Examples of the the word, holiday , in a Sentence Context

The word ( holiday ), is the 1677 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Vacation. In the late 4th century AD, Ancyra became something of an imperial, holiday ,resort. After Constantinople became the East Roman capital, emperors in the 4th
  2. As New Comedy began to develop. *Obvious costumes: Consistent with the, holiday ,spirit, much of the humor in Old Comedy is slapstick buffoonery that doesn't
  3. Of whitewashed raised gable cottages. Because of generous tax incentives, many, holiday , homes have been built over the last ten years. This building boom has brought
  4. The Battle of the Bog side (1969). * August 1,Swiss National Day, a public, holiday ,in Switzerland. * August 2, 1990,Iraq Invasion of Kuwait leading to Gulf War. *
  5. Arbor Day (Did the Arose) is celebrated on September 21. It's not a national, holiday , However, schools nationwide celebrate this day with environment-related
  6. Were made cheaper. It was no longer necessary to be a millionaire to spend a, holiday ,in Acapulco, the foreign and Mexican middle class could now afford to travel
  7. Front of the Slovene People day April 27 *April 29 is a Japanese national, holiday , as Show Day since 2007. It has been celebrated as The Emperor's Birthday
  8. With wisdom. But the early release of dramatic tension is consistent with the, holiday ,meanings in Old Comedy, and it allows the audience to relax in uncomplicated
  9. Holidays vary each year. The Islamic holiday s' dates given above are the, holiday ,'s date in 2011 only. August symbols August's birthstone is the period or
  10. Turkey becomes the first country to celebrate Children's Day as a national, holiday , *1932 – The 153-year-old De Adrian Windmill in Haarlem, Netherlands burns
  11. Is the traditional celebration of the ancient New Year. North is a family, holiday , Azerbaijan folk consists of Azerbaijanis, the representative part of society
  12. Overcome her alcoholism, and together the couple travelled to Eastbound for a, holiday , Rose however relapsed and Crowley, who disliked her when drunk, fled to Paris.
  13. Tree Planting Day is on March 5. Judaism The Jewish, holiday ,Tu Bishop, the new year for trees, is on the 15th day of the month of Shevat
  14. Day on May Day had become firmly established as an international worker's, holiday , In 1907,the International Anarchist Congress of Amsterdam gathered delegates
  15. Portugal Arbor Day is celebrated on March 21. It's not a national, holiday ,but instead schools nationwide celebrate this day with environment-related
  16. And observances * Show Day, traditionally the start of the Golden Week, holiday ,period. (Japan) * The beginning of Anita Ceramic Fair (Anita, Saga,Japan)
  17. The first of the canonized confessor kings. St. Stephen's day is a national, holiday ,in Hungary as well as an observed holiday for many Hungarian-Americans and
  18. Of the world's rivers. Arbor Day (from the Latin arbor, meaning tree) is a, holiday ,in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant and care for trees. It
  19. On 3 September 1928,Fleming returned to his laboratory having spent August on, holiday ,with his family. Before leaving, he had stacked all his cultures of
  20. Of America. The third Friday of August was designated Statehood Day, a state, holiday , * August 25, 1825,Uruguay became independent of Brazil. * August 31, 1957
  21. Coup: Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev is placed under house arrest while on, holiday ,in the town of Forms, Crimea. * 1991 – Crown Heights Riot: Black groups target
  22. Alec took a handmade model of his telephone with him, making it a" working, holiday ,". The courtship had begun years earlier, however Alexander waited until he was
  23. The United States. Before Lincoln's presidency, Thanksgiving,while a regional, holiday ,in New England since the 17th century, had only been proclaimed by the federal
  24. La Villa and Saint Anne's dance in Escaldes-Engordany. Andorra's national, holiday ,is Our Lady of Merited Day, September 8. American Folk
  25. That takes place during August * In many European countries, August is the, holiday ,month for most workers * The Philippines celebrates August as the" Month of
  26. Organisation called the National Arbor Day Foundation had taken the name of the, holiday ,and commercialized it for their own use as a trademark for their publication "
  27. Is a Japanese traditional Buddhist custom, evolved into a family reunion, holiday , Many Japanese manufacturers and firms give their employees three to five days
  28. China Republic of China (Taiwan) Arbor Day (植樹節) has been a traditional, holiday ,in the Republic of China since 1927. In 1914,the founder of the agricultural
  29. In 1989. It is usually marked as the first day of" Golden Week ", a week-long, holiday ,period. *Koninginnedag in the Netherlands / Kingdom of the Netherlands – April
  30. Invasion of Kuwait leading to Gulf War. * August 5,International Beer Day,a, holiday ,in celebration of beer. * August 6 National Salvadoran-American Day in the
  31. Contributes to excess levels of particulate matter * Tax abatement (or tax, holiday ,) is used in the field of economic development to encourage businesses to
  32. St. Stephen's day is a national holiday in Hungary as well as an observed, holiday ,for many Hungarian-Americans and other Hungarians around the world. * August 20
  33. Of the first day of summer (see May 1): *Queen's Day, the largest one-day, holiday ,in the Netherlands. External links
  34. Planting trees, or raising money to plant trees. Tu Bishop is not an official, holiday ,in Israel. Japan celebrates a similarly themed
  35. 1 million trees were planted that day. Many countries now observe a similar, holiday , Though usually observed in the spring, the date varies, depending on climate
  36. Actual person. Abraham Lincoln's birthday, February 12,was never a national, holiday , but it was at one time observed by as many as 30 states. The Abraham Lincoln
  37. Typically the main supporters of demagogues like Clean) occupied the festival, holiday ,with other pursuits. (Those inhabitants who were not citizens, such as slaves
  38. Of Mary, one of the Catholic Holy Day of Obligation. (Christianity, a public, holiday ,in Austria, Belgium,Benin, Bosnia,Burundi, Cameroon,Chile, Colombia,Cote
  39. The age of fruit trees for tithing as mandated in Leviticus 19:23-25,the, holiday ,now is most often observed by planting trees, or raising money to plant trees.
  40. And observances *Assumption of Mary (Eastern Orthodox Church, a public, holiday ,in the Republic of Macedonia, Serbia,and Georgia) External links
  41. At combining their talents occurred in April 1970 when the two couples went on, holiday ,together to the island of Cyprus. What started as singing for fun on the beach
  42. On 17 January 1287,the anniversary of which now serves as Minorca's national, holiday , He initially sought to maintain the Aragonite control over Sicily early in his
  43. War II admiral Louis Mountbatten and three others while they are boating on, holiday ,in LIGO, Republic of Ireland. Shortly after,18 British Army soldiers are
  44. University engaged in his pastimes, one of which was mountaineering; he went on, holiday ,to the Alps to do so every year from 1894 to 1898,and various other
  45. That China should imitate the practice in the United States of Arbor Day. The, holiday ,would be held the same day as the Singing Festival. However, for unknown
  46. Dirty jokes: A relaxation in standards of behavior was permitted and the, holiday ,spirit included bawdy irreverence towards both men and gods. Old Comedy is rich
  47. The audience) to guffaws of helpless mirth. *The farcical anti-climax: The, holiday ,spirit might also have been responsible for an aspect of the comic plot that
  48. Atheists. In North America, however,most Protestant acknowledgment of the, holiday ,is generally secular, celebrated in the form of Halloween festivities. Folklore
  49. Conquests rather than his religious obligations. One year during the Jewish, holiday ,of Sukkot, Alexander Antaeus, while officiating as the High Priest (Cohen
  50. War. Lincoln is largely responsible for the institution of the Thanksgiving, holiday ,in the United States. Before Lincoln's presidency, Thanksgiving,while a

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