Examples of the the word, founding , in a Sentence Context

The word ( founding ), is the 5300 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And theologian Richard Hooker who after 1660 was increasingly portrayed as the, founding ,father of Anglicanism. Hooker's description of Anglican authority as being
  2. To be the patron deity of Athens, which was yet unnamed, in a version of one, founding ,myth. They agreed that each would give the Athenians one gift and that the
  3. In 1947 to become the Department of Defense or DOD) and Commerce to join in, founding ,a national standards organization. According to Paul G. Agnew, the first
  4. Hydrofoils and aeronautics. In 1888,Alexander Graham Bell became one of the, founding ,members of the National Geographic Society. Bell has been described as one of
  5. Denominational groups rapidly followed the example of the Anglican Communion in, founding ,their own transnational alliances: the Alliance of Reformed Churches, the
  6. Now amongst the highest level of spiritual adepts, Crowley began to think about, founding ,his own magical society. In this he was supported by his friend and fellow
  7. And ethical thought. The term was originally coined in the 19th century by the, founding ,sociologist and philosopher of science, Auguste Comte, and has become a major
  8. Algeria as a French territory was a member of the European Communities from the, founding ,of the European Community of Coal and Steel (CSC) in 1952. Formal membership
  9. Union, the Arab League, OPEC and the United Nations. The country is also a, founding ,member of the Arab Maghreb Union. Etymology The country's name is derived from
  10. 1701,and the Church Mission Society (CMS) in 1799. The 19th century saw the, founding ,and expansion of social oriented evangelism with societies such as the Church
  11. After the sale of some of her real estate. The AEA was headed by Bell and the, founding ,members were four young men: American Glenn H. Curtis's, a motorcycle
  12. World Trade Organization, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and one of the, founding ,members of the Union for the Mediterranean. Albania has been a potential
  13. Organizations, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO),as a, founding ,member, and the International Electromechanical Commission (IEC),via the U.
  14. Flight of the B-52 Stratofortress *1955 – McDonald's restaurant dates its, founding ,to the opening of a franchised restaurant by Ray Kroc, in Des Plaines, Illinois
  15. Actor * 1947 – Margaret Weinberg, Swedish politician *1948 – Scott Powell, founding ,member of SHA Na *1949 – Bobby Clarke, Canadian ice hockey player * 1949 –
  16. Of the annual International Astronautical Congress in 1950 and the subsequent, founding ,of the International Astronautical Federation the following year. NASA applies
  17. The German Max Sterner. Stirner's The Ego and Its Own, published in 1844,is a, founding ,text of the philosophy. Without regard for God, state,or morality. To Sterner
  18. British province in Australia. Colonel William Light, one of Adelaide's, founding ,fathers, designed the city and chose its location close to the River Torrens in
  19. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,Russia and Tajikistan, signed a charter in Tashkent, founding ,the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CST) (Russian: Организация
  20. USA SI). The present name was adopted in 1969. Prior to 1918,these five, founding ,engineering societies: *American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIDE, now
  21. Of the future heroes of Rome who will live if Aeneas fulfills his destiny in, founding ,the city. Norse religion The Poetic and Prose Edda's, the oldest sources for
  22. English occultist, astrologer,mystic and ceremonial magician, responsible for, founding ,the religious philosophy of Thelma. He was also successful in various other
  23. Reflecting Derleth's own Christian world view. Nevertheless,Derleth's, founding ,of Arkham House and his successful effort to rescue Lovecraft from literary
  24. Against Bess us, turned into a grand tour of Central Asia, with Alexander, founding ,a series of new cities, all called Alexandria, including modern Kandahar in
  25. And Comedy train. The English spoken comedy scene was established with the, founding ,of Boom Chicago in 1993. They have their own theater at Leidseplein. Nightlife
  26. Year consisted of one executive, Clifford B. Le Page, who was on loan from a, founding ,member, ASME. An annual budget of $7,500 was provided by the founding bodies.
  27. Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, was an agreement among the 13, founding , states that legally established the United States of America as a confederation
  28. The publication Science during the early 1880s. In 1888,Bell was one of the, founding ,members of the National Geographic Society and became its second president (
  29. Autonomy. Libyan princes took control of the delta under Shoshone I in 945 BC, founding ,the so-called Libyan or Bipartite dynasty that ruled for some 200 years.
  30. School Board. Frederick Denison Maurice was a leading figure advocating reform, founding ,so-called" producer's co-operatives" and the Working Men's College. His
  31. Built a castle on top of a hill north of Aquila to watch the city burn, thus, founding , the town of Udine, where the castle can still be found. Genius, who lacked the
  32. Eventually rose to become a leader of Oreo Temple Orients (O. T. O.),before, founding ,a religious commune in Cefalù known as the Abbey of Thelma, which he led from
  33. And holds membership in 38 international organizations. It is one of the, founding ,members of GUAM and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
  34. Teacher. Ginsberg helped Trunk (and New York poet Anne Waldman) in, founding ,the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Europa University in Boulder
  35. Working part-time in Hollywood. While still in New York, in 1917 he was the, founding ,president of the East Coast chapter of the Motion Picture Directors Association
  36. From a founding member, ASME. An annual budget of $7,500 was provided by the, founding ,bodies. In 1931,the organization (renamed ASA in 1928) became affiliated
  37. Just in case they proved to be relevant. This approach eventually led to the, founding ,of modern chemistry in the 18th and 19th centuries, based on revolutionary
  38. in regard to Trotsky theory. Later, Rothbard initially opposed the, founding ,of the Libertarian Party but joined in 1973 and became one of its leading
  39. Was filmed and released (in 2000) as Dora-Heita, by the only surviving, founding ,member of the club, Kon Chicana. Working methods, style and themes Working
  40. Boxing trainer and fight commentator * James Atlas (born 1949),is a, founding ,editor of the Clipper/Viking Penguin Lives Series * Atlas is a nickname for
  41. Plato and Socrates (Plato's teacher),Aristotle is one of the most important, founding ,figures in Western philosophy. Aristotle's writings were the first to create a
  42. The Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, and in December 1991 the country became a, founding ,member of the Commonwealth of Independent States. On May 9,2006, Azerbaijan was
  43. The most famous example being Saint Brigid of Kildare's leadership in the, founding ,of the monastery at Kildare in Ireland. This custom accompanied Celtic monastic
  44. Concepts of“ marginal” cost and value. The Austrian School was one of three, founding ,currents of the marginalist revolution of the 1870s,with its major
  45. Of" Reverence for Life ", expressed in many ways, but most famously in, founding ,and sustaining the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Nazarene, now in Gabon, west
  46. Anglicanism has never been governed by a magisterium nor by appeal to one, founding ,theologian, nor by an extra-credal summary of doctrine (such as the
  47. Topic of distribution of algal species has been fairly well studied since the, founding ,of phytogeography in the mid-19th century AD. Algae spread mainly by the
  48. And member of the prestigious American Association of Universities. At its, founding ,in 1858,Iowa State was formerly known as the Iowa State College of Agriculture
  49. Contributions to the so-called Cthulhu Mythos genre of horror, as well as his, founding ,of the publisher Arkham House (which did much to bring supernatural fiction
  50. Communist Party of China. This day is commemorated as the anniversary of the, founding ,of the People's Liberation Army. *1937 – Josie Bros Tito reads the resolution

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