Examples of the the word, doom , in a Sentence Context

The word ( doom ), is the 5679 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of glam and nu metal bands. Romantic tragedy is a standard theme of gothic and, doom ,metal, as well as of nu metal, where teenage angst is another central topic.
  2. For heavy metal subgenres stoner rock, sludge metal, black metal, and, doom , metal. Sabbath were also one of the earliest to turn gothic music into a genre.
  3. North lost the two biggest faces of the club, the football world forecasted, doom ,for club. Again, the club punched above its weight putting in competitive
  4. In the next decade,California's Kiss and Sleep, inspired by the earlier, doom ,metal bands, spearheaded the rise of stoner metal, while Seattle's Earth
  5. Of early Black Sabbath. The Melvin's have also been a significant influence on, doom ,metal and a number of its subgenres. Doom emphasizes melody, melancholy tempos
  6. The play. Thus, to say the name of the play inside a theater is believed to, doom ,the production to failure, and perhaps cause physical injury or death to cast
  7. And that, since the poem," the head has been called Heimdall's doom : man's, doom ,is an expression for sword ". Hairball is the owner of Galloper, is also
  8. Old Testament). The book has 66 chapters: the first 39 chapters prophesy, doom ,for a sinful Judah and for all the nations of the world that oppose God, while
  9. His fantasies into artistic creations instead of into symptoms ... the, doom ,of neurosis '. Klein and unconscious fantasy Melanie Klein extended Freud's
  10. Rites. The final passage in the Iliad is Hector's funeral, after which the, doom ,of Troy was just a matter of time. Penthesilea Achilles, after his temporary
  11. Devour you here. " The dying Patrols replies:: ". Death and the day of your, doom ,are close upon you ... ". Hector's last fight Hector strips the armor of
  12. By the possessed Henrietta he gets possessed by another spirit. He finds his, doom ,when Ash dismembers him with an axe. * John Peaks as Professor Knobby, the
  13. Organization literature includes many discussions of impending global financial, doom , As a result, TFI has gone to considerable lengths to avoid investments and
  14. A bad time; engaged by the Sailing as well as the Derringer, she met her, doom ,at 1626. A vivid red flame shot up from her forepart; then came an explosion
  15. Indiscreetly purchased and privately fortified Belle Mile. These acts sealed his, doom , Divested of Bouquet, Colbert reduced the national debt through more efficient
  16. Metal, death metal, black metal, power metal, and the related subgenres of, doom ,and gothic metal. Thrash metal emerged in the early 1980s under
  17. An American take on the style. In the United States, sludge metal, mixing, doom , and hardcore, emerged in the late 1980s—Eyehategod and Crowbar were leaders in
  18. France. His preaching, aided by his ascetic looks and simple attire, helped, doom , the new sects. Both the Meridian and the Petrobrusian faiths began to die out
  19. He stands out from his contemporaries as a man of right conduct. Who forewarned, doom , by preaching. However, the people sneered at Noah and called him demented, a
  20. With a classic stoner/ doom sound, and Sun O) )),which crosses lines between, doom , drone, and dark ambient metal—the New York Times has compared their sound to
  21. Bluesy style and humorous lyrics were completely incompatible with the lords of, doom ,and gloom ". Although he performed on the album, drummer Bill Ward was unable
  22. Some speculate that the Aztecs were particularly susceptible to such ideas of, doom ,and disaster because the particular year in which the Spanish arrived coincided
  23. Is about him, and that, since the poem," the head has been called Heimdall's, doom ,: man's doom is an expression for sword ". Hairball is the owner of Galloper
  24. Thus confirming the“ outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah” and sealing their, doom , () Early the next morning, Abraham awoke and went to the elevation that
  25. For budgetary and economic concerns eschewing economic stability. That spelled, doom ,to federalism in Nigeria. Beginning in 1979,Nigerians participated in a brief
  26. Royal Navy, Raeder believed any war with Britain in the near future would, doom ,it to uselessness, once remarking all the Germans could hope to do was die
  27. Including two below-waterline hits forward by Invincible that would ultimately, doom ,Hipper's flagship. But at 18:30,Invincible abruptly appeared as a clear
  28. Gate or Great Difficulty of going to Heaven by accepting whatever judgment, or, doom , death may bring. He is, in fact, his own god, guide and judge. He is the
  29. Firmly rooted in the long Western tradition of seeing comets as harbingers of, doom ,and as omens of world-altering change. Halley's Comet alone has caused a slew
  30. Is a style that combines the slow tempos and melancholic atmosphere of, doom ,metal with the deep growling vocals and double-kick drumming of death metal.
  31. 42 million Christian tracts, mostly on God's salvation and America's, doom , Street distribution of Berg's Letters (called" witnessing" ) became the
  32. For favors for their home districts – a type of corruption that would spell, doom ,to the virtue of the republic. In this regard he followed his hero Andrew
  33. To the invasion of Judah by Sennacherib,701 BC). For these passages of, doom ,on the various cities, the device paronomasia is used. Paronomasia is a
  34. Is as agents and witnesses. Their presence communicates treason and impending, doom , During Shakespeare's day, witches were seen as worse than rebels," the most
  35. Taking advantage of the Jews of Judah during their plight, thus sealing their, doom , In the final aspect of the vision, Israel’s restoration, as a holy place, is
  36. Introduced by the word" Hear," with a pattern of alternating announcements of, doom ,and expressions of hope within each division. Micah reproaches unjust leaders
  37. The latter may even be entirely absent. Stories of transformation, deluge and, doom ,myths, and myths of the origin of death do not necessarily have any animistic
  38. Harshly but the worst are ones who lead others into sin. The prophecies of, doom ,concerning the fall of both the House of Jeroboam and the northern kingdom as a
  39. The third part is primarily focused upon Isaiah warning the people of coming, doom , Muslim exegesis preserves a tradition, which parallels that of the Hebrew
  40. Season! If no cruel hand pluck me from my stem, yet I must perish by an early, doom , But thou art immortal and dost never fade, but bloomest forever in renewed
  41. The Outsider ", The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, etc.). In some cases, this, doom , is manifest in the entirety of humanity, and no escape is possible (" The
  42. The dehydrated Council, mixing them together – which would normally spell their, doom ,– Batman constructs an elaborate filter to separate the mingled dust. Robin
  43. Prophets of the Christian Old Testament. Hosea is often seen as a" prophet of, doom ,", but underneath his message of destruction is a promise of restoration. The
  44. Man of honor "," day of reckoning" ) * compounds (" doom sday" ( ", doom ,'s day" ), Scottish Gaelic" ball noise" " football ", where " noise" gen.
  45. A well-run COC campaign should engender a sense of foreboding and inevitable, doom ,in its players. The style and setting of the game, in relatively modern time
  46. Equilibrium, the debut album by UK band Cathedral, helped spark a new wave of, doom ,metal. During the same period, the doom -death fusion style of British bands
  47. Does not present a“ turn or burn” message, simply a message of inevitable, doom ,as a consequence of previous actions. A Christian with a knowledge of the New
  48. Hags who cook the meal of dog flesh that brings the hero Cúchulainn to his, doom , The DA Which Na Mórrígan (" two breasts of the Mórrígan" ), a pair of hills
  49. Maryland's The Obsessed,Chicago's Trouble, and Sweden's Candle mass,the, doom ,metal movement rejected other metal styles' emphasis on speed, slowing its
  50. Anaheim the wise Powers made him: and gave him as hostage to the gods;: at the, doom ,of men he will come back: home among the wise Vania. " In stanza 16 of the poem

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