Examples of the the word, pat , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pat ), is the 3813 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Enjoyed pat ting him on the cheeks when he was a baby while saying" pat , pat , pat ,". As he got older, Robertson thought about which first name he would like
  2. Any child, modern or immeasurably remote, as making a living gesture as if to, pat ,the painted beasts upon the wall. " Applying to the Lascaux paintings the
  3. The Mediterranean bay, but has a stronger flavor. *Indian bay leaf (also ten, pat , teapot, tej pat a तेजपत्ता or Tamal pat ra तमालपत्र or Biryani AAU or Barbara
  4. Rolling in the aisles. And star Tim Allen had that Shatner-esque swagger down, pat , And I roared when the shirt came off, and co-star Sigourney Weaver rolls her
  5. With a buttered bun, butter as one of the ingredients of the pat ty or with a, pat ,of butter on top of the burger pat ty. This is called a" butter burger ". In
  6. A childless, dual-income,but married couple is more deserving of a financial, pat ,on the head than those struggling, as I once was, to keep their families afloat
  7. Month 8 repeats as เดือน ๘/๘ Month 8/8,variously read as —: Dean pat that, pat ,() — Month 8 slash 8,: Dean pat song Khan () — Month 8 Side Two, or: Dean
  8. Area at the Foots cray End (Gate 7) where fans can come and give him a, pat ,and have their photo taken. Membership base Since the 1990s the Western
  9. Stands a statue of a monkey, which is said to bring good fortune to those who, pat ,his head. * The collegiate church of Sainte-Waudru (Walt rude) is
  10. Month 8 slash 8,: Dean pat song Khan () — Month 8 Side Two, or: Dean, pat ,song Hon () — Month 8 Time Two. Months 9–12,Dean 9–12,complete the lunar
  11. Thanksgiving, urging travelers to“ opt out” of the scanner and insist on a, pat ,down. US. Representative John L. Mica (R-Fla. ), the incoming chair of the
  12. Phonemes and. An example for English consonants is the minimal pair of ", pat ," +" bat ". In phonetics, this pair, like any other, differs in a number of
  13. Bomb attempt of 2009,Napolitana has instituted" enhanced pat downs ". These, pat ,downs may include the touching of sensitive areas such as breasts and genitals.
  14. 8/8,variously read as —: Dean pat that pat () — Month 8 slash 8,: Dean, pat ,song Khan () — Month 8 Side Two, or: Dean pat song Hon () — Month 8 Time
  15. Postman Pat is shown on the Treehouse Children's Network. * In Arabic postman, pat ,is known as ساعي البريدand shown on barrel. Web|URL=http://baraem.tv Europe *In
  16. s) changes turn a blast of spiritual yearning, confusion and rebellion into a, pat ,on the head for esters and couch potatoes ". Later, Townshend partly responded
  17. Pat downs of pilots, including evaluation of their fitness for duty after the, pat ,down, given stressful nature of pat downs. Two airline pilots filed suit
  18. Of their fitness for duty after the pat down, given stressful nature of, pat ,downs. Two airline pilots filed suit against the procedures. A number of
  19. PCR. These tests can be based on screening genetic elements (like p35S,twos, pat , or bar) or event-specific markers for the official GMOs (like Mon810,Bt11
  20. If the Player has an initial total of 6 or 7,he stands. ** If the Player stood, pat ,(i.e., has only two cards),the Banker regards only his own hand and acts
  21. And breaking things (like a troll). The Comte liked his oatmeal with a, pat ,of butter on the top. In an often retold story, a farmer put the butter
  22. In the May 1971 Creek, Saunders wrote," Sir Lord Baltimore seems to have down, pat ,most all the best heavy metal tricks in the book. " Creek critic Lester Bangs
  23. Letters are used to represent speech sounds, or phonemes. For example, the word, pat ,is spelled with three letters, p,a, and t, each representing a phoneme
  24. Because of unknown radiation risks and calling for strict guidelines for, pat ,downs of pilots, including evaluation of their fitness for duty after the pat
  25. At relatively lower velocities because high velocity excessively disperses the, pat ,of explosive. While only effective against tanks without spaced armor or small
  26. Favored for combat demolition purposes. The flattened high-velocity explosive, pat ,is capable of destroying concrete constructions much faster than a HEAT round (
  27. Beef, tartar sauce, french fries, onion rings, potato chips,a, pat ,of butter, pineapple and tofu. A cheeseburger may have more than one hamburger
  28. Kelley caught race leader Ellison" Tarzan" Brown, giving Brown a consolatory, pat ,on the shoulder as he passed. His competitive drive apparently stoked by this
  29. Reduplication can also extend the meaning of a word; for instance PKI ", pat ," becomes papal" slap or clap once" and Pakistani" applaud "; IMO" blink "
  30. Never as an initial. It is found instead in words such as" stop" or ", pat ,". An initial t in English, as in" tap ", is pronounced — that is, an
  31. Eagle has landed. " Aldrin and Armstrong celebrated with a brisk handshake and, pat ,on the back before quickly returning to the checklist of tasks needed to ready
  32. A poem by Tennyson on a scrap of newspaper that had been used to wrap a, pat ,of butter; this discovery was one of Lizzie’s inspirations to start writing her
  33. Against the surface of the target on impact and spreads out to form a disc or ", pat ," of explosive. The base fuse detonates the explosive milliseconds later
  34. The game. He then waits for the players to come out on the ground, giving him a, pat ,as they run past to the banner. During the game Sid has a reserved area at the
  35. Common are: *"=" abbreviates stalemate (occasionally" p ", standing for ", pat ,", the French for stalemate, is used instead); These are combined with a
  36. First from dirt and dust, then I ordered him to blow his hand from dust, so he, pat ,his two hands and he started milking, while I prepared a vessel with its mouth
  37. Jr., who enjoyed pat ting him on the cheeks when he was a baby while saying ", pat , pat , pat ". As he got older, Robertson thought about which first name he would
  38. Year (), Month 8 repeats as เดือน ๘/๘ Month 8/8,variously read as —: Dean, pat ,that pat () — Month 8 slash 8,: Dean pat song Khan () — Month 8 Side Two
  39. Pattern of unexpected comedy that runs through it all, always fresh and always, pat , " In later years, Channel 4 said the film" was possibly the first of the
  40. You wrote a song straight — hallelujah — let's give you a prize. ' Kind of, pat ,on the back. But the others were beyond belief. I wasn't even there the rest
  41. it's just circumstances. Your little dog really loves me. I gave him a nice, pat ,and left him a piece of meat - out of fridge. Sincerely yours, A Bad Egg. Bart
  42. Tasks such as retrieving the mail, writing a letter, or just giving a friendly, pat ,on the shoulder, appearing out of ubiquitous boxes or other convenient
  43. At breakfast is oatmeal (pro),often made of rolled oats, and eaten with a, pat ,of butter (noisily, lit. " Butter eye" ) and/or with milk, or fruit or jam
  44. That" although Styx is based in Chicago, the group has its English scam down, pat ,". He also stated that the instrumentation" always seems on the verge of going
  45. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she personally would like to avoid a, pat ,down but said United States President Barack Obama administration officials
  46. At breakfast is oatmeal (pro),often made of rolled oats, and eaten with a, pat ,of butter (noisily, lit. " Butter eye" ) and/or with milk, fruit or jam
  47. Who enjoyed pat ting him on the cheeks when he was a baby while saying" pat , pat , pat ". As he got older, Robertson thought about which first name he would like
  48. Him soaked in urine. * A woman with a hip replacement was singled out for, pat ,down. * A rape survivor was distressed by a pat -down that she described as
  49. Or PCR. The test can be based on screening elements (like p35S,twos, pat , or bar) or event-specific markers for the official GMOs (like Mon810,Bt11
  50. The" underwear" bomb attempt of 2009,Napolitana has instituted" enhanced, pat ,downs ". These pat downs may include the touching of sensitive areas such as

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