Examples of the the word, commodity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( commodity ), is the 3464 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The coasts. Although the average annual precipitation is, water is a scarce, commodity ,in many parts of the Comoros. Mali and Lahore possess streams and other natural
  2. most history. Usually (gold or silver) coins of intrinsic value (, commodity ,money) have been the norm. However, nearly all contemporary money systems are
  3. Reactant in many bond-breaking processes. Enzymes are employed to prepare many, commodity ,chemicals including high-fructose corn syrup and acrylamide. In the environment
  4. C2H4 + Br2 → CH2BrCH2Br Flame retardant Brominated flame retardants represent a, commodity ,of growing importance, and represent the largest use of bromine. When the
  5. Traditional operatic themes are subverted and made grotesque; love becomes a, commodity , the deus ex machina tells everyone to go to hell, the law is run by criminals
  6. Was definitively shifting from the home computer platforms of the past to, commodity ,Winter PCs and the new" low-cost" Macintosh Classic, LC and IMSI models.
  7. Average selling price, the average price at which a particular product or, commodity ,is sold across channels or markets Combat * ASP (handgun),the name for a
  8. Sold. " Democratic precepts revolving around the idea that a work of art is a, commodity ,impelled the aesthetic innovation which germinated in the mid-1960s and was
  9. Day had all but disappeared and the laborer had come to be regarded as a, commodity ,". Swift presents the dire state of Ireland and shows that mere population
  10. Mail" came to be synonymous with armor. It was typically an extremely prized, commodity ,as it was expensive and time-consuming to produce and could mean the difference
  11. When ice closed the St. Lawrence River. Grain has always been a significant, commodity ,hauled by the CPR; between 1905 and 1909,the CPR double-tracked its section of
  12. Medium, or short grain white; also popcorn rice: Rice proved to be a valuable, commodity ,in early Acadian. With an abundance of water and a hot, humid climate, rice
  13. Main line between Calgary and Vancouver. Since 1970,coal has become a major, commodity ,hauled by CPR. Coal is shipped in unit trains from coal mines in the mountains
  14. master's children. The demand for slaves rose with the growth of cotton as a, commodity ,crop, especially after the invention of the cotton gin, which enabled the
  15. Agricultural conditions, Cameroon still has one of the best-endowed primary, commodity ,economies in sub-Saharan Africa. Macroeconomic trend This is a chart of trend
  16. They need, but it does so at the expense of reducing everything to a mere, commodity , Furthermore, since obtaining wealth in capitalism is a cutthroat enterprise
  17. Of dollars. At issue is the distinction when used computers stop being a ", commodity ," and become a" waste ". Definition of hazardous waste A waste will fall under
  18. US$2 billion in gross receipts in 1962; by then, it had become a leader in, commodity ,futures trading, operating 110 offices worldwide. The Bulge, Born,Hirsch
  19. Expensive in Europe by disciplined manipulation of the market, but a desirable, commodity ,for Dutch traders in the ports of India as well; economic historian Fernand
  20. Coffee. Coffee ranks as one of the world's most valuable and widely traded, commodity ,crops and is an important export product of several countries. The leaves and
  21. DB. * Clusters - A cluster file system which leverages industry-standard, commodity ,hardware to build highly scalable, non-stop storage systems. * GRAMPS - "
  22. Interference. History In Europe prior to the 17th century most money was, commodity ,money, typically gold or silver. However, promises to pay were widely
  23. Cameroon was one of the most prosperous countries in Africa. The drop in, commodity ,prices for its principal exports — petroleum, cocoa,coffee, and cotton — in
  24. The best article at the lowest price; that the production and sale of this, commodity ,are now monopolized by the State; and that the State, like almost all
  25. Difficulties of the early 1990s caused by global recession and persistently low, commodity ,prices (although the latter continues to affect the economy). The
  26. Market exchange values which determines the value of metals which back, commodity ,money, in practice there is very little economic difference between the two
  27. Growth strategy, an improved security situation in the country, and high, commodity ,prices. Ongoing economic problems facing President Tribe range from reforming
  28. Slightly more risk of a civil war than national dependence on another primary, commodity , The authors of the study interpreted this as being the result of the ease by
  29. Which are used in hydrogenation, catalytic reforming and in the synthesis of, commodity ,chemicals such as nitric acid and ammonia. Acids are an example of a
  30. Daniels Midland, Bunge, Cargill,and Louis Dreyfus, four major agriculture, commodity ,companies In analytic philosophy, the term anti-realism is used to describe any
  31. As well as other canals) was instrumental in lowering the differences in, commodity ,prices between these various markets across America. The canals caused price
  32. Or grew more grain as opposed to grapes, the former being a more valuable, commodity , From 1831 to 1841,Palestine was under the rule Muhammad Ali Dynasty of Egypt.
  33. For microorganisms. Role in food fermentation A broad number of food products, commodity ,chemicals, and biotechnology products are manufactured industrially by
  34. Mass of pot-smoking 18 year-olds that bought albums and made you a substantial, commodity ,in the great marketing world of records never took to us. It was not hip for
  35. Of First-Footing and represents warmth for the year to come. Coal as a traded, commodity ,In North America, Central Appalachian coal futures contracts are currently
  36. Few jibes at England’s mistreatment of Ireland, noting that" For this kind of, commodity ,will not bear exportation, and flesh being of too tender a consistence, too
  37. In Mahagonny, operatic love is mutated from a grand aspiration to a mere, commodity , Another trope of operas is the deus ex machina, in which the protagonist is
  38. American countries. The largest component of U. S. -Canada trade is in the, commodity ,sector. The U. S. is Canada's largest agricultural export market, taking well
  39. Example, a multi-sited ethnography may follow a" thing," such as a particular, commodity , as it is transported through the networks of global capitalism. Multi-sited
  40. To take more responsibility for the conservation of this increasingly scarce, commodity , Politics Cyprus is a Presidential republic. The head of state and of the
  41. With it, or to require consumers of security to come exclusively to it for this, commodity , " Molina and this new type of anti-state liberal grounded their reasoning on
  42. Service; that it is labor both useful and desired, and therefore an economic, commodity ,subject to the law of supply and demand; that in a free market this commodity
  43. Activity related to mining in particular has widely fluctuated with changes in, commodity ,prices over time, with documented costs to community health. British Columbia
  44. Service; ... it is labor both useful and desired, and therefore an economic, commodity ,subject to the law of supply and demand. " He said that anarchism" does not
  45. Each transmitter owns a slice of bandwidth, a valuable (if intangible), commodity , For different applications there are different precise definitions. For
  46. Commodity subject to the law of supply and demand; that in a free market this, commodity ,would be furnished at the cost of production; that, competition prevailing
  47. Into civil war in a given five-year period, while a country with no primary, commodity ,exports has a 1 % risk. When disaggregated, only petroleum and non-petroleum
  48. Focused on the labor theory of value, which holds that the value of a, commodity ,is equal to the amount of labor required to produce it. French classical
  49. This fashion provides many of the advantages of a point-to-point network, using, commodity , broadcast-based hardware. Beech craft is an American manufacturer of general
  50. To the reserve-clause national league contracts. Baseball players were a, commodity , like cars. $5,000 bought a player's skill set. It set up a rough

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