Examples of the the word, orbit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( orbit ), is the 4703 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As a second Lunar Module/Command Module test in an elliptical medium Earth, orbit ,in early 1969,the mission profile was changed in August 1968 to a more
  2. Under G. Using the axiom of choice, we could pick a single point from each, orbit , obtaining an uncountable subset X of S with the property that all of its
  3. Artist and animator, Bill Bradley. This also meant that the medium Earth, orbit ," E" mission could be dispensed with. The net result was that only the" D "
  4. Was the Earthrise picture that was taken as they came around for their fourth, orbit ,of the Moon. This was the first time that humans had taken such a picture
  5. December 18,a mere three days before the scheduled launch. The standard lunar, orbit ,for Apollo missions was planned as a nominal circular orbit above the Moon's
  6. The flight, as any failure of the SPS to ignite would strand the crew in Lunar, orbit , with little hope of escape. As with the previous burn, the crew had to perform
  7. American woman to travel in space aboard STS-47. The first manned mission to, orbit ,the moon, Apollo 8,included American William Andes who was born in Hong Kong
  8. 38 countries have reached or more in altitude, of which 520 reached Low Earth, orbit ,or beyond. Of these,24 people have traveled beyond Low Earth orbit , to either
  9. NEAR Shoemaker, which photographed 253 Mathilde in 1997,before entering into, orbit ,around 433 Eros, finally landing on its surface in 2001. Other asteroids
  10. Commander Jim Lovell recommended the name. Mission highlights Launch and lunar, orbit ,injection In addition to throngs of people crowding highways and beaches near
  11. Lunar samples with them, to rejoin CMP Michael Collins aboard Columbia in lunar, orbit , During the launch Aldrin looked up in time to see the exhaust from the ascent
  12. Of 2° over a 40,000-year period, notably due to tidal forces resulting from the, orbit ,of the Moon. The Arctic Circle is currently drifting northwards at a speed of
  13. Moment, the signal was received from the spacecraft, indicating it was in a, orbit ,about the Moon. Borman saw the Earth emerging from behind the lunar horizon and
  14. b. The planet's mass is 2.9 times Jupiter and the semimajor axis of its, orbit ,is 0.3 AU. * Lies 849 is orbit ed by the first known long-period Jupiter-like
  15. Likely to be orbit ing the Moon. Later NASA reports mentioned that Eagle's, orbit ,had decayed, resulting in it impacting in an" uncertain location" on the
  16. Have the following properties: Wave-like properties The electrons do not, orbit ,the nucleus in the sense of a planet orbit ing the sun, but instead exist as
  17. Time saw—either live or delayed—the Christmas Eve transmission during the ninth, orbit ,of the Moon. The Apollo 8 broadcasts won an Emmy, the highest honor given by
  18. In which Collins commented, : " ... The Saturn V rocket which put us in, orbit ,is an incredibly complicated piece of machinery, every piece of which worked
  19. Aerospace Agency is planning to launch its first satellite Arrest 1 into, orbit ,in July or August 2012 from Guiana Space Center in French Guiana at orbit al
  20. After Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus and proposed that electrons, orbit ,like planets, Niels Bohr was able to show that the same quantum mechanical
  21. 24 people have traveled beyond Low Earth orbit , to either lunar or trans-lunar, orbit ,or to the surface of the moon; three of the 24 did so twice: Jim Lovell, John
  22. Cause in their parent star's apparent position on the sky, due to their mutual, orbit ,around the center of mass of the system. Although, as of 2009,none of the
  23. For TV, radio broadcasting and the internet. The launch of its own satellite on, orbit ,will be Azerbaijan's first action in realizing prospective projects to turn
  24. Passed behind the Moon and fired its service propulsion engine to enter lunar, orbit , In the thirty orbit s that followed, the crew saw passing views of their
  25. In the Bohr model where it determines the radius of each circular electron, orbit , In modern quantum mechanics however, n determines the mean distance of the
  26. Spent 21 hours 31 minutes on the lunar surface, while Collins remained in, orbit ,in the Command/Service Module, Columbia. The three astronauts returned to Earth
  27. The standard lunar orbit for Apollo missions was planned as a nominal circular, orbit ,above the Moon's surface. Initial lunar orbit insertion was an ellipse with a
  28. Planned as a nominal circular orbit above the Moon's surface. Initial lunar, orbit ,insertion was an ellipse with a periling of and an around of, at an
  29. Mission, which started orbit ing the protoplasm 4 Vesta in July 2011,and is to, orbit ,1 Ceres in 2015. 4 Vesta is the largest asteroid visited to date. It has been
  30. Module Pilot William Andes became the first humans to travel beyond low Earth, orbit , the first to see Earth as a whole planet, and then the first to directly see
  31. Defined as the length of the semi-major axis of the Earth's elliptical, orbit ,around the Sun. In 1976 the International Astronomical Union revised the
  32. In 1989,the European Space Agency's Hipparcos satellite took asymmetry into, orbit , where it could be less affected by mechanical forces of the Earth and optical
  33. Early Bird, the first communications satellite to be placed in geosynchronous, orbit , * 1965 – The British Government announces the cancellation of the TSR-2
  34. Would have largely been a repeat of the previous flight, albeit in a higher, orbit , This swap also meant a swap of spacecraft, requiring Borman's crew to use
  35. LM life support, the explorers lightened the ascent stage for return to lunar, orbit ,by tossing out their PLSS backpacks, lunar overshoes, one Hasselblad camera
  36. The term astronaut to any crew member aboard NASA spacecraft bound for Earth, orbit ,or beyond. NASA also uses the term as a title for those selected to join its
  37. Jettisoned, and the lunar gravity field is sufficiently non-uniform to make the, orbit ,of the spacecraft unpredictable after a short time. NASA estimated that the
  38. After rendezvous with Columbia,Eagle's ascent stage was jettisoned into lunar, orbit ,at July 21, 1969 at 23:41 UT (7:41 PM EDT). Just before the Apollo 12 flight
  39. This time another spacecraft, Luna 15 — an unmanned Soviet spacecraft in lunar, orbit , began its own descent to the lunar surface. Launched only three days before
  40. Two second stage engine failures, and a third stage that failed to reignite in, orbit , Without assurances that these problems had been rectified, NASA administrators
  41. The planet's mass is 0.82 times that of Jupiter and the semimajor axis of its, orbit ,is 2.35 AU. Deep sky objects Aquarius contains three deep sky objects that are
  42. Low Earth orbit or beyond. Of these,24 people have traveled beyond Low Earth, orbit , to either lunar or trans-lunar orbit or to the surface of the moon; three of
  43. 128.7 minutes. The effect of lunar mass concentrations (" mass cons" ) on the, orbit ,was found to be greater than initially predicted; over the course of the
  44. Of the spacecraft unpredictable after a short time. NASA estimated that the, orbit ,had decayed within months and would have impacted on the Moon. On July 23,the
  45. Then initially predicted; over the course of the twenty-hour mission,the, orbit ,was perturbed to buy. The S-IC impacted the Atlantic Ocean at and the S-II
  46. Up the feelings that all three crewmen had from their vantage point in lunar, orbit , Borman said," And from the crew of Apollo 8,we close with good night, good
  47. The first people ever to leave the gravitational influence of the Earth and, orbit ,another celestial body. They had survived a mission that even the crew
  48. American Apollo space program, was the first human spaceflight to leave Earth, orbit ,; the first to be captured by and escape from the gravitational field of another
  49. On July 16, 1969 at 13:32:00 UTC (9:32:00 a. m. local time). It entered, orbit ,12 minutes later. On July 19 at 17:21:50 UTC, Apollo 11 passed behind the Moon
  50. Hence, one couldn't expect to find an algorithm to find a point in each, orbit , without using the axiom of choice. See non-measurable set#Example for more

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