Examples of the the word, punch , in a Sentence Context

The word ( punch ), is the 5071 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Look at the President. The crowd had become so wild that the attendants poured, punch ,in tubs and put it on the White House lawn to lure people outside. Jackson's
  2. Against counter punch ers requires constant feinting and never telegraphing a, punch ,for the counter punch er to generate a good offense from. To be successful using
  3. While paramedics and firefighters located the two black boxes near the, punch ,out hole in the A-E drive, nearly into the building. Personal effects belonging
  4. S main concern is to stay alert, as the brawler only needs to land one good, punch ,to finish the fight. If the out-fighter can avoid those power punch es, he can
  5. The sides of incoming punch es. Unlike blocking, causing an opponent to miss a, punch ,disrupts his balance, permits forward movement past the opponent's extended
  6. The Punch ". *Duck or break – To drop with the back straight so that a, punch ,aimed at the head glances or misses entirely. *Bob and weave – Bobbing moves
  7. Can be rationally expected of any logical machine ". Jacquard loom, Hollerith, punch , cards,telegraphy and telephony—the electromechanical relay: Bell and Newell (
  8. It misses or has its force appreciably lessened. Also called" rolling with the, punch ," or" Riding The Punch ". *Duck or break – To drop with the back straight
  9. Semi-crochet2. JPG|Half uppercut - a combination of a wide Uppercut/straight, punch ,* Jab – A quick, straight punch thrown with the lead hand from the guard
  10. And close slips, as was an early Mike Tyson. *Sway or fade – To anticipate a, punch ,and move the upper body or head back so that it misses or has its force
  11. One analyst in 2004 put it this way:" One man holds a greater political, punch ,than all 18 living Afghan presidential candidates combined. Though already dead
  12. Rotates the hips and shoulders. This turns the chin sideways and allows the, punch ,to" slip" past. Muhammad Ali was famous for extremely fast and close slips
  13. Turing-complete long before Alan Turing's concept. Three different types of, punch ,cards were used: one for arithmetical operations, one for numerical constants
  14. END' END' PUNCH (3) sends output to the teleprinter rather than the tape, punch , SAMPLING suppresses the carriage return + line feed normally printed between
  15. Special cases. One important special case was digit 0,represented by a lone 0, punch , in the card, and (8,2) in core memory. The memory of the IBM 1620 was
  16. Position in front of the face. The jab is recognized as the most important, punch ,in a boxer's arsenal because it provides a fair amount of its own cover and it
  17. Have a printer, a curve plotter and a bell. The machine would also be able to, punch ,numbers onto cards to be read in later. It employed ordinary base-10
  18. And counter. For this reason, the haymaker or roundhouse is not a conventional, punch , and is regarded by trainers as a mark of poor technique or desperation.
  19. With any part of their body other than the feet as a result of the opponent's, punch ,and not a slip, as determined by the referee, the referee begins counting until
  20. Leaves the punch er in. Another unconventional punch is the rarely used" solo, punch ,", in which the opponent swings an arm out several times in a wide arc, usually
  21. Throwing uppercuts where they can channel their entire body weight behind the, punch ,; Mike Tyson was famous for throwing devastating uppercuts. Julio César Chávez
  22. The roundhouse can be a powerful blow, but it is often a wild and uncontrolled, punch ,that leaves the fighter delivering it off balance and with an open guard. Wide
  23. Is retracted quickly and the guard position resumed. It can be used to counter, punch ,a jab, aiming for the opponent's head (or a counter to a cross aimed at the
  24. Powerful punch es. A half-step may be added, moving the entire body into the, punch , for additional power. Some notable boxers who have been able to develop
  25. Gloves with a white strip across the knuckle. A punch is considered a scoring, punch ,only when the boxers connect with the white portion of the gloves. Each punch
  26. Advantage of the poor position it leaves the punch er in. Another unconventional, punch ,is the rarely used" solo punch ", in which the opponent swings an arm out
  27. For example, an out-fighter will sometimes plant his feet and counter, punch , or a slugger may have the stamina to pressure fight with his power punch es.
  28. That" Rand's is a tortured immortality, one in which she's as likely to be a, punch ,line as a protagonist ..." and that" jibes at Rand as cold and inhuman, run
  29. Joe Frazier, Mike Tyson, and Tommy Morrison * Uppercut – A vertical, rising, punch , thrown with the rear hand. From the guard position, the torso shifts slightly
  30. If it does not cross the opponent's outstretched jab. * Hook – A semicircular, punch ,thrown with the lead hand to the side of the opponent's head. From the guard
  31. A combination of a wide Uppercut/straight punch * Jab – A quick, straight, punch , thrown with the lead hand from the guard position. The jab is accompanied by a
  32. To be successful using this style they must have good reflexes, intelligence, punch , accuracy,and good hand speed. Notable counter punch ers include Salvador
  33. Of space for a counter punch from the opponent. It has the longest reach of any, punch ,and does not require commitment or large weight transfers. Due to its
  34. While the fist rotates 90 degrees, becoming horizontal upon impact. As the, punch ,reaches full extension, the lead shoulder can be brought up to guard the chin.
  35. Amount of its own cover, and it leaves the least amount of space for a counter, punch ,from the opponent. It has the longest reach of any punch and does not require
  36. Making it easier to land cleanly and forcefully. A large, swinging circular, punch ,starting from a cocked-back position with the arm at a longer extension than
  37. A vulnerable position, then the hook to knock the opponent out. These different, punch ,types can be thrown in rapid succession to form combinations or" combos ". The
  38. In short range and close range Image: drop5. JPG|Cross-counter (counter, punch ,) Image: semi-crochet2. JPG|Half uppercut - a combination of a wide
  39. 1971) indicate that the Jacquard loom (1801),precursor to Hollerith cards (, punch ,cards,1887),and" telephone switching technologies" were the roots of a
  40. Knockout win. A technical knockout would also be awarded if a fighter lands a, punch ,that opens a cut on the opponent, and the opponent is later deemed not fit to
  41. 12 zone" punch set both B and A, an " 11 zones" set B, and a" 0 zones" ( a 0, punch , combined with any others) set A. Thus the letter A, ( 12,1) in the punch ed
  42. 96,880 and 960 were often used because they related to the fixed block size of, punch ,cards. The drive capacity was usually stated under conditions of full track
  43. Wear protective headgear and gloves with a white strip across the knuckle. A, punch ,is considered a scoring punch only when the boxers connect with the white
  44. Include Larry Holmes and Wladimir Kitsch. * Cross – A powerful, straight, punch , thrown with the rear hand. From the guard position, the rear hand is thrown
  45. Before punch ing again (alternatively, the referee may direct the fighters to ", punch ,out" of the clinch). When a boxer is knocked down, the other boxer must
  46. That an incoming punch passes harmlessly next to the head. As the opponent's, punch ,arrives, the boxer sharply rotates the hips and shoulders. This turns the chin
  47. JPG|Pulling away *Slip – Slipping rotates the body slightly so that an incoming, punch ,passes harmlessly next to the head. As the opponent's punch arrives, the boxer
  48. Punch only when the boxers connect with the white portion of the gloves. Each, punch ,that lands cleanly on the head or torso with sufficient force is awarded a
  49. And then immediately catch the opponent off guard with a well-placed and timed, punch , Thus, fighting against counter punch ers requires constant feinting and never
  50. Code, and bits 8 through 1 from the 1 through 9 punch es. A" 12 zones ", punch ,set both B and A, an " 11 zones" set B, and a" 0 zones" ( a 0 punch combined

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