Examples of the the word, needle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( needle ), is the 4805 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Lines of research, including Acts showing larger effects of a superficial, needle ,penetrating acupuncture than those of a nonpenetrating sham control, positron
  2. Transmitter similar to Gray's design. Vibration of the diaphragm caused a, needle ,to vibrate in the water, varying the electrical resistance in the circuit. When
  3. Used in atom probe are usually a metallic or semiconducting material, with the, needle ,geometry produced by electropolishing, or focused ion beam methods. Preparation
  4. Mechanism has consisted of a rotating drum of paper equipped with a marking, needle , The needle would start at the bottom of the page and the drum would turn the
  5. Commonly, the right side) and the discharging of the battery deflects the, needle ,to the other side. A special type of zero-center ammeter for testing high
  6. With a battery. In this application, the charging of the battery deflects the, needle ,to one side of the scale (commonly, the right side) and the discharging of
  7. Flame. Increasing the amount of fuel gas flow through the tube by opening the, needle ,valve will increase the size of the flame. However, unless the airflow is
  8. Needle when subjected to a sufficiently high electric field (~3-6 V/nm). The, needle ,is oriented towards a phosphor screen to create a projected image of the tip's
  9. And numbers are formed. When Louis Braille invented it, it was produced with a, needle ,holing successively all needed points in a cardboard sheet. In 1892,Frank Hall
  10. Of State prohibits foreign service officers from being injected with a, needle ,by a foreign official. Diplomats refuse test for blood alcohol content but can
  11. Or craft of attaching beads to one another or to cloth, usually by the use of a, needle ,and thread or soft, flexible wire. Most bead work takes the form of jewelry or
  12. Or other blood-borne infection increases, as with re-use of any type of, needle , Adverse events Estimates of adverse effects due to acupuncture range from 671
  13. Number generator into giving out pre-selected results, or causing a compass, needle ,to change its heading. Spoon bending through Psi would also be a form of
  14. On the weft thread. Then the beads are pressed in between the warp threads. The, needle ,is passed back through the beads above the warp threads to lock the beads into
  15. That could be injected directly into the user's veins with the included, needle , The company promised that its cocaine products would" supply the place of
  16. Woodblock printing and movable type printing, the early lodestone and, needle ,compass, gunpowder,toilet paper, early seismological detectors, matches,pound
  17. A piece of jewelry. All off-loom techniques can be accomplished using a single, needle ,and thread (no warp threads),but some have two- needle variations. Different
  18. An" establishment" institution such as the BBC was a turn-off for some, and, needle , time restrictions prevented it from playing as many records as offshore
  19. Dancefloor. Turntables embodies the art of cutting, beat juggling, scratching, needle , drops,phase shifting, back spinning, and more to perform the transitions and
  20. When performing a chest decompression in the field. The decompression, needle ,is inserted through the condom, and inserted into the chest. The condom folds
  21. Are generally considered unsuitable as Christmas trees due to their poor, needle ,retention and inability to support the weight of lights and ornaments. Some
  22. To cryogenic temperatures (typically 20-100 K) and manipulated such that the, needle ,'s point is aimed towards an ion detector. A pulsed high voltage source (
  23. That an electric current produces a magnetic field which will deflect a compass, needle , In the same year Johann Schweitzer invented the galvanometer, with a coil of
  24. In palatal lateral ll,e.g. MOLIERE > (" woman ", Sp., Cat. ), ACUT'LA > (", needle ,", Sp., Cat. ).; Traits shared partly with Catalan, partly with Spanish: *Open
  25. On 11 September 1820 he heard of H. C. Ørsted's discovery that a magnetic, needle ,is acted on by a voltaic current. Only a week later, on 18 September, Ampère
  26. Tree. This family tradition eliminated killing and care of a live tree and, needle ,drop in the house while providing a beautiful way of displaying ornaments.
  27. yarn's weight, length,dye lot, fiber content, washing instructions, suggested, needle , size,likely gauge, etc. It is a common practice to save the yarn band for
  28. A pocket compass; Einstein realized that there must be something causing the, needle ,to move, despite the apparent" empty space ". As he grew, Einstein built
  29. Adequate for non-suppurative lymphadenitis. If suppuration occurs, it may need, needle ,aspiration. For non resolving suppuration, surgical excision is required but
  30. Recording mediums such as wax cylinders and discs carved with an engraving, needle , it was noted that cymbals distorted sound and affected the spectrum of sound
  31. Their own alphabet. It was not binary, but based on four amplitudes of the, needle , Gauss was convinced that this communication would be a help to his kingdom's
  32. In the magnetic field of the Earth. He observed the variations of a compass, needle ,and found that larger deflections correlated with stronger Aurora activity. At
  33. Performance of Under Milk Wood that evening. The doctor went to work with his, needle , and Thomas made it through the two performances of Under Milk Wood, but
  34. Sham acupuncture:" Weak physiologic activity of superficial or sham, needle ,penetration is suggested by several lines of research, including Acts showing
  35. Of commercial music that could be played on radio in the UK until 1988 (the ", needle ,time" limitation) the station has recorded many live performances and studio
  36. That for a time, he suffered a migraine just thinking about it, akin to a, needle ,piercing his eye. In the late 1990s,Rosenberg was announced as director of a
  37. Was first noted by Hans Christian Listed who, in 1820,observed a compass, needle ,was deflected from pointing North when a current flowed in an adjacent wire.
  38. Has consisted of a rotating drum of paper equipped with a marking needle . The, needle ,would start at the bottom of the page and the drum would turn the roll of paper
  39. Magnetometer, enabling them to measure even the smallest deflections of the, needle , In 1833, they installed a long wire above the town's roofs. Gauss combined the
  40. Mechanism of“ diffuse noxious inhibitory control ”. Indeed, superficial, needle , penetration is a common technique in many authentic traditional Japanese
  41. A technique which allows for a stream of electrons to be emitted from a sharp, needle ,when subjected to a sufficiently high electric field (~3-6 V/nm). The needle
  42. And more approachable. I remember siting at my record player and moving the, needle ,back and forth to get the solo in 'Spoonful. ' But there was nothing I could do
  43. And not by TCM. In some sources“ acupuncture” refers to random needling with, needle ,insertion, and this is compared to pressing telescoping needle s against the
  44. Associated with natural opiate production, and animal studies showing that sham, needle ,insertion can have nonspecific analgesic effects through a postulated mechanism
  45. A commutator of his own. As a result, he was able to make the distant, needle ,move in the direction set by the commutator on the other end of the line. At
  46. Thinner needle s may be flexible and require tubes for insertion. The tip of the, needle ,should not be made too sharp to prevent breakage, although blunt needle s cause
  47. With radii on the order of 100 nm. To conduct an atom probe experiment, such a, needle ,is placed in an ultra-high vacuum chamber. After introduction into the vacuum
  48. S, express consent. Turner later claimed that this was a joke intended to, needle ,colorization critics, and that he had never had any intention of colorizing the
  49. Condoms in retaliation for being coerced into condom use. Using a fine, needle ,to make several pinholes at the tip of the condom is believed to significantly
  50. A studio manager would play in discs from the studio control cubicle. Due to, needle ,time restrictions much of the music was played from tapes of BBC session

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