Examples of the the word, kb , in a Sentence Context

The word ( kb ), is the 5072 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are based on the GMR or TMR effect. Motorola has developed a 1st generation 256,KB, MRAM based on a single magnetic tunnel junction and a single transistor and
  2. Toxins into host cells) and host adhesion. It is a large genetic element (~40,KB, ) flanked by two repetitive regions (alike sites),resembling a transpose
  3. Which provides the 23 B channels with clear 64 KB for voice and data and one 64,KB, 'D ' channel for signaling and messaging. In North America, Non-Facility
  4. The same size. Conversely’S. Pombe has large, repetitive centromeres (40–100,KB, ) more similar to mammalian centromeres, and degenerate replication origins of
  5. 20" /> name" 1995 Google 16" /> Introns vary in size between 0.7 and 26,KB, Name" 1995 Google 16" /> Like other nuclear receptors, the androgen
  6. Kb),although some techniques allow for amplification of fragments up to 40,KB, in size. A basic PCR set up requires several components and reagents. These
  7. Both blooming and wilted, on the same flower head. ‎ The abbreviation KB or, kb , can refer to: Computing * Kilo bit (KB),a unit of information used, for
  8. With the isolation of infectious RAVE Marburgvirus genomes are approximately 19,KB, long and contain seven genes in the order
  9. DNA fragments is a function of their length. Large linear fragments (over 20,KB, or so) migrate at a certain fixed rate regardless of length. This is because
  10. Base pairs long and to contain 20,000–25,000 distinct genes. A kilobase (, kb , ) is a unit of measurement in molecular biology equal to 1000 base pairs of DNA
  11. Contain a single stranded, positive sense RNA genome of between 7.2 and 9.0,KB, ( kilobases) in length. Like most positive sense RNA genomes, the genetic
  12. Of plants are. It is an ideal gene to use due to its convenient size (2–3,KB, in length with a ~1000 nucleotide coding sequence) and low copy number.
  13. Most PCR methods typically amplify DNA fragments of up to ~10 kilo base pairs (, kb , ),although some techniques allow for amplification of fragments up to 40 KB in
  14. Is sheared into random fragments, size-selected (usually 2,10,50,and 150,KB, ),and cloned into an appropriate vector. The clones are then sequenced from
  15. A regulatory region in the 3' UTC. Genetics The gene for renin, REN, spans 12,KB, of DNA and contains 8 introns. It produces several mRNAs that encode different
  16. Flower head. ‎ The abbreviation KB or KB can refer to: Computing * Kilo bit (, kb , ),a unit of information used, for example, to quantify computer memory or
  17. A professional desktop computer that had a 6800 microprocessor with up to 32,KB, of user RAM,300 KB magnetic tape storage, BASIC in ROM and a 1024 by 780
  18. Were also proposed at the time, and the proposed symbols for the prefixes were, kb , Mb and GB respectively, rather than I, Mi and Hi. The proposal was not
  19. Oirat) groups by family trees (genealogies) data. Doc,114 KB (RAR,14,KB, ) - in Russian *
  20. provider's web server. A consequence is that the receiver who pays WAP per, kb , or minute (as opposed to a flat monthly fee) pays for receiving the MMS, as
  21. a thousand),and therefore, :1 kilo bit. The kilo bit has the unit symbol bit or, kb , Using the common byte size of 8 bits,1 bit is equal to 125 bytes. The
  22. Fragment size is usually reported in" nucleotides "," base pairs" or ", kb ," (for thousands of base pairs) depending upon whether single-or
  23. PRI uses out of band signaling which provides the 23 B channels with clear 64,KB, for voice and data and one 64 KB CD' channel for signaling and messaging. In
  24. The physical constant which relates temperature to energy * Kilo-base pair (, kb , or KB),a unit of measurement of DNA or RNA length used in genetics, equal to
  25. Fn change_languid KGL&prefLang en_US&prefBackUrl HTTP: %2F%2Frex., kb , Dk%2Fprimo_library%2Flibweb%2Faction%2Fsearch. Do? Dscnt 0%26fctN
  26. Is commonly used for kilobyte, but may be confused with the common meaning of, kb , for kilo bit. IEEE 1541 specifies the lower case character b as the symbol for
  27. Databases are often used. Knowledge base A knowledge base (abbreviated KB, kb , or Δ) is a special kind of database for knowledge management, providing the
  28. Are non-segmented, single-stranded negative-sense RNA. Both genomes are 18.2,KB, in size and contain six genes corresponding to six structural proteins. In
  29. Video: Doll fuss gives a speech in Burgenland 1933 (MPEG,6,1,KB, ) *http://www.angeluspress.org/oscatalog/item/8044/dollfuss-an-austrian-patriot
  30. 1 (MEN1) The MEN1 gene The MEN1 gene consists of ten exons, spanning about 10,KB, and encodes a 610 amino acid protein named Lenin. The first exon and the last
  31. Exon and the last part of exon 10 are not translated. A main transcript of 2.8,KB, has been described in a large variety of human tissues (pancreas, thymus
  32. YAC) is a vector used to clone DNA fragments larger than 100 KB and up to 3000,KB, ACS are useful for the physical mapping of complex genomes and for the
  33. Genome is arranged in 18 minicircular chromosomes each of which is 3–4,KB, long and has one to three genes. This pattern is also found in other sucking
  34. Have single-stranded positive sense RNA genomes of between 7.2 and 8.5,KB, in length. At the 5' end of the genome is a virus-encoded protein, and like
  35. As a socialist state During transition A knowledge base (abbreviated KB, kb , or Δ) is a special kind of database for knowledge management, providing the
  36. Kbit/s of in-band signaling. Each channel uses 56 KB for data and voice and 8,KB, for signaling and messaging. PRI uses out of band signaling which provides the
  37. Computer that had a 6800 microprocessor with up to 32 KB of user RAM,300,KB, magnetic tape storage, BASIC in ROM and a 1024 by 780 graphics display. The
  38. Also contain two identical single-stranded RNA molecules 7-10 kilobases (, kb , ) in length. Although virions of different retroviruses do not have the same
  39. Murine RELY gene consists of 65 exons spanning approximately 450,KB, Name "/IN"> pmid9417911"/> One exon, coding for only two amino acids near the
  40. Frac=-k_fa_t+k_BB_t where kph is the rate constant for the forward reaction and, kb , is the rate constant for the backward reaction and the square brackets,.
  41. Chromosome (YAC) is a vector used to clone DNA fragments larger than 100,KB, and up to 3000 KB. ACS are useful for the physical mapping of complex genomes
  42. PSTN circuit, or a 512 bit/s broadband Internet connection. The unit symbol, kb , is typographically similar to unit symbols of the kilobyte,i.e. KB, with an
  43. Compact 1.27 mm headers. The AVR Dragon can both program and debug since the 32,KB, limitation was removed in AVR Studio 4.18,and the JTAG ICE main is capable of
  44. Intestine, liver,and kidney); an additional transcript of approximately 4,KB, has been detected in pancreas and thymus, suggesting a tissue-specific
  45. And a well-known example is. If is a Pythagorean triple, then so is (key, kb , kc) for any positive integer k. A primitive Pythagorean triple (PPT) is one
  46. Gel to separate them by size. # If some DNA fragments are larger than 15,KB, then prior to blotting, the gel may be treated with an acid, such as dilute
  47. An earlier method for expanding the IBM PC's memory capacity beyond 640,KB, using an expansion card with bank switched memory modules. Because of the
  48. Uses 24 channels of 64 bit/s of in-band signaling. Each channel uses 56,KB, for data and voice and 8 KB for signaling and messaging. PRI uses out of band
  49. Phonetic Structures of Western Apache (318,KB, PDF: technical work on acoustic phonetics) *
  50. European myriad (oi rat) groups by family trees (genealogies) data. Doc,114,KB, ( RAR,14 KB) - in Russian *

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