Examples of the the word, fuzzy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fuzzy ), is the 8666 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The boundary between a big MCM and a small printed circuit board is sometimes, fuzzy , Chip labeling and manufacture date Most integrated circuits large enough to
  2. Where developers are in fact comfortable. This is the case of Main, Dendral, fuzzy ,logic, predicate logic (PROLOG),symbolic logic, mathematical logic, etc.
  3. This has led to fields such as artificial intelligence, neural networks, fuzzy ,logic, and robotics. There are also substantial interdisciplinary interactions
  4. Predicates of order 1 or more, epistemic logic, modal logic, temporal logic, fuzzy ,logic, etc. Except propositional logic, all are complex and can only be
  5. Networks and buses. Even the lines between internal and external are sometimes, fuzzy , I²C can be used as both an internal bus, or an external bus (where it is
  6. Various AI computing approaches like neural networks, Bayesian probability, fuzzy ,logic, machine learning, evolutionary computation and genetic algorithms to
  7. To two values: true and false, but logic can also be continuous-valued, e. g., fuzzy ,logic. Concepts such as infinite proof trees or infinite derivation trees have
  8. Medium distance. The dividing line between" long shot" and" medium shot" is, fuzzy , as is the line between" medium shot" and" close-up ". In some standard
  9. Pedals. Types Distortion effects create" warm "," gritty" and ", fuzzy ," sounds by" clipping" an instrument's audio signal, which distorts the
  10. Within the conservation profession and is now considered by many to be" a, fuzzy ,concept ". Another important principle of conservation is that all alterations
  11. The various planets into the so-called Interplanetary Transport Network. Such ", fuzzy ,orbits" use significantly less energy than Johann transfers but are often
  12. Described here. Garfield First appearance: June 19, 1978 Garfield is an orange, fuzzy , tabby cat born in the kitchen of an Italian restaurant (later revealed in the
  13. To science. In 1960,Ali Javan co-invented the first gas laser and, fuzzy ,set theory was introduced by Lo-fi Made. Iranian cardiologist, Tofy Russian
  14. Were always at transitional phases in the game. He applied principles of, fuzzy ,logic to improve its play between phases, and by July 1979,BIG 9.8 was strong
  15. Body that, when close enough to the Sun, displays a visible coma (a thin, fuzzy , temporary atmosphere) and sometimes also a tail. These phenomena are both due
  16. Buffalo, bullshit,Tourette, matchboxes,never have I ever,Roman numerals, fuzzy ,duck, pennying, wine games, and zoom Schwartz profiling. Trivia games, such
  17. Array to store the shape of the region allows generalization to cover ", fuzzy ," flood filling, where an element can differ by up to a specified threshold
  18. Then, according to him, this classification had not been changed, as the more, fuzzy ,and obscure it is, the more attorney have liberty in their choice United States
  19. For his points of view in a wide range of fields, from general semantics to, fuzzy ,logic to watching TV (he once wrote a negative review of Jerry Mander's book
  20. Content, and holding students accountable for goals that are so vague and, fuzzy ,they can't be assessed at all. " The Western Australian outcomes were
  21. Similarly, some academics suggest that Hinduism can be seen as a category with ", fuzzy ,edges ", rather than as a well-defined and rigid entity. Some forms of
  22. Until it is nearly a square wave, resulting in a heavily distorted or ", fuzzy ," sound. Fuzz boxes also contain frequency multiplier circuitry to achieve an
  23. Of the largest asteroids, but even these mostly remain little more than, fuzzy ,blobs. Limited information about the shapes and compositions of asteroids can
  24. S early beginnings in New York combined with an unclear mission created a, fuzzy ,understanding among project leaders for precisely what was needed. Although the
  25. Hybrid views argue that the concept of mental disorder is objective but a ", fuzzy ,prototype" that can never be precisely defined, or alternatively that it
  26. Insufficient to display the desired detail, the output will either be jagged or, fuzzy , or some combination thereof. In real-time computer graphics, especially gaming
  27. The upper-left corner of the image, and how the contrasting lines become more, fuzzy , The very high compression ratio severely affects the quality of the image
  28. With quotation from the book, if only phrase-long, rather than proceeding by, fuzzy ,précis. 4. Go easy on plot summary, and do not give away the ending. 5. If
  29. Finite-valued with more than three values, and the infinite-valued (e.g., fuzzy ,logic and probability logic) logics. Dialetheism Recently, Graham Priest
  30. In the third possible world there is no an in the domain at all. *first-order, fuzzy ,logics are first-order extensions of propositional fuzzy logics rather than
  31. Just as when looking at an object through fog, details of the object appear, fuzzy , ) # The physics of how photons scatter off from free electrons (Thomson
  32. The level at which the signal could be faithfully reproduced, resulting in a ", fuzzy ," sound. This effect is called" clipping" by sound engineers, because when
  33. Participants' internal modeling of a discussion, says: Mental models are, fuzzy , incomplete, and imprecisely stated. Furthermore, within a single individual
  34. That have been mechanically, but not chemically, degraded. This points to a, fuzzy ,limit between humus and organic matter. In most recent literature, humus is
  35. Black/white transitions, there are shades of gray – and the resulting image is, fuzzy , This is an inescapable trade-off: if the resolution is insufficient to display
  36. Moral judgement; on the other hand used figuratively of any shadowy outline, fuzzy ,or unsubstantial image, in optics, photography and cinematography especially a
  37. Include a rectangular and circular selection tool, free select tool, and, fuzzy , select tool (also known as magic wand). More advanced selection tools include
  38. Used what has later become known as Gödel–Emmett intermediate logic (or Gödel, fuzzy ,logic). The mid 1930s: further work and visits to the US Gödel earned his
  39. Spun yarns are best for showing off stitch patterns; at the other extreme, very, fuzzy , yarns or eyelash yarns have poor stitch definition, and any complicated stitch
  40. In seasonally varying high-demand areas of pollination. Most bees are, fuzzy ,and carry an electrostatic charge, which aids in the adherence of pollen.
  41. The first edition's suggestion about the total view. But the details are, fuzzy ,and Singer admits that he is" not entirely satisfied" with his treatment.
  42. Stages. By 1918 the edges of ordinary circular irises were becoming very, fuzzy ,when they were used in American films. Enclosing the image inside static
  43. All logics in general,e.g. it does not encompass intuitionist, modal or, fuzzy ,logic. Lindström's theorem implies that the only extension of first-order
  44. At all. *first-order fuzzy logics are first-order extensions of propositional, fuzzy ,logics rather than classical propositional calculus. Higher-order logics The
  45. Known and recognized as groups of stars since antiquity. Others were known as, fuzzy ,patches of light, but had to wait until the invention of the telescope to be
  46. Capacity for, and practice of, using intuitive, inductive reasoning (compare, fuzzy ,logic),rather than reflexive, or conditioned, deductive reasoning. Van Vogt
  47. An undirected graph Sequence algorithms Approximate matching * Bitmap algorithm:, fuzzy ,algorithm that determines if strings are approximately equal. **
  48. From the flesh split that has been shaved to the correct thickness. Suede is ", fuzzy ," on both sides. Manufacturers use a variety of techniques to make suede from
  49. In a classification as a near-Earth comet, making the boundaries somewhat, fuzzy , The rest of the near-Earth asteroids are driven out of the asteroid belt by
  50. 4.44089209850063e-16). Consequently, such tests are sometimes replaced with ", fuzzy ," comparisons (if (abs (x-y) < epsilon) ..., where epsilon is sufficiently

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