Examples of the the word, endless , in a Sentence Context

The word ( endless ), is the 5063 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Organisms from a common ancestor, which are described by Charles Darwin as ", endless ,forms most beautiful and most wonderful ". For example, evolution is the cause
  2. When all dharma are empty, what is endless ? What has an end? What is, endless ,and with an end? What is not endless and not with an end? What is it?
  3. But originally they existed in infinitesimally small fragments of themselves, endless ,in number and inextricably combined. All things existed in this mass, but in a
  4. Dame at Paris is perhaps the most beautiful in execution, but examples are, endless ,throughout France and England. Returning to Italy, the most celebrated doors
  5. Of the album and the exact running order of the songs have been the subjects of, endless ,speculation, it is known that Wilson and Parks intended Smile to be a
  6. The Aaliyah represented a third ethnic group that could neutralize the, endless ,strife between his subjects of Muslim Arab heritage, and those of Muslim Berber
  7. Clear that Brian had been the only one who could have made sense out of the, endless ,fragments that were recorded. The full Smile project did not surface until the
  8. home-grown Anglo-Saxon Celtic liberal-leftists ... and the Crescent Horde—the, endless ,wave of Islamic's who are flocking to our shores to bring our island nations
  9. The little parlor ..." In early June 1653,after what must have seemed like, endless ,badgering from Jacqueline, Pascal formally signed over the whole of his sister
  10. Message of comfort for Israel, Judah,and others who had experienced the ", endless ,cruelty" ( 3:19) of the Assyrians. " The prophet Jonah shows us where God
  11. To model themselves on earlier examples. In times of division, chaos,and, endless ,wars between feudal states, he wanted to restore the Mandate of Heaven () that
  12. Understanding while he is in the world, and ever wish and long to reach that, endless ,life where all shall be made clear. " Alfred appears as a character in the
  13. Requiring them to use up all the material as fast as possible. Armed with an, endless ,supply of high-quality paper and pencils, the children drew constantly. Later
  14. Fictional proponent),which Voltaire ridicules with descriptions of seemingly, endless ,calamity. Voltaire demonstrates a variety of irredeemable evils in the world
  15. Movement. Life in exile Kerensky lived in Paris until 1940,engaged in the, endless ,splits and quarrels of the exiled Russian politicians. In 1939,Kerensky
  16. Pre-Integration Era" by the Hall. Predictably, the selection process catalyzes, endless ,debate among baseball fans over the merits of various candidates. Even players
  17. Came through its waterways in the form of transshipment, manufacturing,and an, endless ,source of energy. Buffalo's waterfront remains, though to a lesser degree, a
  18. Are in effect one nucleus that goes through a number of transformations in an, endless ,loop. Cold CNO Cycles Under typical conditions found in stellar plasmas
  19. After eight years. Though there may have been earlier attempts to pull cars by, endless ,ropes, the first cable car installation in operation was the West Side and
  20. Endless? What has an end? What is endless and with an end? What is not, endless ,and not with an end? What is it? What is other? What is permanent? What
  21. Myself in a real accident. ” *“Trying to exhaust himself, Vaughan devised an, endless ,almanac of terrifying wounds and insane collisions: The lungs of elderly men
  22. Ximenes),Anaximander understood the beginning or first principle to be an, endless , unlimited primordial mass (ape iron),subject to neither old age nor decay
  23. On Auerbach (1845),philosophy had to stop" interpreting" the world in, endless ,metaphysical debates, in order to start" changing" the world, as it was being
  24. In the Sanskrit sources: #" Circle," used in a variety of senses, symbolizing, endless , rotation of Shakti. # A circle of people. In rituals there are different
  25. Or logical) and physical (or internal) view of the data, there can be an, endless ,number of different external views. This feature allows users to see database
  26. Against aircraft, a legitimate concept) and can from there be prefixed with an, endless ,stream of" anti-"s, each time creating a new level of counteraction. More
  27. Fauvism among others. The history of twentieth century art is a narrative of, endless ,possibilities and the search for new standards, each being torn down in
  28. Also Minored in Philosophy) ).: Many stories in the series involve Jethro's, endless ,career search, which include such diverse vocations as brain surgeon, street
  29. And animals are material forms adopted by pure consciousness which live an, endless ,cycle of births and rebirths. Ronald Numbers says that:" Hindu Creationists
  30. Relevant to any particular purpose, and so on. The list is virtually, endless , and the possibilities are vast. " A computer is a machine that manipulates
  31. Rather than a sea monster. Charybdis was very loyal to her father in his, endless ,feud with Zeus; it was she who rode the hungry tides after Poseidon had stirred
  32. When all dharma are empty, what is, endless , What has an end? What is endless and with an end? What is not endless
  33. Taught and demonstrated man's oneness with the Father, and for this we owe him, endless ,homage ". (Science and Health, page 18): :Jesus could have withdrawn himself
  34. Have higher pitch. Types Orchestral cymbals offer a composer nearly, endless ,amounts of color and effect. Their unique timbre allows them to project even
  35. Caring for and communing with the silent host of fish birds, heads,and, endless ,columns which he created. " Branch was cared for in his later years by a
  36. In the annals of mystery fiction, rather than suffering comparison as one of the, endless ,imitators of Sherlock Holmes. " Some stories were self-published
  37. Series victory to date, as it turns out). For his part, Merkle was doomed to, endless ,criticism and vilification throughout his career for this lapse, which went
  38. Utile) and ironwood. Extensive miniature woods of heaths are found in almost, endless ,variety and covered throughout the greater part of the year with innumerable
  39. Criticism that E4 (like many other digital channels),relies on seemingly, endless ,repeats of a small selection of shows (notably Friends),with further
  40. S face turns red. Another frequent source of humor dealt with Jethro's, endless ,career search, which included such diverse vocations as soda jerk, brain
  41. Ironic condition of mankind. History Apollo's cursed gift became a source of, endless ,pain and frustration. In some versions of the myth, this is symbolized by the
  42. 5 February 1936),which appropriately ended with the Tramp walking down an, endless ,highway toward the horizon. The film was only a partial talkie and is often
  43. Of tape from other sources can be edited in. Tape can also be joined to form, endless ,loops that continually play repeated patterns of pre-recorded material. Audio
  44. Are: Banyan trees, Jackfruit, coconuts,bamboo species, acacia trees and also, endless ,rows of coconuts and banana species. Numerous flowers can be seen: hibiscus
  45. Arctic While the largest part of the Canadian Arctic is composed of seemingly, endless ,permanent ice and tundra north of the tree line, it encompasses geological
  46. The Bahá'í teachings speak of both a" Greater Covenant ", being universal and, endless , and a" Lesser Covenant ", being unique to each religious dispensation. The
  47. To uprisings, were in utter chaos. In 1642,in an effort to ease his father's, endless , exhausting calculations, and recalculations, of taxes owed and paid, Pascal
  48. Are spent enduring a relentless storm. Morale drops after what seems like an, endless ,series of misfortunes, but the crew is cheered temporarily by a chance
  49. Feet at most, wide,slides under a dome of fifteen high. Owes its name to the, endless ,echoes repeats. Its waters are having fishes without eyes. " So says the "
  50. But rather as a kind of mystical declaration that self-sacrifice in the form of, endless ,labor does in itself bring a kind of spiritual freedom. Axayacatl (- the name

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