Examples of the the word, frontier , in a Sentence Context

The word ( frontier ), is the 4780 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Failure to defeat the Begins during the Second Crusade in 1147,the northern, frontier ,was exposed to Nu rad-Din, whose own power continued to grow from his bases in
  2. Problems in Europe, Andronikos II was faced with the collapse of the Byzantine, frontier ,in Asia Minor. After the failure of the co-emperor Michael IX to stem the
  3. Settlement of New Ulm, killing white settlers along the way. *1895 – American, frontier ,murderer and outlaw, John Wesley Hardin, is killed by an off-duty policeman in
  4. Year he was called to face German invaders in Gaul, who had breached the Rhine, frontier ,in several places, destroying forts and over-running the countryside. Alexander
  5. In 1781),and turn loose the Native Americans to attack civilians in, frontier ,settlements. These operations, the King felt, would inspire the Loyalists;
  6. Difference is that bourgeois civility and civilization has yet to occupy the, frontier , and thus there is no hiding the nature of capitalism beneath the facade of
  7. Pursued by devils of his own, left Rome never to return. Caracalla left for the, frontier , where for the rest of his short reign he was known for his unpredictable and
  8. Afghanistan, while Kandahar, Zabulistan, Ghazni and Fabulist formed the, frontier ,between Khoisan and Hindustan. The land inhabited by the Afghan tribes (i.e.
  9. His father's lack of education and did not like the hard labor associated with, frontier ,life. Still, he willingly took responsibility for all chores expected of him as
  10. Endorsement to run for the presidency. Exploiting the embellished legend of his, frontier ,days with his father,Lincoln's supporters adopted the label of" The Rail
  11. S military weakness, it could not compel the British army to leave, frontier ,forts which were on American soil - forts which the British promised to leave
  12. Total extermination of the" savages ", particularly those who had experienced, frontier ,wars. Jackson's support of removal policies can be best understood by
  13. Government with property rights developed from the bottom up, the western, frontier ,was anarcho-capitalistic. People on the frontier invented institutions that fit
  14. At the solstice). The Nile is nearly 3,000 yards wide above Aswan. From this, frontier ,town to the northern extremity of Egypt, the river flows for more than without
  15. But they were not in this region). If Lag nus was situated on the Cambrian, frontier ,and after Kiel, then Angel must have been in the territory of the Teutons.
  16. British and Dutch governments. * 1989 – Several hundred East Germans cross the, frontier ,between Hungary and Austria during the Pan-European Picnic, part of the events
  17. The rest of civilization. America was the land of unbridled capitalism,the, frontier ,just as much so. The only difference is that bourgeois civility and
  18. Became the twenty-second state — admitted to the Union in 1819. Part of the, frontier ,in the 1820s and 1830s,It's constitution provided for universal suffrage for
  19. Of the" Lagerleitung ". They both were arrested on July 6 near the Slovakian, frontier ,and sentenced to be executed on September 15, 1944 in Birkenau; Babinski
  20. Economic and financial modernization. Reared in a poor family on the western, frontier , Lincoln was mostly self-educated. He became a country lawyer, an Illinois
  21. By Lafayette, awaited the arrival of the Royal Navy. Northern and western, frontier ,West of the Appalachian Mountains and along the border with Quebec, the
  22. Bay of Kiel, is described, and from there a gulf called Lag nus, which is on the, frontier ,of the Timbre. Its location is not known, but it was likely in the Angel
  23. The British provided arms for the Indians, under Loyalist leadership, to raid, frontier ,settlements from the Carolina's to New York. They killed many scattered settlers
  24. S defenses by special concessions to Byzantine and Bulgarian notables in the, frontier ,zone backfired, as the latter built up regional autonomy. Byzantine authority
  25. Then he confined himself to keeping many troops near the German, frontier , and establishing cordial relations with France. With regard to Bulgaria he
  26. Legislatures) to be sufficient to deal with any trouble with natives on the, frontier , Officer positions were in high demand among the British aristocracy—the rank
  27. Five years, making six tours, and traveling more than annually on the Indian, frontier ,of Texas. He served on the Texas frontier at Fort Mason and elsewhere in the
  28. In 1776 Cherokee war parties attacked American colonists all along the southern, frontier ,of the uplands. While the Chickamauga Cherokee could launch raids numbering a
  29. More than annually on the Indian frontier of Texas. He served on the Texas, frontier ,at Fort Mason and elsewhere in the West. In 1855 President Franklin Pierce
  30. 1845) was the seventh President of the United States (1829–1837). Based in, frontier ,Tennessee, Jackson was a politician and army general who defeated the Creek
  31. Led 300 Iroquois warriors and 100 white Loyalists in multiple attacks on small, frontier ,settlements in New York and Pennsylvania, killing many settlers and destroying
  32. Of the future and the relation between man and its destiny is pushing the, frontier ,of cinema as an art ". He was critical of the" brutality and low acting skills
  33. Trade route. The anarchy that became endemic on the Empire's North-Western, frontier ,as a consequence ensured that Nadir Shah's invading forces, half a century
  34. Territory and forcing the Massive rulers of Babylon into accepting a new, frontier ,agreement in Assyria's favor. In 1274 BC Shalmaneser I ascended the throne.
  35. The bottom up, the western frontier was anarcho-capitalistic. People on the, frontier ,invented institutions that fit the resource constraints they faced. " Early
  36. Possessed powers of life and death, but was forbidden to go beyond the, frontier , Certain clients, or small communities, were also dependent upon the Abdul. It
  37. History Aswan is the ancient city of Sweet, which in antiquity was the, frontier ,town of Ancient Egypt facing the south. Sweet is supposed to have derived its
  38. To be Loyalists, as did men involved with the fur trade along the northern, frontier , In addition, officials of colonial government and their staffs, those who had
  39. Rise in values when the government could not defend its borders nor protect its, frontier ,population. The idea of a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation
  40. To 1,500. All the remaining villages, as far up as Abating, on the Brazilian, frontier ,of Peru, were relatively small. Post-colonial history On 6 September 1850 the
  41. Either that on the My river (near Lake Alamo and the present Russo-Chinese, frontier ,in the Altar),or more probably at or near Karakorum itself, south-west of
  42. Claus and Glacial to flee with their armies, leaving Alexander's northern, frontier ,secure. While he was triumphantly campaigning north, the The bans and Athenians
  43. From the south, and kept open a vital conduit for supplies to the American, frontier , The Continental Congress cited Gálvez in 1785 for his aid during the
  44. A series of treaties, but the fighting would be renewed in conflicts along the, frontier ,in the coming years, the largest being the Northwest Indian War. The British
  45. Before the petition for divorce was ever made. It was not uncommon on the, frontier ,for relationships to be formed and dissolved unofficially, as long as they were
  46. Volcanoes are in the Andes, including Dojos del Salado on the Chile-Argentina, frontier ,which rises to 6,893 m (22,615 ft),and over 50 other volcanoes that rise
  47. The province shortly after it was formed, circa 98/99. At that time the entire, frontier ,was being fortified for the first time. Trees from the earliest fortifications
  48. Probably learned the weakness of Italy's natural defenses on its northeastern, frontier ,at the head of the Adriatic. Theodosius died in 395,leaving the empire to be
  49. Italy in 268,when the Romans were forced to denude much of their German, frontier ,of troops in response to a massive invasion of the Goths from the east. Their
  50. By contrast, Patriots by number tended to be yeomen farmers, especially in the, frontier ,areas of New York and the backcountry of Pennsylvania, Virginia and down the

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