Examples of the the word, feeding , in a Sentence Context

The word ( feeding ), is the 5395 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. e. g., blues,coppers, or hair streaks) are herded by the ants, led to, feeding ,areas in the daytime, and brought inside the ants' nest at night. The
  2. A breathing tube had to be replaced due to technical problems. On 1 February,a, feeding ,tube was inserted into his stomach, indicating that doctors were preparing him
  3. To smaller individuals that attempt to eat before they do when aggregated at, feeding ,sites. According to this interpretation, the accumulation of remains of
  4. The primary means of locomotion for most bird species and is used for breeding, feeding , and predator avoidance and escape. Birds have various adaptations for flight
  5. Of differences, including the position of the Entoprocta anus inside the, feeding ,structure and the difference in the early pattern of division of cells in their
  6. Protects the food source for their chicks. Species that are unable to defend, feeding ,territories, such as seabirds and swifts, often breed in colonies instead; this
  7. By extension, AMR. *Chautauqua Airlines operates as" AmericanConnection ", feeding ,American's flights from its Chicago O'Hare Hub (transferred from St Louis
  8. For this reason, Hunt argues that bipedalism evolved more as a terrestrial, feeding ,posture than as a walking posture. As Hunt says,“ A bipedal postural feeding
  9. Relies upon plant material such as shrubland, rangeland,and pastures for, feeding ,ruminant animals. Outside nutrient inputs may be used, however manure is
  10. The short term, Action Against Hunger addresses hunger and malnutrition through, feeding ,centers, food and supply distributions and by providing water and sanitation
  11. Shear waters, which nest in New Zealand and Chile and spend the northern summer, feeding ,in the North Pacific off Japan, Alaska and California, an annual round trip of.
  12. And receive no further help, while other species continue some supplementary, feeding ,after fledging. Chicks may also follow their parents during their first
  13. Among these slave-raiding ants, such as the Amazon ants, are incapable of, feeding ,themselves and need captured workers to survive. Captured workers of the
  14. The feeding apparatus or other specialized organs that take the place of the, feeding ,apparatus. The basic shape of the" crown" is a full circle. In the class
  15. Homeowners erect bird feeders near their homes to attract various species. Bird, feeding ,has grown into a multimillion-dollar industry; for example, an estimated 75 %
  16. Behind 3–0,the Mets then won Game 7,concluding the devastating collapse and, feeding ,the myth that the Red Sox were" cursed. " This World Series loss had a strange
  17. This is reversed: plainer males choose brightly colored females. Courtship, feeding , billing and allopreening are commonly performed between partners, generally
  18. And that sauropods like Apatosaurus were adapted to low browsing or ground, feeding , However, subsequent studies demonstrated that all tetrapods appear to hold
  19. Contains the nervous system, digestive system, some specialized muscles and the, feeding ,apparatus or other specialized organs that take the place of the feeding
  20. As zoo ids, since they are not fully independent animals. All colonies contain, feeding ,zoo ids, known as auto-bids, and those of some groups also contain non- feeding
  21. With long bills probe for invertebrates; shorebirds' varied bill lengths and, feeding ,methods result in the separation of ecological niches. Loons, diving ducks
  22. Resistance is disfavored since maintaining bacterial cultures would require, feeding ,them large quantities of antibiotics. Instead, the use of autotrophic bacterial
  23. In the rearing process to enhance production, such as regular stocking, feeding , protection from predators, etc. Farming also implies individual or corporate
  24. Child-growth monitoring, nutritional surveys, and public education. Therapeutic, feeding ,centers treat children with acute severe malnutrition through rigorous programs
  25. Recording may use a microphone setup for the amplified signal, a direct box, feeding ,the recording console or a mix of both. Various electronic bass effects such as
  26. Independent animals. All colonies contain auto-bids, which are responsible for, feeding ,and excretion. Colonies of some classes have various types of non- feeding
  27. Are captured before they pass through the field of cilia that creates the, feeding ,current. This method is also used by phoronids, brachiopods and pterobranchs.
  28. Informed regarding all contacts by Solzhenitsyn. And the people around him" by, feeding ,him rumors that everyone in his surrounding was a KGB agent and deceiving him
  29. As juveniles and subadults are disproportionally killed at modern group, feeding ,sites of animals like crocodiles and Komodo dragons. The same interpretation
  30. If a cerebral AVM is detected before a stroke occurs, usually the arteries, feeding ,blood into the sides can be closed off to avert the danger. Treatment
  31. Of mammals will adopt a bipedal stance in specific situations such as for, feeding ,or fighting. A number of groups of extant mammals have independently evolved
  32. For long-distance travel between these clusters than quadrupedalism. Postural, feeding ,hypothesis The postural feeding hypothesis has been recently supported by Dr.
  33. Require help to carry out activities of daily living such as self-care, feeding , and transportation. MND is typically fatal within 2–5 years. Around 50 % die
  34. Trunk then vertically down. Other Lepidoptera larvae which have been recorded, feeding ,on Acacia include Brown-tail, Endoclita malarious and Turnip Moth. The
  35. Of socially subordinate birds by more dominant birds and the reduction of, feeding ,efficiency in certain cases. Birds sometimes also form associations with
  36. Transported to a gig, and could be amplified to just about any volume without, feeding ,back" Monk Montgomery was the first bass player to tour with the Fender bass
  37. These clusters than quadrupedalism. Postural feeding hypothesis The postural, feeding ,hypothesis has been recently supported by Dr. Kevin Hunt, a professor at
  38. An adaptation of the nervous system for stereoscopic vision, locomotion and, feeding ,* A quick growth and movement of the eyes to higher up the skull and the
  39. Attached to Wallingford, for example, were responsible for producing and, feeding ,2,400 men, the number sufficient for maintaining 9,900 feet (3 km) of wall.
  40. Feeding posture than as a walking posture. As Hunt says,“ A bipedal postural, feeding ,adaptation may have been a adaptation for the fully realized loco motor
  41. Or dark color above, with a paler underside. They are herbivorous, often, feeding , on ripe fruit that falls from trees. They live in burrows, and,like squirrels
  42. Denies it and is conducting an investigation. Programs Nutrition ACF sets up, feeding ,centers to treat malnourished children. They also help control and prevent
  43. Antennae. The ants in turn keep predators away and will move the aphids between, feeding ,locations. On migrating to a new area, many colonies will take the aphids with
  44. Coastal waders feed when the tides are appropriate, by day or night. Diet and, feeding ,Birds' diets are varied and often include nectar, fruit,plants, seeds
  45. And many endemic species, especially of sea snakes and mollusks. There are, feeding ,and nesting sites for Loggerhead, Hawksbill and Green Turtles. It is classified
  46. Other, and that congregations of this genus are the result of lone individuals, feeding ,on the same carcasses. It may have attacked large prey by ambush, using its
  47. Cellular slime molds). These two phyla use amoebic movement in their, feeding ,stage. One is basically a giant multinucleate amoeba, while the other lives
  48. Which were renamed Lophophorate as they all use a lophophore for filter, feeding , The Lophophorate are usually defined as animals with a lophophore, a
  49. Case studies on the subject. No studies involving precise hypercaloric, feeding ,combined with resistance exercise have been conducted. Clean Bulking Many
  50. Also has an endemic bat, the Azores Noctule, which is unusual in regularly, feeding ,during the day. The islets of the Formicas (the Portuguese word for" ants" )

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