, historically Tutsis have been politically and, economically ,dominant. CIA World Factbook demographic statistics The following demographic
  14. In the provinces. Once in control of their own resources, the provinces became, economically ,richer—a fact demonstrated by larger and better burials among all social
  15. The West Bank barrier has had an impact on Bethlehem politically, socially,and, economically , The barrier runs along the northern side of the town's built-up area, within
  16. Human environmental impact. They are often portrayed as self-contained or, economically ,self-sufficient. The concept has been primarily popularized, and the term
  17. Recommended to him. Should the serfs become agricultural laborers dependent, economically ,and administratively on the landlords, or should they be transformed into a
  18. Presented a quandary for some Eastern Bloc states that had been more, economically ,advanced and open than the Soviet Union, such that crossing borders seemed more
  19. In April 1862). Lincoln believed that curtailing slavery in these ways would, economically ,expunge it, as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, under the constitution.
  20. Those killed in the battle were buried there. Brassicaceae a medium-sized and, economically ,important family of flowering plants (Angiosperms),are informally known as
  21. Commercial use. In 2005 about 70 percent of the total forest resource was rated, economically ,viable. Production of the most important crops (according to the FAO) in 2006
  22. That each nation's navy desired was politically controversial and potentially, economically ,crippling. This nascent arms race was prevented by the Washington Naval Treaty
  23. To dehumidify it again. The brine has to be regenerated, and that can be done, economically ,with a low temperature solar still. Multiphase evaporative coolers can lower
  24. In abbreviations. Minimization of punctuation in typewritten matter became, economically ,desirable in the 1960s and 1970s for the many users of carbon-film ribbons
  25. Several airlines found they did not have enough passengers to fly the 747, economically , and they replaced them with the smaller and recently introduced McDonnell
  26. On agriculture, and,after the close of the prison, the town continued, economically ,dependent on agriculture. The town changed very little over the years, until
  27. The Royal Navy closer to the Caribbean, where the British needed to defend, economically ,important possessions against the French and Spanish. On December 29, 1778,an
  28. Build the interceptor needed to shoot them down. In summary, the MIRV made ABM, economically ,ineffective, and practically non-workable. The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of
  29. To give up rights to use the Mississippi River for 30 years, which would have, economically ,strangled the settlers west of the Appalachian Mountains. Finally, due to the
  30. Quebec and large parts of southern Ontario. It is mostly drained by the, economically ,important St. Lawrence River and its tributaries, notably the Saguenay
  31. Ideals, and Labor Right, the now dominant faction that tends to be more, economically ,liberal and focus to a lesser extent on social issues. The Whitley government
  32. Policy to emphasize the production only of those foodstuffs that can be raised, economically , The Arable Lands Development Program and the Tribal Grazing Land Policy are
  33. Were also constructed during Gawler's governorship. Adelaide had also become, economically ,self-sufficient during this period, but at heavy cost: as a result of Gawler's
  34. Jewish presence. Since the Industrial Revolution, Andalusia has been an, economically ,poor region in comparison with the rest of Spain and the European Union at
  35. Hotel and sought to bring tourists to Cooperstown, which had been suffering, economically ,when the Great Depression significantly reduced the local tourist trade and
  36. And freedom from white authority. Post-Civil Rights era Politically and, economically , blacks have made substantial strides during the post-civil rights era. In 1989
  37. From Africa to work on the sugar cane plantations. The islands prospered, economically ,until the middle of the 1800s,when a combination of the abolition of slavery
  38. Numbers of warheads. Upgrading it to counter the additional warheads would be, economically ,infeasible—the defenders required one rocket per incoming warhead, whereas the
  39. Is a member nation. Geology, mineral potential, and energy Although a number of, economically ,important minerals exist in Belize, none has been found in quantities large
  40. Around Fort McMurray (the Athabasca Oil Sands). Because of its (relatively), economically , isolated location, Alberta relies heavily on transportation links with the rest
  41. Uses the term blitzkrieg. The book’s argument is that Germany is not prepared, economically ,for a long war but might win a lightning war. It does not treat in any detail
  42. A lot of energy, but alternative processes were always found to be less viable, economically ,and/or ecologically. The worldwide average specific energy consumption is
  43. League Division Series to the Indians. In, Duquette called Fenway Park ", economically ,obsolete" and, along with Red Sox ownership, led a push for a new stadium. On
  44. Arid and semi-arid regions of subtropical and lower temperate latitudes. Many, economically ,important products come from composites, including cooking oils, lettuce
  45. Royal Burgh status from King David I (1124–53),transforming the city, economically , The city's two universities, the University of Aberdeen, founded in 1495,and
  46. The rise of the blues. " Levine states that" psychologically, socially,and, economically , African-Americans were being acculturated in a way that would have been
  47. Spent on recorded music in the United States, these markets are nonetheless, economically ,significant. Germany, for instance, is the largest single market in western
  48. The region is closely connected to Seattle and the American Pacific Northwest, economically ,and culturally. Industry Major industries in Southeast Alaska include
  49. Since the 1990s the Barbados Government has been seen as business-friendly and, economically ,sound. The island has seen a construction boom, with the development and
  50. Films are the most prestigious, commercials and television are currently more, economically ,important to the region. The Filmoteca de Andalucía, headquartered in Córdoba

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