Examples of the the word, headache , in a Sentence Context

The word ( headache ), is the 5677 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Effects, but others apparently do not. Withdrawal symptoms—including, headache , irritability, inability to concentrate, drowsiness,insomnia, and pain in the
  2. Damage (hemiparesis, aphasia etc.). The most frequent presenting symptoms are, headache , drowsiness, confusion,seizures, hemiparesis or speech difficulties together
  3. Effects from ECT include short and long-term memory loss, disorientation and, headache , Although memory disturbance after ECT usually resolves within one month, ECT
  4. Malaise, mouth and esophageal sores, and may also include, but less commonly, headache , nausea and vomiting, enlarged liver/spleen, weight loss, thrush,and
  5. Common adverse drug reactions include: hypotension, cough,hyperkalemia, headache , dizziness, fatigue,nausea, and renal impairment. Some evidence also suggests
  6. Pentandra bark decoction has been used as a diuretic, aphrodisiac,and to treat, headache , as well as type II diabetes. Cab pentagram is used as an additive to some
  7. Commonly held belief that Caesar suffered from epilepsy, several specialists in, headache ,medicine believe that a more accurate diagnosis would be migraine headache .
  8. Who drinks of it; also mentioned were the spirit of catalepsy and the spirit of, headache , the demon of epilepsy, and the spirit of nightmare. These demons were supposed
  9. Opposition, writing that the Americans with Disabilities Act was“ an expensive, headache ,to millions” that would not necessarily improve the lives of people with
  10. The involuntary muscles. Physical effects include decrease in blood pressure, headache , flushing of the face, increased heart rate, dizziness,and relaxation of
  11. No toxicity except Carbon dioxide which" At about 8 % it causes, headache , sweating, dim vision, tremor and loss of consciousness after exposure for
  12. In symptoms that resemble an allergic reaction, including hives, swelling and, headache , The reaction is caused by salicylate intolerance and is not a true allergy
  13. Perceived therapeutic value, in the treatment of alcoholism, pain and cluster, headache ,relief, for spiritual purposes, and to enhance creativity. However, government
  14. Disturbing ways, such as prescribing heroin for a cold, making a man with a, headache ,jump up and down in order to make his penis swing (while mirroring the patient
  15. Of ailments including gout, urinary calculi, rheumatism,mania, depression and, headache , In 1949,Made discovered the anti-manic effects of lithium ions. This
  16. The chakra in the forehead is associated with the color purple, so to cure a, headache ,you would apply a purple stone to the forehead. This idea has proven highly
  17. Overseas adventures" not only irritated the USA but quite often were a" major, headache ," for Cuba's ostensible allies in the Kremlin. The Sandinista insurgency in
  18. Ideas such as subluxation and innate intelligence neck pain, some forms of, headache , and some extremity joint conditions. The efficacy and cost-effectiveness of
  19. Of increased intracranial pressure due to a space-occupying lesion (, headache , vomiting, confusion,coma),infection (fever, fatigue etc.) and focal
  20. Vasoconstriction, blood shot eyes, flushing,restlessness, dry mouth, bruxism, headache , tachycardia, bradycardia,tachypnea, hypertension,hypotension, fever
  21. Cerebral Arms may present in a number of ways **Acute onset of severe, headache , May be described as the worst headache of the patient's life. Depending on
  22. And emotional disturbances. In the short term, many users experience, headache , nausea and vomiting, slurred speech, loss of motor coordination, and wheezing.
  23. That suggests spinal manipulation may be effective for migraine, tension, headache , and cervicogenic headache . A 2005 review found that spinal manipulation showed
  24. From the above dialogue than the fact that the diabetic explanation for the, headache ,existed only in the mind of the therapist, and that it was with considerable
  25. Vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, wild hallucinations, delirium,and severe, headache , Depending on the severity of the silicosis the victim may later suffer
  26. To epinephrine include palpitations, tachycardia,arrhythmia, anxiety, headache , tremor, hypertension,and acute pulmonary edema. Use is contraindicated in
  27. For migraine, it is recommended to take aspirin at the first signs of the, headache , and it is the way these medications were used in the comparative clinical
  28. One of the architects, wrote in a letter:" I come home very depressed with a, headache ,after a day of the worst quarrels, disputes,vexations, and this happens often.
  29. Manipulation may be effective for migraine, tension headache and cervicogenic, headache , A 2005 review found that spinal manipulation showed a trend toward benefit in
  30. Are flu-like symptoms: increased body temperature, feeling ill, fatigue, headache , muscle pain, convulsion,dizziness, hair thinning, and depression. Erythema
  31. Too late: Métis had already conceived. Eventually Zeus experienced an enormous, headache ,; Prometheus, Hephaestus,Hermes, Ares,or Plasmon (depending on the sources
  32. In the OTC brand Excedrin) is even more potent. For the treatment of migraine, headache , this formulation works better than any of its three components taken
  33. Preparations, can cause unpleasant symptoms including vomiting, nausea,and, headache , Combining dextromethorphan with other substances can compound risks. CNS
  34. Throat, and me aches the head): Transl.: Ivan has sore throat, and I have a, headache , Except the above examples, clitic doubling is considered inappropriate in a
  35. That can potentially" result in a syndrome involving manifestations of nausea, headache , tinnitus, pain,dizziness, and fatigue. ". Cleaning application In industrial
  36. In headache medicine believe that a more accurate diagnosis would be migraine, headache , Caesar had four documented episodes of what may have been complex partial
  37. Two and four days, but can be as little as a few hours. The initial symptoms of, headache , weakness, and coughing with blood (hemoptysis),or vomiting blood (
  38. Spinal manipulation showed a trend toward benefit in the treatment of tension, headache , but the evidence was weak. * Extremity conditions. A 2011 systematic review
  39. Cases (erroneously suggesting meningitis). The famous triad of fever, headache ,and focal neurologic findings are highly suggestive of brain abscess.
  40. Lumbar puncture. Removal of CSF during lumbar puncture can cause a severe, headache ,after the fluid is removed, because the brain hangs on the vessels and nerve
  41. Of white or blue. When inspired air contains CO levels as low as 0.02 %, headache ,and nausea occur; if the CO concentration is increased to 0.1 %
  42. Resemble other types of poisonings and infections, including symptoms such as, headache , nausea, vomiting,dizziness, fatigue,and a feeling of weakness. Infants may
  43. Epilepsy, deficit or pain. The most general symptoms of a cerebral AVM include, headache ,and epilepsy, with more specific symptoms occurring that normally depend on the
  44. Pressure and pulse rate, and causes reduced hearing. *At about 8 % it causes, headache , sweating, dim vision, tremor and loss of consciousness after exposure for
  45. Patients typically experience symptoms similar to migraine with nausea and, headache , and older patients typically complain of more visual symptoms. The EEG in BOER
  46. Number of ways **Acute onset of severe headache . May be described as the worst, headache ,of the patient's life. Depending on the location of hemorrhage, may be
  47. Along conducting objects. Patients suffering from ailments such as gout or, headache ,were directed to touch electric fish in the hope that the powerful jolt might
  48. To earn the Super Bowl MVP Award – this while overcoming a severe migraine, headache ,that caused him blurred vision. The Broncos repeated as Super Bowl champions
  49. Cured many diseases, including morphine addiction, dyspepsia,neurasthenia, headache , and impotence. Pemberton ran the first advertisement for the beverage on May
  50. And yin/yang. It is characterized by aversion to cold and/or wind, headache , muscle ache, mild fever, a " floating" pulse, and a normal tongue appearance.

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