Examples of the the word, applications , in a Sentence Context

The word ( applications ), is the 5055 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Albert Camus). The current confusion arises in part because many recent, applications ,of existentialism have much in common with many of Camus's practical ideas (
  2. It has a similar name, aluminium chlorohydrate has fewer and very different, applications , e.g. as a hardening agent and an antiperspirant. It is an intermediate in
  3. NPN alloy junction transistors with antimony. Medical Few biological or medical, applications ,exist for antimony. Treatments principally containing antimony are known as
  4. Of Apple's Mac OS X (dubbed iOS, formerly iPhone OS),with various Mac OS X, applications ,such as Safari and Mail. It also includes web-based and Dashboard apps such as
  5. Of power over a period of 80 days. With all the potential benefits, the current, applications ,of 242mAm are as yet hindered by the scarcity and high price of this nuclear
  6. Government, but in the early 1990s it was ineffective at targeting critical, applications ,of limited funds, establishing pollution standards, or monitoring compliance
  7. Applications There are several reasons' argon is used in particular, applications ,: *An inert gas is needed. In particular, argon is the cheapest alternative when
  8. In July of the following year, Apple launched the App Store to sell third-party, applications ,for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Within a month, the store sold 60 million
  9. Of the new iPhone came the release of Apple's App Store; the store provided, applications ,for download that were compatible with the iPhone. On April 24, 2009,the App
  10. Property, the patent office, as an assistant examiner. He evaluated patent, applications ,for electromagnetic devices. In 1903,Einstein's position at the Swiss Patent
  11. Hundreds of thousands of carbon atoms. These materials are used in innumerable, applications , and billions of kilograms of these materials are made and used each year.
  12. The value of the Bell patent was acknowledged throughout the world, and patent, applications ,were made in most major countries, but when Bell had delayed the German patent
  13. And radioactivity, actinium has no significant industrial use. Its current, applications ,include a neutron source and an agent for radiation therapy targeting cancer
  14. And conferences generated by their students continue to influence popular, applications ,of alchemy as a new age medicinal practice. Nuclear transmutation In 1919
  15. Of pesticides (treated wood products),herbicides, and insecticides. These, applications ,are declining, however,as many of these compounds are being phased out.
  16. Of microscopic bubbles. This application is mainly used for TV screens. Niche, applications ,Microelectronics In tiny amounts, antimony is increasingly being used in the
  17. Alloys with low tin content in the manufacturing of organ pipes. Other, applications ,The second main application is as a catalyst for the production of the polymer
  18. For the iPhone and iPod Touch. Within a month, the store sold 60 million, applications ,and brought in $1 million daily on average, with Jobs speculating that the App
  19. Frac, for x ≠ 0. The absolute value function is not differentiable at x 0. For, applications ,in which a well-defined derivative may be needed, however,the subderivative is
  20. Town gas, asphalt (bitumen) has completely overtaken the use of tar in these, applications , Other examples of this confusion include the La Area Tar Pits and the Canadian
  21. In migrating from Mac OS 9,the new operating system allowed the use of OS 9, applications , through Mac OS X's Classic environment. On May 19, 2001,Apple opened the
  22. Argon-39,with a half-life of 269 years, has been used for a number of, applications , primarily ice core and groundwater dating. Also, potassium-argon dating is
  23. Low toxicity, the compounds of aluminum enjoy wide and sometimes large-scale, applications , Alumina Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and the associated oxy-hydroxides and
  24. Although rubidium is more abundant in Earth's crust than cesium the limited, applications ,and the lack of a mineral rich in rubidium limits the production of rubidium
  25. Air charge, which allows for more fuel, and therefore more power. Alcohols have, applications ,in industry and science as reagents or solvents. Because of its low toxicity
  26. Are not patentable (as in Gottschalk v. Benson). However, practical, applications , of algorithms are sometimes patentable. For example, in Diamond v. Die hr, the
  27. Are necessary. Other noble gases would probably work as well in most of these, applications , but argon is by far the cheapest. Argon is inexpensive since it is a byproduct
  28. To produce vinyl polymers such as polythene. Aluminum alloys in structural, applications ,Aluminum alloys with a wide range of properties are used in engineering
  29. Since it has the highest concentration in the atmosphere. The bulk of argon, applications ,arise simply because it is inert and relatively cheap. Industrial processes
  30. Moss hardness 9),alumina is widely used as an abrasive and the production of, applications ,that exploit its inertness, e. g., in high pressure sodium lamps. Sulfates
  31. To metallic aluminum. About 10 % of the production capacity is used for other, applications , A major use is as an absorbent, for example alumina will remove water from
  32. In the making of flameproofing compounds. Markets for these flame-retardant, applications ,include children's clothing, toys,aircraft and automobile seat covers. It is
  33. The American National Standard ASTM E2659-09. *In 2009,ANSI began accepting, applications ,for certification bodies seeking accreditation according to requirements
  34. Ketones to form alkanes or alkyl-substituted compounds e.g.:: Applications The, applications ,of a certain alkane can be determined quite well according to the number of
  35. Of alchemy are generally split into an examination of its exoteric practical, applications , and its esoteric aspects. The former is pursued by historians of the physical
  36. Control in highway construction. Such probes are also used in well logging, applications , in neutron radiography, tomography and other radio chemical investigations.
  37. Value can vary significantly from most values in the sample space. There are, applications ,of this phenomenon in fields such as economics. For example, since the 1980s in
  38. Physical and Mystical Matters). Relation to the science of chemistry Practical, applications ,of alchemy produced a wide range of contributions to medicine and the physical
  39. And fish. In the Soviet period, Azerbaijan was pressed to use extremely heavy, applications ,of pesticides to improve its output of scarce subtropical crops for the rest of
  40. Detectors, as well as in neutron sources and industrial gauges. Several unusual, applications , such as a nuclear battery or fuel for spaceships with nuclear propulsion
  41. And numerous patents were granted in France, with similar numbers of patent, applications ,being denied in England due to their similarity to each other. In England,"
  42. g., in high pressure sodium lamps. Sulfates Several sulfates of aluminum find, applications , Aluminum sulfate (Al2 (SO4)3 (H2O)18) is produced on the annual scale of
  43. Adjusting the pH (to about 6.0 for actinium). This rare isotope has potential, applications ,in radiation therapy and is most efficiently produced by bombarding a
  44. Among other alkali metals because its fluoride is most volatile. In all those, applications , 227Ac (a beta source) is merely a progenitor which generates alpha-emitting
  45. On October 20,Apple updated their MacBook Air laptop, iLife suite of, applications , and unveiled Mac OS X Lion, the latest installment in their Mac OS X operating
  46. Which can save substantial computer memory requirements and CPU time in certain, applications , The first approach is to compute the statistical moments by separating the
  47. Morphing, onion skinning and interpolated rotoscoping. 2D animation has many, applications , including analog computer animation, Flash animation and PowerPoint animation.
  48. Isotopes have been used as alpha particle emitters in science, and medical, applications ,for astatine-211 have been tested. Among non-transuranium elements, astatine is
  49. IV) oxide is the main form of solid americium which is used in nearly all its, applications , As most other actinide dioxides, it is a black solid with a cubic (fluorite)
  50. While he was a French commissioner of lighthouses, and found in many, applications ,today. Biography Fresnel was the son of an architect, born at Bogie (Sure).

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