Examples of the the word, squeeze , in a Sentence Context

The word ( squeeze ), is the 5067 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Who knows where honey lies ". Honey is sometimes sold in bear-shaped jars or, squeeze ,bottles. Collecting honey is collected from wild bee colonies, or from
  2. 1 watt in GSM1800/1900. Voice codecs GSM has used a variety of voice codecs to, squeeze ,3.1 kHz audio into between 5.6 and 13 bit/s. Originally, two codecs, named
  3. Cats. He apparently sold Costs a cat that was going to try and kill him with a, squeeze ,toy (in fact, when he signs off, he says" The cat was definitely trying to
  4. PCI slots were the first physically incompatible expansion ports to directly, squeeze ,ISA off the motherboard. At first, motherboards were largely ISA, including a
  5. Control inflation and reduce the deficit, but it triggered the worst credit, squeeze ,since 1945—the economy was driven into recession, the stock market slumped
  6. Of 2011. On February 15th,2011 the debian-installer based image was updated to, squeeze ,d-i packages. On June 11th,2011 various bugs of the debian-installer based
  7. Is an example of the contents of this file: deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian, squeeze ,main cont rib non-free Hardware support Hardware requirements Debian has no
  8. Of the machine was the hiring of Jay Miner, a chip designer who managed to, squeeze ,an entire breadboard of equipment making up the TIA into a single chip. Once
  9. In beer.: And now if e'er by chance I put: My fingers into glue, : Or madly, squeeze ,a right-hand foot: Into a left-hand shoe;: Or if a statement I aver: Of which I
  10. Sector opportunities, in recent years, the government has been attempting to, squeeze ,more of these private sector entrepreneurs out of business and back to the
  11. To the shortness of the book, I am awfully sorry for it ... If you were to, squeeze ,me like a lemon you would get nothing more out of me ", he told Ogden—and
  12. The nucleus could not exist. Moreover, the force had to be strong enough to, squeeze ,the protons into a volume that is 10−15 of that of the entire atom. From the
  13. Least two different materials with a large differential index of refraction to, squeeze ,the light down to a small size. Generally speaking virtually all of
  14. Deficit. Primary producers of commodities such as beef were caught in a credit, squeeze ,as short-term rates rose to extremely high levels. Unemployment also rose
  15. River would split the South. Lincoln adopted the plan in terms of a blockade to, squeeze ,to death the Confederate economy, but overruled Scott's warnings that his new
  16. Games used undocumented features, and even exploited bugs in the hardware to, squeeze ,the most out of the system, doing things even the original designers would deem
  17. Is a shut gate, and Thor finds that he cannot open it. Struggling, all four, squeeze ,through the bars of the gate, and continue to a large hall. Inside the great
  18. Having predictable freezes was expected to reduce overall freeze time. The, squeeze ,cycle was intended to be especially short to" get into the new cycle ".
  19. Quality. They took advantage of the cartridge as a texture streaming source to, squeeze ,as much detail as possible into each environment and work around RAM
  20. Recent versions of some software for the stable release of Debian. Debian 6.0 (, squeeze ,) was released February 6,2011, after 24 months of development. For the first
  21. And public interest — appear to be in terminal decline, facing a tighter, squeeze ,for the" protest vote" from other minor UK parties with more members, money
  22. That x1 is the largest, while in is the smallest of xi. First, using the, squeeze ,theorem we will prove that:: \LIM_\left (\franc\LN\left (\franc\right)\right)=0
  23. Is to" work to expose the lengths the oil industry is willing to go to, squeeze ,the last barrels out of the ground and put pressure on industry and governments
  24. Because of a wine glut (wine lake) in the generic production, the price, squeeze ,induced by an increasingly strong international competition, and vine pull
  25. Debian has made eleven major stable releases: * stable, currently aliased, squeeze , is the current release that has stable and well-tested software. Stable is
  26. To a schedule that would have challenged a much younger man, even managing to, squeeze ,in some sleighing in Central Park. In New York, he gave 22 readings at Steinway
  27. 0.01 % in 64 bit. Releases, the latest stable release is version 6.0,code name, squeeze , When a new version is released, the previous stable version becomes old stable;
  28. Health.: And now, if e'er by chance I put: My fingers into glue, : Or madly, squeeze ,a right-hand foot: Into a left-hand shoe, : Or if I drop upon my toe: A very
  29. To milk an outrageous situation for every laugh in it and then, impossibly,to, squeeze ,even more laughs from it, that found such favor with the public," (from Don
  30. Have a vestigial remnant of a shell inside their mantle),allowing them to, squeeze ,through tight places. Octopuses are among the most intelligent and behaviorally
  31. With a runner on third base, aimed at bringing that runner home, is known as a, squeeze ,play. With a runner on third and fewer than two outs, a batter may instead
  32. To second base. The most recent" pure" steal of home (i.e., not involving a, squeeze ,play or an additional steal attempt) was on September 9,2010,when Chris
  33. Contract if nerve function is normal. A physician measures the latency between, squeeze ,and contraction by observing the anal sphincter or by feeling it with a gloved
  34. Geometry to the study of spacetime, but also noted the identity of a spacetime, squeeze ,mapping and a Lorentz transformation. Lewis also introduced the thermodynamic
  35. People are killed and more than 180 injured as 47,000 football fans attempt to, squeeze ,into the 36,000-seat Studio Mateo Flores in Guatemala City. *1998 – Former
  36. Short to" get into the new cycle ". However, this short freeze cycle for, squeeze ,was abandoned. The code names of Debian releases are names of characters from
  37. To a parrot's beak, is the only hard part of their body. This enables them to, squeeze ,through very narrow slits between underwater rocks, which is very helpful when
  38. As well as for the previous stable release for one year. For Debian 6.0 (, squeeze ,) a new policy of time-based development freezes on a two-year cycle was
  39. Are unable to use the suit as an entry. *more advanced techniques include the ", squeeze ," in which a defender is forced to choose which card to discard before declarer
  40. He managed to find a tiny hole at the gable-top, yet even here he had to, squeeze ,through to enter. The next morning Freya woke and saw that the doors to her
  41. Is a point in such that: \franc = \franc. If approaches, then approaches (by the, squeeze ,theorem). Since \LIM_f' ( x)/g' ( x) exists, it follows that: \LIM_\franc =
  42. Of extraction can involve solvent extraction, distillation,or using force to, squeeze ,it out. The extracts are then usually further purified and subsequently added
  43. A pair of black shorts, grinding his teeth; to focus before the show, he would, squeeze ,a pool ball. His stage persona impressed several critics; after a 1982 show in
  44. Remain satisfied by whatever is earned through honest labor. Any attempt to, squeeze ,material wealth from others and/or exploit the weak is considered theft. Some
  45. Certainly arrive at home plate before the runner. Thus, a sacrifice bunt or, squeeze ,play is typically used instead. Ty Cobb holds the records for most steals of
  46. Collingwood was watched by 121,696 people, the biggest sporting crowd ever to, squeeze ,into the MCG. Collingwood had skipped out to a 44 point lead by half-time and
  47. Were essentially inserted" upside-down," allowing ISA and PCI connectors to, squeeze ,together on the motherboard. Only one of the two connectors can be used in each
  48. Distributed in metal cans,250 and 125 mL paper containers and 100 and 200 mL, squeeze ,tubes, and powdered milk (skim and whole) is distributed in boxes or bags.
  49. Excluded from the licensing agreement was Biography, which Edison hoped to, squeeze ,out of the market. No further applicants could become licensees. The purpose of
  50. By giving the recording rights of Follies to Capitol Records, which in order to, squeeze ,the unusually long score onto one disc, mutilated the songs by condensing some

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