Examples of the the word, fatigue , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fatigue ), is the 5059 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Effects Withdrawal symptoms of amphetamine primarily consist of mental, fatigue , mental depression and increased appetite. Symptoms may last for days with
  2. Completing the novel, Rand was prescribed the amphetamine Benzedrine to fight, fatigue , The drug helped her to work long hours to meet her deadline for delivering the
  3. The production of oxidants and results in damage that contributes to muscular, fatigue ,during and after exercise. The inflammatory response that occurs after
  4. Drug reactions include: hypotension, cough,hyperkalemia, headache,dizziness, fatigue , nausea, and renal impairment. Some evidence also suggests ACE inhibitors might
  5. Runs of crankshafts to be made without high costs. Fatigue strength The, fatigue ,strength of crankshafts is usually increased by using a radius at the ends of
  6. Dr. William Crook, which hypothesized that a variety of common symptoms such as, fatigue , PMS, sexual dysfunction, asthma,psoriasis, digestive and urinary problems
  7. Kinds of solder and bearing alloys, due to a low coefficient of friction and, fatigue ,resistance. Laboratory uses Helium–cadmium lasers are a common source of
  8. USAAF to more effectively utilize the strengths of the P-40. Due to aircraft, fatigue , scarcity of spare parts and replacement problems, the US Fifth Air Force and
  9. Reputation. One important structural limitation of aluminum alloys is their, fatigue ,strength. Unlike steels, aluminium alloys have no well-defined fatigue limit
  10. 30-50 %) reductions in REM sleep. This effect often causes increased, fatigue ,in patients who take large doses of antidepressants for extended periods of
  11. Is often considered normal if the individual has no other symptoms such as, fatigue , weakness, dizziness,lightheadedness, fainting,chest discomfort, palpitations
  12. Lesion (headache, vomiting,confusion, coma ), infection (fever, fatigue ,etc.) and focal neurologic brain tissue damage (hemiparesis, aphasia etc.).
  13. Were" a sense of well-being and a feeling of exhilaration" and" lessened, fatigue ,in reaction to work ". During World War II amphetamine was extensively used to
  14. Effects of anxiety may include heart palpitations, muscle weakness and tension, fatigue , nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, stomach aches, or headaches. The body
  15. Muscle strains caused by forceful movements against stiff, painful joints and, fatigue , Classification Primary forms of arthritis: Secondary to other diseases: *
  16. Who take large doses of antidepressants for extended periods of time. Such, fatigue ,can occasionally interfere with a patient's everyday activities. Abrupt
  17. Which produces increased wakefulness and focus in association with decreased, fatigue ,and appetite. Brand names of medications that contain, or metabolize into
  18. The mud where they sank up to their knees. So they were already overcome with, fatigue ,even before they advanced against the enemy ". The deep, soft mud particularly
  19. That implode on a metal surface cause cyclic stress. This results in surface, fatigue ,of the metal causing a type of wear also called" cavitation ". The most common
  20. Is their fatigue strength. Unlike steels, aluminium alloys have no well-defined, fatigue ,limit, meaning that fatigue failure eventually occurs, under even very small
  21. Strength and hardness, nonmagnetic properties, along with good corrosion and, fatigue ,resistance. These applications include the making of spot welding electrodes
  22. To Athens at a very high pace (considering the quantity of armor, and the, fatigue ,after the battle),in order to head off the Persian force sailing around Cape
  23. Purpose of ancient coca leaf consumption was to increase energy and reduce, fatigue ,in messengers who made multi-day quests to other settlements. In 1986 an
  24. 1968,the Americans announced that Kurosawa had left the production due to ", fatigue ," effectively firing him. (He was ultimately replaced, for the film's
  25. Guilt, anger,isolation, or hopelessness; disturbances in sleep and appetite;, fatigue ,and loss of interest in usually enjoyable activities; problems concentrating;
  26. Pepper, and achieve (known today as Annette). Local was believed to fight, fatigue , a belief that is probably attributable to the theobromine content. Chocolate
  27. Engaging without user input. Being spring-loaded either type is prone to spring, fatigue ,or their mechanisms becoming balky from dirt, ice,or other contamination. They
  28. Same bulk. Bronze resists corrosion (especially seawater corrosion) and metal, fatigue ,more than steel and is also a better conductor of heat and electricity than
  29. Of pregnancy and fetal myelosuppression. Or paralysis. Some patients report, fatigue ,or non-specific neurocognitive problems, such as an inability to concentrate;
  30. Steels, aluminium alloys have no well-defined fatigue limit, meaning that, fatigue ,failure eventually occurs, under even very small cyclic loading. This implies
  31. To work ". During World War II amphetamine was extensively used to combat, fatigue ,and increase alertness in soldiers. After decades of reported abuse, the FDA
  32. Formula enhances all of his metabolic functions and prevents the build-up of, fatigue ,poisons in his muscles, giving him endurance far in excess of an ordinary human
  33. At the time. Additionally, members may need to adjust team roles due to stress, fatigue , injury, or other circumstances. CERT Training While state and local
  34. Stimulant, and is used both recreationally and medically to reduce physical, fatigue ,and to restore alertness when drowsiness occurs. It produces increased
  35. Infections, including symptoms such as headache, nausea,vomiting, dizziness, fatigue , and a feeling of weakness. Infants may be irritable and feed poorly.
  36. Raw, cold,spicy, fatty or sweet food; voracious eating; too much alcohol), fatigue , sexual intemperance, trauma,and parasites (虫, ). Plant elements and extracts
  37. With illegal cocaine use, especially in the higher volumes used to combat, fatigue ,(rather than increase euphoria) by long-term users, is the risk of ill
  38. Exhausting for the patient, who might already be very tired from cancer-related, fatigue , It may produce mild to severe anemia. Treatments to mitigate anemia include
  39. Of narcolepsy, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and chronic, fatigue ,syndrome (CFS). References and notes External links *
  40. About moving the ceremony even further back into January, citing TV viewers ', fatigue ,with the film industry's long awards season. But such an accelerated schedule
  41. The user requires only small wrist rotations to move the cursor, reducing user, fatigue ,or" gorilla arm ". Usually cordless, they often have a switch to deactivate
  42. And Sanity, The U. S. Army in World War II used his system to treat battle, fatigue ,in Europe with the supervision of Dr. Douglas M. Kelley, who also became the
  43. To move the same distance to be distributed over more pedal turns, reducing, fatigue , when riding uphill, with a heavy load, or against strong winds. A higher gear
  44. Transmitted, there was no concern about arranging the code to minimize operator, fatigue , and instead Murray designed the code to minimize wear on the machinery
  45. An important capability because it enables firing on the move and prevents crew, fatigue , Variants Tank The tank is an all terrain AFV designed primarily to engage
  46. With vanilla, chile pepper, and achieve. Chocolate was believed to fight, fatigue , a belief probably attributable to the theobromine and caffeine content.
  47. That shows caffeine use (whether in tablet form or not) results in decreased, fatigue ,and increased attentiveness. These tablets are commonly used by students
  48. Filming during the season cost the players valuable rest days leading to, fatigue ,towards the end of the season. To a syndicate headed by insurance magnate Ellis
  49. Regrouping for tactics, and,some suggest, increased the defense's rate of, fatigue ,(This is attributed to the belief that the offense dictates when a play starts
  50. Leave some compressive residual stress in the surface which is good for the, fatigue ,properties of the crankshaft. The low temperature during treatment is

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