Examples of the the word, compel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( compel ), is the 5069 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. One allowed to issue fatwa. In this case, a national theocracy could in fact, compel ,intranational compliance with the fatwa, since a central authority is the
  2. Two petitions as required by law Public Citizen, in January 2008,filed suit to, compel ,the FDA to respond to their 2006 petition. On July 7,2008, the FDA requested
  3. Or putting a" knife under the throat" ( at knife point or cut-throat) to, compel ,action. These are so common that they are also used as metaphors for other
  4. Is nothing supernatural, and nothing in human reason or visible in the world to, compel ,people to believe in God. The mystery of existence is enchanting, but a belief
  5. There is no fatal necessity in the stars; but that they rather incline than, compel ,". Bacon advocated an emphasis on what he called" sane astrology" based on
  6. Power exists and will persist ... Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can, compel ,the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense
  7. Etc.). The considerable technical accomplishment of his music ought to, compel ,respect, but he seems to have fallen between two stools: his works are too
  8. Typically warn against over-intellectualizing koans, but the mysteries of koans, compel ,some students to place them in their original context — for example, by
  9. Evolution has left the species subject to aggressive, instinctual drives. These, compel ,humanity to consume resources, extend longevity, and to reproduce—in part, the
  10. Neurons, simulating even a most simplified form on Von Neumann technology may, compel ,a IN designer to fill many millions with database rows for its connections -
  11. Month following her accession, Mary issued a proclamation that she would not, compel ,any of her subjects to follow her religion, but by the end of September leading
  12. Was intended to be perpetual ", but that" the power by force of arms to, compel ,a State to remain in the Union" was not among the" enumerated powers granted
  13. Yet been completed. The constitution provides for decentralized government to, compel ,local populations to play an active role in their own development. To this end
  14. Planner: He asked for four parachutes to force the assumption that he might, compel ,a hostage to jump with him, thus ensuring he would not be deliberately supplied
  15. IV of Norway. When Even rejected these attempts, Alexander sailed forth to, compel ,him, but on the way he suffered a fever at the Isle of Herrera in the Inner
  16. An appropriate deity to perform the desired action, using the power of Hera to, compel ,it to act. Sometimes this entailed casting the practitioner or subject of a
  17. It is very probable, too,that the application of our therapy to numbers will, compel ,us to alloy the pure gold of analysis plentifully with the copper of direct
  18. Of the citizen to render military service in case of need and the right to, compel , ". Economics It can be argued that in a cost-to-benefit ratio, conscription
  19. The King's taxes, the Crown would lack any practical means with which to, compel ,them. Parliaments allowed representatives of the gentry to meet, confer and
  20. Were willing to hold such a powerless office, and Augustus was even known to, compel ,individuals into holding the office. Augustus accomplished this by randomly
  21. Mountains. Finally, due to the Confederation's military weakness, it could not, compel ,the British army to leave frontier forts which were on American soil - forts
  22. Absorb William III and his allies, Louis dispatched troops to the Rhineland to, compel ,confirmation of Ration and acceptance of his demands about the succession
  23. Empire of direct conquest and control with force (direct, physical action to, compel ,the emperor’s goals),and (ii) as a coercive, hegemonic empire of indirect
  24. Which is pure I have to announce an improvement in the Annette with which they, compel ,the cheese makers to color the cheese ". According to David Feldman, an author
  25. Of posterity, that they will be content to be stationary, long before necessity, compel ,them to it. Mill's Theory of Economic Development Mill regarded economic
  26. Of the nature of the charge and of the defendant's rights. The grand jury can, compel ,a witness to testify. The target of a grand jury investigation has no right to
  27. To plaintiffs, these statements alone satisfy their burden of proof and, compel ,judgment in favor of Log Cabin Republicans on the due process claims. On
  28. Provisions for their monarchs: Denmark, Norway,and Sweden, whose constitutions, compel ,their monarchs to be Lutherans, the Netherlands, the constitution of which
  29. In the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York to, compel ,GE to pay for the cleanup of what was claimed to be more than 100,000 tons of
  30. Soldiers a pension of half pay for life. However, Congress had no power to, compel ,the states to fund this obligation, and as the war wound down after the victory
  31. Institutional and legal machinery at their disposal, agents of the State can, compel ,populations to conform to codes and can opt to punish or attempt to reform
  32. Faustus portrays the titular character as a scholar whose arrogance and pride, compel ,him to sign a deal with the devil, and retain his haughtiness until his death
  33. Authorizing court-ordered outpatient treatment have been passed in an effort to, compel ,individuals with chronic, untreated severe mental illness to accept treatment
  34. Concerns about the program. Iran's representative to the UN argues sanctions, compel ,Iran to abandon its rights under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty to
  35. Was God ... behind this outburst was a day-dream, a wish to be all-powerful, to, compel , others to do his bidding ... like an underpaid clerk in a department store who
  36. An overarching" sovereign" ( i.e., an external power able and willing to, compel ,compliance with international norms)," enforcement" of international law is
  37. Be brought up to reinforce the line. * To show non-aggressive posture, and, compel , the British to help France if Belgium is invaded Organization Although the name
  38. For example, the Articles of Confederation provided no mechanism with which to, compel ,the States to comply with requests for either troops or revenue. At times, this
  39. Would certainly bring upon him a Russian invasion from the north, and would, compel ,his British allies to throw an army into Afghanistan from the southeast. His
  40. Institutions; #Prominent individuals whose outing would shatter stereotypes and, compel ,the public to reconsider its attitude on homosexuality; #Only the dead.
  41. Which the state employs" influence, subsidies,grants, and taxes, but does not, compel , " This latter is sometimes referred to as a" planned market economy ". A
  42. To do so),dealt in firearms, and used various questionable techniques to, compel ,the consciences of his followers and break down their physical and mental
  43. Was his proudest accomplishment. Friedman did, however,believe a nation could, compel ,military training as a reserve in case of wartime. Public goods and monopoly
  44. Of state compulsion in religious matters. He excluded Patrick Henry's plan to, compel ,citizens to pay for a congregation of their own choice. Madison's cousin, the
  45. Meanings of- 1. To subjugate or persecute by the imposition of troops. 2. To, compel ,by violent measures or threats; coerce. The verb is from 1689,lit. " To force
  46. Much land as, and in the place in which, they think proper, and the year after, compel ,them to remove elsewhere. For this enactment they advance many reasons-lest
  47. For fear of reprisals from Catholic neighboring kingdoms. In order to, compel ,the council to make that move, Protestant leaders such as Guillaume Fall began
  48. Of 5–6 October 1789,in which a mob of Parisian women marched on Versailles to, compel ,King Louis XVI to return to Paris, turned Burke against it. In a letter to his
  49. These differences, as the converging problems of the 21st century they claim, compel ,us to unite and to take decisive action. They promote bioregionalism
  50. Things... And those events which have happened, and those which are happening, compel ,you to assent to the utterances made by them. '” Then Justin tells of his own

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