Examples of the the word, recommended , in a Sentence Context

The word ( recommended ), is the 5303 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Their elders parent and religious monks (shaman and Brahmin). Ashoka also, recommended ,his people study and respect all religions. According to Ashoka, to harm
  2. Outlawing the former. This is to emphasize that the sacrament is available, and, recommended , to all those suffering from any serious illness, and to dispel the common
  3. Equal to about or approximately the mean Earth–Sun distance. The symbol UA is, recommended ,by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, and the international
  4. Experience. He was a staunch supporter of NASA since its inception, had even, recommended ,the Moon program to President John F. Kennedy in 1961,and was skilled at
  5. After, or during a ceremony. A diet low in foods containing thiamine has been, recommended , as the speculative interaction of thiamine and Maoist could lead to a
  6. His twenty-eighth year he Platinum felt the impulse to study philosophy and was, recommended ,to the teachers in Alexandria who then had the highest reputation; but he came
  7. Characteristic determination and self-control. Unlike Emily, Anne took all the, recommended ,medicines, and responded to all the advice she was given. That same month Anne
  8. Serious—even lethal—side effects, such as multiple organ failure, and is not, recommended ,by physicians. Abortion is sometimes attempted by causing trauma to the abdomen
  9. Is taken with alcohol or warfarin. Use of aspirin during dengue fever is not, recommended ,owing to increased bleeding tendency. People with kidney disease, hyperuricemia
  10. Franklin D. Roosevelt that Germany might be developing an atomic weapon, and, recommended , that the U. S. begin similar research; this eventually led to what would become
  11. Still occurs on many campuses and is a" serious problem. " The Commission, recommended ,that the U. S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights protect
  12. The artists and their work. The National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities, recommended ,creating AFI“ to enrich and nurture the art of film in America” with initial
  13. Be a first-rate Gershwin than it was to be a second-rate Ravel. Instead, Ravel, recommended , that Gershwin see Nadia Boulanger in Paris. It was because of Ravel's high
  14. Future of the nation. Alexander had to choose between the different measures, recommended ,to him. Should the serfs become agricultural laborers dependent economically
  15. Is featured prominently on the mission insignia. Backup commander Jim Lovell, recommended ,the name. Mission highlights Launch and lunar orbit injection In addition to
  16. And as tells in Samba. In Bantu regions of Uganda it is known as dodo. It is, recommended ,by some doctors for people having low red blood cell count. It is also known
  17. To continue to select and reinforce the often less dominant" good use ", it is, recommended ,to repeatedly suggest, by thinking to oneself, a tailored series of" Orders "
  18. And development on: * Production techniques (e.g., irrigation management, recommended ,nitrogen inputs) * Improving agricultural productivity in terms of quantity
  19. That the mode decision was an important part of this question. The committee, recommended ,in favor of a hybrid COLOR mode, but its consideration of FOR — as well as
  20. Concerns patients with known cardiovascular disease. Low doses of aspirin are, recommended ,for the secondary prevention of strokes and heart attacks. For both males and
  21. Mechanical cleansing became common among the upper classes, and Hippocrates, recommended ,a mixture of salt, alum,and vinegar. The Jewish Talmud, dating back about 1800
  22. Implementation of version 11 of the X Window System, together with Motif as the, recommended ,widget collection and window manager. * Network file systems: NFS from Sun; AFS
  23. His third annual message to Congress, he expressed the view" I have heretofore, recommended ,amendments of the Federal Constitution giving the election of President and
  24. Has few side effects and is regarded as safe, although intake above the, recommended ,dose can lead to liver damage, which can be severe and life-threatening, and
  25. Recorder along the lines of the Commodore Dataset was never produced; Apple, recommended ,using the Panasonic RQ309 in some of its early printed documentation. Apple and
  26. And 18th of 20 detergents tested. Consumer Reports program manager Pat Slave, recommended ,against buying the products because consumers can" go to the grocery store and
  27. The year. Following each individual brick should be a layer of adobe mortar, recommended ,to be at least an inch thick to make certain there is ample strength between
  28. Of Weights and Measures, and the international standard ISO 80000,while AU is, recommended ,by the International Astronomical Union, and is more common in Anglosphere
  29. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has, recommended ,that an injection be used to stop the fetal heart during the first phase of the
  30. Out the Party prior to the Reichstag elections. While they were there, Hanke, recommended ,the young architect to Goebbels to help renovate the Party's Berlin
  31. Personalities at will. For control of speech (symbolized as the unicorn) he, recommended ,to choose a commonly used word, letter,or pronouns and adjectives of the first
  32. By injections were no exception. From 1967 on,Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, recommended ,high doses of ascorbic acid (he himself took 18 grams daily) as a prevention
  33. Vigorous enforcement of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and further, recommended ,that Congress clarifies that Title VI applies to discrimination against Jewish
  34. Shankar Dayan Sharma. NTR was reinstated as Chief Minister. Within a month NTR, recommended ,the dissolution of the assembly and called for fresh elections. Gandhi was
  35. Machine manufactured had some kind of fault (a famous Apple technical bulletin, recommended ,dropping the machine vertically onto a table to re-seat the DIP chips in their
  36. S values. Ken Were,Apple's CFO, asked David Radio to head up what he had, recommended ,: an Independent Business Unit for the Apple III. That team of 17 people went on
  37. Were both strongly opposed to outright war on land. In 1766 Barrington had, recommended ,withdrawing the army from the 13 Colonies to Canada, Nova Scotia and Florida.
  38. Of these combinations. Topical or systemic Topical analgesia is generally, recommended ,to avoid systemic side effects. Painful joints, for example, may be treated
  39. Supercarriers. The House Armed Services Sea power subcommittee on 24 July 2007, recommended , seven or maybe eight new carriers (one every four years). However, the debate
  40. Antibiotic resistance organisms. While taking antibiotics doses less than those, recommended ,may increase rates of resistance, shortening the course of antibiotics may
  41. Potential future ballistic missile defense programs. In the end, the council, recommended ,deployment of early warning and surveillance systems as well as regionally
  42. Of the disease theory of alcoholism. The American Psychiatric Association has, recommended ,sustained treatment in conjunction with AA's program, or similar community
  43. The Alliance with the Agapanthaceae and the Amaryllidaceae sense strict was, recommended ,but optional; in the 2009 version, only the broad circumscription of the
  44. The United States. In Portuguese, estado-unidense (or estadunidense) is the, recommended ,form by language regulators, but today it is less frequently used than Americano
  45. Better than sumatriptan. Similarly to all other medications for migraine, it is, recommended ,to take aspirin at the first signs of the headache, and it is the way these
  46. Are too clever for their own good, and their meaning is not clear. " The FSF, recommended ,that the license not be used on its own, but approved the common AL/GPL
  47. The magical use of drugs. " The Cairo revelation from Always/Away specifically, recommended ,indulgence in" strange drugs ". While in Paris during the 1920s,Crowley
  48. And conservative pundits have acknowledged her influence on their lives and, recommended ,her novels. The late-2000s financial crisis spurred renewed interest in her
  49. Of the null-hypothesis that all treatments have exactly the same effect) is, recommended ,as a practical test, because of its robustness against many alternatives
  50. Franklin D. Roosevelt to alert him of the possibility. The letter also, recommended ,that the U. S. government pay attention to and become directly involved in

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