Examples of the the word, constituent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( constituent ), is the 5681 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For" listener" ( the allocative) even if the verb contains no second person, constituent , If the situation is one in which the familiar masculine may be used, the form
  2. The atoms composing the metallic crystals are replaced with atoms of the other, constituent , With the interstitial mechanism, one atom is usually much smaller than the
  3. The term alloy is used to describe a mixture of atoms in which the primary, constituent ,is a metal. The primary metal is called the base or the matrix. If there is a
  4. Being the chief constituent of fermentation Amy alcohol, and consequently a, constituent ,of fuel oil. It can be separated from fuel oil by shaking with strong brine
  5. And the Arena Petroleum Maatschappij Shell Co.),and tourism. Politics As a, constituent ,country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands,Aruba's politics take place within
  6. Botswana has land boundaries of combined length 4,013 kilometers, of which the, constituent ,boundaries are shared with Namibia, for 1,360 km; South Africa 1,840 km;
  7. Diatom species because of the limited availability of Si, a necessary, constituent ,of diatom frustules. As a consequence of these blooms, benthic macrophyte
  8. A five-part alloy is termed a binary alloy. Because the percentage of each, constituent ,can be varied, with any mixture the entire range of possible variations is
  9. Hippolytus I,6,I; DK B2) For Anaximander, the principle of things,the, constituent ,of all substances, is nothing determined and not an element such as water in
  10. In the Earth's surface rocks is ca. 4–6 ppm by atoms. Beryllium is a major, constituent ,of about 100 out of some 4000 known minerals, the most important of which are
  11. Atoms, led him to conclude hydrogen nuclei were singular particles and a basic, constituent ,of all atomic nuclei: the proton. Further experimentation by Rutherford found
  12. It is not required in the diet and is instead synthesized in cells from its, constituent ,amino acids. Glutathione has antioxidant properties since the Thiel group in
  13. Like many other peptides, aspartame may hydrolyze (break down) into its, constituent ,amino acids under conditions of elevated temperature or high pH. This makes
  14. Mixed and have special laws implemented to ensure the equality of all, constituent ,people. The fourth level of political division in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the
  15. Corporate affairs British Airways trades on the London Stock Exchange and is a, constituent ,of the FTSE 100 Index under the title of" International Airlines Group "
  16. Carbon atom. The most important is isobutyl carbinol, this being the chief, constituent ,of fermentation Amy alcohol, and consequently a constituent of fuel oil. It
  17. Described it as the work of the devil. In the 20th century, the active chemical, constituent ,of B. carpi was named telepathize, but it was found to be identical to a
  18. The Parliament of the United Kingdom to make laws for Scotland, which remains a, constituent ,country of the UK. Whilst it has power to make laws in Scotland – in addition
  19. For defense is reserved by the UK. The United Kingdom is made up of four, constituent ,parts: England, Scotland and Wales, forming Great Britain, and Northern Ireland
  20. And plain topography. The country is home to three ethnic groups, or so-called, constituent ,peoples, a term unique for Bosnia-Herzegovina. Bosniaks are the largest group
  21. Form),the esterified dipeptide (aspartyl-phenylalanine),and its, constituent ,components, phenylalanine,aspartic acid, and methanol. At 180 °C,aspartame
  22. And in the presence of a suitable catalyst, ammonia is decomposed into its, constituent ,elements. Ignition occurs when chlorine is passed into ammonia, forming
  23. The questions can concern anything from a major policy issue to a specific, constituent ,'s problem. Use of the question hour has increased markedly over the past forty
  24. And the warfare that ensued placed Bosnia and Herzegovina and its three, constituent ,peoples in an awkward position. A significant split soon developed on the issue
  25. Antilles. Aruba, which has no administrative subdivisions, is one of the four, constituent ,countries that form the Kingdom of the Netherlands, together with the
  26. Machines and their combinations. He first describes and illustrates the five, constituent ,simple machines: the lever, pulley,screw, wedge,and windlass. He then
  27. Properties, the properties' relation (the togetherness relation between those, constituent ,properties),and the impact of language on understanding reality. Com presence
  28. On the London Stock Exchange on 21 January 2011,after nearly 24 years as a, constituent ,of the FTSE 100 index. The move came in preparation for the merger with Iberia
  29. Empire. As a result of the Russian Revolution, Belarus became a founding, constituent ,republic of the Soviet Union and was renamed as the Belorussian Soviet
  30. Bosnia and Herzegovina by settlements in 1991: Bosnia is home to three ethnic ", constituent ,peoples ": Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats. Tensions between the three
  31. The constitution of 1946 officially making Bosnia and Herzegovina one of six, constituent ,republics in the new state. Their efforts proved key during the turbulent
  32. Strength and shear strength may be substantially different from those of the, constituent ,materials. This is sometimes a result of the sizes of the atoms in the alloy
  33. Pass also exhibiting semiconducting and other behaviors. Naphthalene (C10H8, constituent , of mothballs),consisting of two coplanar six-membered rings sharing an edge
  34. Of the Transcaucasia SFSR. The TSFSR dissolved in 1936 and Armenia became a, constituent ,republic of the Soviet Union known as the Armenian SSR. Since the dissolution
  35. Respectively. The same rule applies if one were to address a particle by its, constituent ,components. A proton is made up of quarks, so an antiproton must therefore be
  36. Ethanol is 78.29 °C, compared to 69 °C for the hydrocarbon Humane (a common, constituent ,of gasoline),and 34.6 °C for Diethyl ether. Alcohols, like water, can show
  37. Because of The Suppliants' cliffhanger ending) Daniel trilogy, whose, constituent , plays are generally agreed to be The Suppliants, The Egyptian and The Daniels.
  38. Proust in 1799,this law states that if a compound is broken down into its, constituent ,elements, then the masses of the constituent s will always have the same
  39. Or by rewriting it in other ways. The devious politician hopes that each, constituent ,will interpret the statement in the most desirable way, and think the
  40. Exercises hosted in Armenia where a combined total of 4,000 troops from all 7, constituent , CSTO member countries conducted operative, strategic,and tactical training
  41. Its caloric contribution is negligible. Aspartame can be synthesized from its, constituent ,amino acids, L-phenylalanine and Aspartame. Like many other peptides
  42. Can be obtained by adding (or integrating) all the angular momenta of the, constituent ,particles. Angular momentum simplified using the center of mass It is very
  43. Due to Germany's electoral system. A practical constraint on the expansion of, constituent ,service is the limited personal staff of Bundestag deputies. Despite these
  44. And (3) having the capacity to provide more information about each of the, constituent ,amino acid residues in an helix. Wenliang diagrams are particularly useful to
  45. A new system of chemical nomenclature which held that oxygen was an essential, constituent ,of all acids (which later turned out to be erroneous). Lavoisier also did
  46. And also in the term" art school ". It is also the name of some, constituent ,colleges of the University of London, for example, School of Oriental and
  47. Newly discovered structure within atoms tempted many to imagine how the atom's, constituent ,parts might interact with each other. Thomson theorized that multiple electrons
  48. Physical separation between them. Geographically, Asia is the major eastern, constituent ,of the continent of Eurasia with Europe being a northwestern peninsula of the
  49. Peoples which was established in the Republika Srpska National Assembly; each, constituent ,nation has eight delegates," others" have four delegates. House of
  50. The last would entail the dizkidazue example above. In each paradigm, each, constituent , noun can take on any of eight persons, five singular and three plural, with the

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