Examples of the the word, globalization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( globalization ), is the 5057 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. All present in Colombia's modern culture. Urban migration, industrialization, globalization , and other political, social and economic changes have also left an impression.
  2. Wages, consuming options and livelihoods, and that a cessation or reversal of, globalization ,would result in many people in poor countries being left in greater poverty.
  3. Which were prior to the advent of the neoliberal reforms associated with, globalization , and serve to make statistics for globalization seem better than they really
  4. Reforms associated with globalization , and serve to make statistics for, globalization ,seem better than they really are. Similarly, they note that including positive
  5. Is purposefully misleading. They argue that neoliberal policies consistent with, globalization ,and capitalism may not actually be causing growth that has beneficial effects
  6. Five hundred years, some thinkers argue that a number of trends associated with, globalization ,have acted to increase the mobility of people and capital since the last
  7. Traditionally been dependent on the local economic conditions but, with rapid, globalization , this is becoming less of a factor for larger international firms. Salaries
  8. Coined by the media, and that radical activists are actually more in favor of, globalization , in the sense of" effacement of borders and the free movement of people
  9. Critics point to statistical trends which are interpreted to be results of, globalization , capitalism, and the economic growth they encourage. * There has been an
  10. Of culture),while the latter would be more appropriately called ", globalization ,critics ". In practice, however,there is no set boundary between these
  11. Anti-globalist" or" regionalist ", and another that embraces some aspects of, globalization ,(like cross-cultural exchange of information or the diminishing role of the
  12. As centers of the knowledge economy. Knowledge-based development of cities, globalization ,of innovation networks, and broadband services are driving forces of a new city
  13. National Front, are opposed to globalization , but argue that the alternative to, globalization ,is the protection of the nation-state, sometimes,according to critics, in
  14. American nations in human development, competitiveness,income per capita, globalization , economic freedom, low perception of corruption and state of peace. It also
  15. As a sacrament. Which in May 2008 held a 3-day conference under the title The, globalization ,of Ayahuasca - An Amazonian psychoactive and its users. There are also the
  16. Ideas" than are the IMF or WTO. He also notes that activists use the terms ", globalization ,movement" and" anti- globalization movement" interchangeably, indicating the
  17. Accepting and supportive of globalization while the strongest opposition to, globalization ,has come from wealthy" First World" activists, unions and NGOs. Alan Shipman
  18. Their influence; these movements have been called" anti- globalization " or ", globalization ,from below. " Opposition to international financial institutions and
  19. Industry; the fair trade movement; transfer pricing. *Issues such as, globalization ,and cultural imperialism. *Varying global standards—e. g., the use of child
  20. Increased worldwide communication through radio, television,the Internet and, globalization ,has reduced the tendency to regional variation. This can result either in some
  21. Countries (the Third World) have been relatively accepting and supportive of, globalization ,while the strongest opposition to globalization has come from wealthy" First
  22. Likely either reject the assumption of rationality or more likely argue that, globalization ,creates negative externalities (pollution) or alters the marketplace in such
  23. Woods institutions, states,and multinational corporations has been called ", globalization ," or" globalization from above. " In reaction, various social movements
  24. To operate for cargo transportation, as do European barge canals. Due to, globalization , they are becoming increasingly important, resulting in expansion projects such
  25. Various participants contend they are opposed to only certain aspects of, globalization ,and instead describe themselves, at least in French-speaking organizations, as
  26. On the other hand, there have been notable protests against certain, globalization ,policies by Third World workers as in the cause of Indian farmers protesting
  27. Forms of old and new left ideologies, respectively,in the context of current, globalization , only the third one has shown the capacity to respond more effectively to the
  28. Agreements (which have often been considered part of something called ", globalization ,"),various participants contend they are opposed to only certain aspects of
  29. Or hazard disclosure. Larger economic issues such as immigration, trade policy, globalization ,and trade unionism affect workplaces and have an ethical dimension, but are
  30. Movement, anti-corporate globalization movement, or movement against neoliberal, globalization , Participants base their criticisms on a number of related ideas. What is
  31. States, and multinational corporations has been called" globalization " or ", globalization ,from above. " In reaction, various social movements emerged to challenge their
  32. 1970s,disposal costs for hazardous waste rose dramatically. At the same time, globalization ,of shipping made transboundary movement of waste more accessible, and many LDCs
  33. The term further indicates an anti-capitalist and universalist perspective on, globalization , distinguishing the movement from those opponents of globalization whose
  34. Has been given to the construction of grassroots alternatives to (capitalist), globalization , the movement's largest and most visible mode of organizing remains mass
  35. Already become integrated into a single" world system ", a process known as, globalization , Different civilizations and societies all over the globe are economically
  36. Deny that they are“ anti- globalization ,” insisting that they support the, globalization ,of communication and people and oppose only the global expansion of corporate
  37. Production of products out competing traditional methods). On the other hand, globalization ,advocates would suggest that positive externalities and increased efficiencies
  38. Grabber, see the movement as opposed instead to neoliberalism or" corporate, globalization ,". He argues that the term" anti- globalization " is a term coined by the media
  39. American nations in human development, competitiveness,income per capita, globalization , economic freedom, and low perception of corruption. However, it has a high
  40. Movement, alter- globalization movement, anti-globalist movement, anti-corporate, globalization , movement,or movement against neoliberal globalization . Participants base their
  41. To a wide variety of issues pertaining to the contemporary world, including, globalization , medicine and biotechnology, indigenous rights, virtual communities, and the
  42. And democratic institutions are likely to be placed at undue risk by, globalization ,unless mandatory standards are attached to liberalization. Noam Chomsky stated
  43. Championships, respectively held in Indianapolis and Japan, demonstrate the, globalization ,of the game equally dramatically. Only one member of either team was American
  44. On globalization , distinguishing the movement from those opponents of, globalization ,whose politics are based on a conservative defense of national sovereignty.
  45. Movement, or counter-globalisation movement, is critical of the, globalization ,of corporate capitalism. The movement is also commonly referred to as the
  46. Economy had grown together with its economic freedom. Critics of corporate-led, globalization ,have expressed concern about the methodology used in arriving at the World Bank
  47. Many nationalist movements, such as the French National Front, are opposed to, globalization , but argue that the alternative to globalization is the protection of the
  48. Fund, and World Trade Organization. The activists are especially opposed to ", globalization ,abuse" and the international institutions that promote neoliberalism without
  49. Popular university ", an occasion to make many people aware of the problems of, globalization , Others would prefer that delegates concentrate their efforts on the
  50. Metal cadmium. The wider issues surrounding imports, exports,trade laws, and, globalization , also apply to the costume jewelry trade. As part of the supply chain

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