Examples of the the word, beneficiary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( beneficiary ), is the 5073 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Unspecified higher source where the healer can direct the effects to the, beneficiary , Contact healing involves the healer being in the closest proximity but not
  2. Purpose trust, it could not be enforced because it failed to satisfy the, beneficiary ,principle. In the end an out-of-court settlement granted only £8600 for
  3. The age of industrialization, the country has been a driver, innovator,and, beneficiary ,of an ever more globalized economy. Germany is the world's second largest
  4. Of commodity prices brought ruin to both city workers and to farmers. The, beneficiary ,of the resultant discontent was not the Communist Party, which remained small
  5. And related facilities. The offer shall be sufficiently unbundled so that the, beneficiary ,does not have to pay for network elements or facilities which are not necessary
  6. Thesis was implicated in Amalaric's murder," and was certainly its prime, beneficiary , " As for Carotid, in Gregory's words she died on the journey home" by some
  7. Government in Jakarta has a strong influence in the Papa. Papa was a major, beneficiary ,of a nation-wide decentralization process started in 1999 and the Special
  8. Elections. President Fernández, who grew up in New York, was the principal, beneficiary ,of this law. The Dominican Republic was involved in the US-led coalition in
  9. Products, while imports from the EU are primarily machinery. Belarus is a, beneficiary ,of the EU's Generalized System of Preferences (GSP). The European Commission
  10. When Eden died. His will named one of Spotswood's opponents, John Holloway,a, beneficiary , In the same year Spots wood, who for years had fought his enemies in the House
  11. Money itself. At its most basic, a remittance service involves a sender,a, beneficiary ,and two intermediaries. The sender wishes to send a remittance to the
  12. The Commonwealth of Nations and the Non-Aligned Movement (G-77). Jamaica is a, beneficiary ,of the Lomé Conventions, through which the European Union (EU) grants trade
  13. Value of the Bahamian dollar on a par with the U. S. dollar. The Bahamas is a, beneficiary ,of the U. S. -Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CB TPA),Canada's
  14. North. Currently, there are fifteen free trade zones in El Salvador. The largest, beneficiary ,has been the Aquila industry, which provides 88,700 jobs directly, and
  15. Designate on Hopper's life insurance policy; it currently lists his wife as a, beneficiary , A very ill Hopper did not appear in court though his estranged wife did – case
  16. Half Madagascar's total debt. In March 2005,Madagascar was the first, beneficiary ,of development aid offered by the United States in a plan aimed at rewarding
  17. At the November 1997 annual meeting, shareholders voted to change the, beneficiary ,from the Sullivan-Wallen Post to the Green Bay Packers Foundation, which makes
  18. Half a million peasant farmers, with 1.75 million defendants. The principal, beneficiary ,of this system was the English consumer. The potato was also used extensively
  19. Soon began to realize that the Great Auk was disappearing, and it became the, beneficiary ,of many early environmental laws, but this proved not to be enough. Its growing
  20. War II, nor aligned with either power bloc in the Cold War. However, it was a, beneficiary ,of the latter rivalry as both the Soviet Union and the United States vied for
  21. Military, and economic apparatuses, and of a pervasive corruption. The main, beneficiary ,of this situation is a social segment constituted since 1975,but mainly during
  22. To pay its debts to the multilateral development banks on time. Bolivia is a, beneficiary ,of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIP) and Enhanced HIP debt relief
  23. Match the expectations created by the peace agreements. ” Hamas would be the, beneficiary ,of this growing discontent in the 2006 Palestinian Authority legislative
  24. Times as individuals. The cause that has been the most frequent and consistent, beneficiary ,has been the human rights work of Amnesty International. Between 1976 and 1981
  25. For sugar have been provided by the EU and Fiji has been the second largest, beneficiary ,after Mauritius. Urbanization and expansion in the service sector have
  26. S imports come from its Central American neighbors. Despite its status as, beneficiary ,of both the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) and the Generalized System of
  27. Provides a monetary benefit to a descendant's family or other designated, beneficiary , and may specifically provide for income to an insured person's family, burial
  28. Year in New York. Faced had purchased the possessions for $4.5 million from the, beneficiary ,of the Duchess' estate, the Pasteur Institute. The executor of the Duchess '
  29. Labor was down one percent, the Conservative share was down five percent. The, beneficiary ,of the public backlash was generally seen to be the minor parties, including
  30. Thought—ranging from astrology to believing certain minerals have certain, beneficiary ,effects. Music instrumentalist, finally,was the lowliest of the three
  31. Dialect, has a complete vocabulary, grammar,and syntax, but is not the, beneficiary ,of institutional support. An example of a nonstandard English dialect is
  32. The consequences. Various kinds of consequentialism can be differentiated by, beneficiary ,of the good consequences. That is, one might ask" Consequences for whom? "
  33. Discovery. Lewis and Clark's expedition had no greater advocate and no greater, beneficiary , than the American Philosophical Society (APS). Their duties, as assigned by
  34. Defeated by a coalition of European armies in 1815. Britain was again the, beneficiary ,of peace treaties: France ceded the Ionian Islands, Malta (which it had
  35. Between this view and those mentioned by Ex & Britt is that the intended, beneficiary ,of the behavior is the individual who engages in it, rather than another
  36. Gifts of stock, or orders to sell property and give the proceeds to the, beneficiary ,) will abate next #Specific devises (gifts of tangible property) will abate
  37. A revision to his will which removed Hendrix's brother Leon Hendrix as a, beneficiary , A 2004 probate lawsuit merged Leon's challenge to the will with charges from
  38. Not Diocletian, who was the prime supporter of the purge, and its greatest, beneficiary , Galleries, even more devoted and passionate than Diocletian, saw political
  39. Having developed in the 2000s. Like other countries in Oceania, Tuvalu is a, beneficiary ,of Cuban medical aid; bilateral relations between Funafuti and Havana must be
  40. Having developed in the 2000s. Like other countries in Oceania, Kiribati is a, beneficiary ,of Cuban medical aid; bilateral relations between Tarawa and Havana must be
  41. Directly to Treasury of the Navy, thus making Northumberland the most direct, beneficiary ,of the tax. Opposition to Ship Money steadily grew, with John Hampden's legal
  42. Upset that West Pakistan, because it was the seat of government, was the major, beneficiary ,of foreign aid. 1966-1970: The Eastern Military High Command With AFUB Khan
  43. Insurance policies often allow the option of having the proceeds paid to the, beneficiary ,either in a lump sum cash payment or an annuity. Annuities provide a stream of
  44. Of uncertain loyalty. The North Korean army, by contrast, had been the, beneficiary ,of the Soviet Union's outdated Soviet WWII-era equipment, and had a core of
  45. Trigger of a claim should be fortuitous, or at least outside the control of the, beneficiary ,of the insurance. The loss should be pure, in the sense that it results from an
  46. And two intermediaries. The sender wishes to send a remittance to the, beneficiary , often in the country of origin where the sender previously resided.
  47. Forest products, fruit and vegetables, fish,and wool. New Zealand was a direct, beneficiary ,of many of the reforms achieved under the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations
  48. In-group to the out-group) means" I/we explained it to him/her/them ". Such, beneficiary ,auxiliary verbs thus serve a function comparable to that of pronouns and
  49. Deposited a new will with the Vestal Virgins, naming Octavius as the prime, beneficiary , Rise to power Heir to Caesar At the time Caesar was killed on the Ides of
  50. Bennett. Bennett describes himself as" an autodidact — or, more properly,the, beneficiary ,of hundreds of hours of informal tutorials on all the fields that interest me

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