Examples of the the word, fair , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fair ), is the 1091 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. AW, aW or aw may stand for: AW *Adjusted winner procedure, a procedure used in, fair ,division *Accuracy International Arctic Warfare, a British sniper rifle made by
  2. Beauty rich and rare;: In hist'ry's page, let eV'Ry stage: Advance Australia, fair ,.: In joyful strains then let us sing, : Advance Australia fair .; Verse 2: When
  3. In the last quarter of the 19th century on the grounds of the former World's, fair , The northeastern part of the square is bordered by the very large Rijksmuseum.
  4. Approval to beat a strong competitor, and would have to find solutions that are, fair ,to everyone in order to do so, whereas a candidate may win a plurality race by
  5. Af fair ),and the Royal Adelaide Show (an annual agricultural show and state, fair ,). There are also many international cultural fair s, most notably the German
  6. A native forest or a country area in general, and g'day, a greeting. Dinkum, or, fair , dinkum means" true ", or " is that true? ", among other things, depending on
  7. Pace bowlers Jeff Thomson and Dennis Lille wreaked havoc. A 4–1 result was a, fair ,reflection as England were left shell shocked. England then lost the 1975
  8. And Erin fair , : Let all combine with heart and hand: To advance Australia, fair ,.: In joyful strains then let us sing: Advance Australia fair .; Verse 4: Should
  9. Our Master's care.: With faces turned to heaven above: Advance Australia, fair ,.: In joyful strains then let us sing: Advance Australia fair ! An automatic
  10. First since 1992 and were described as only partly free but certainly not as, fair , A White Book on the elections in 2008 lists all irregularities surrounding the
  11. Advance Australia fair .: In joyful strains then let us sing: Advance Australia, fair , * Criticism Lack of impact Both the lyrics and melody of the official anthem
  12. Whole people, but the people as opposed to the elite. Instead of seeing it as a, fair ,system under which 'everyone' has equal rights, they saw it as the numerically
  13. That better provides democratic representation, advancement of human rights, fair ,trade and sustainable development and therefore feel the term "
  14. Their courage green.: In joyful strains then let us sing: Advance Australia, fair , * The 1901 Federation version of the third verse was originally sung as:;
  15. A review for the American Pain Society/American College of Physicians found, fair ,evidence that acupuncture is effective for chronic low back pain. Conducting
  16. A large amount of film to assemble. “ I always edit in the evening if we have a, fair ,amount of footage in the can. After watching the rushes, I usually go to the
  17. And ethics is in fact reflected in our understanding of behavior being ", fair ," - the word having a double meaning of attractive and morally acceptable. More
  18. In many spoken varieties, the backed or" emphatic" vowel allophones spread a, fair ,distance in both directions from the triggering consonant; in some varieties (
  19. Constitutional violation clearly exists and clearly deprived the defendant of a, fair ,trial; 4. If subject to harmless error analysis, the state has failed to
  20. And groups—often referred to as a“ movement of movements ”, which advocate, fair ,trade rules and are critical of current institutions of global economics such
  21. With ASD as preschoolers found outcomes ranging through poor (46 %), fair , ( 32 %),good (17 %),and very good (4 %); 56 % of these young adults had
  22. Thomas, That name does not belong to me; I am but the Queen of, fair ,Defame Come out to hunt in my Ollie. ' Allison Parson was burned as a
  23. Art classes, art studios, and retail shop. They sponsor the local street, fair , The Octagon Arts Festival. Also have the Annual National Buried Exhibition
  24. Carnival, the feast of San Isidro Labrador on 15 May and a crafts and livestock, fair ,called the Na ode China in November. The main reason students head to Mexico is
  25. And culture. Being a comparatively large Danish city, Aarhus has received a, fair ,share of immigrants from various other cultures and is as such also home to one
  26. Losses in such cases," standardized rules that are generally perceived to be, fair ,by members of the community would, in all likelihood, be established through
  27. The Club advocates and encourages responsible bow hunting by promoting quality, fair ,chase hunting, and sound conservation practices. From the 1920s,professional
  28. Our glorious southern star;: From England soil and Fatherland, : Scotia and Erin, fair ,: Let all combine with heart and hand: To advance Australia fair .: In joyful
  29. Advance Australia fair .: In joyful strains then let us sing, : Advance Australia, fair ,.; Verse 2: When gallant Cook from Albion sailed, : To trace wide oceans o'er,
  30. Occupied in campaigns against the Slavic Wends, who as pagans were considered, fair ,game, and whose subjugation to Christianity was the aim of the Wen dish Crusade
  31. He then calls upon his readers to" stand on their own two feet and look, fair ,and square at the world," with a" fearless attitude and free intelligence.
  32. Britannia then shall surely know, : Though oceans roll between, : Her sons in, fair ,Australia's land: Still keep their courage green.: In joyful strains then let
  33. Freely on the island, and to deposit in exchange the price which they consider, fair , But in case the oracle denies them permission, because there is an oracle here
  34. Characters with bad stuff see it as hostile. Conflict resolution In any given, fair ,conflict between two characters, the character with the higher score in the
  35. Score in the relevant attribute will eventually win. The keywords here are, fair ,and eventually - if characters' ranks are close, and the weaker character has
  36. Our history, about fifty years out of step, there is functional magic in the, fair ,world. Even with such explanation, the more explicitly the alternate world
  37. Retreated to. Although technology is clearly present in both worlds, and the ", fair ,world" parallels our history, about fifty years out of step, there is
  38. Other civilizations by its own model. While faulting Soviet society for denying, fair ,legal treatment of people, he also faulted the West for being too legalistic: "
  39. The old popular rulers they had been at first; and if they had more than their, fair ,share of service, it was correspondingly easy for them to reduce any that tried
  40. Crime and makes a note of each clue, so readers can analyze it and be allowed a, fair ,chance of solving the mystery themselves. Then, about halfway through, or
  41. A good chest, powerful,with a ruddy complexion, a broad face, a good nose, fair ,skin, bald on the forehead, a good beard, grey eyes. ’’ Literature and film In
  42. S report) from Aisha her description of Abu Bakr: He was a man with, fair ,skin, thin,emaciated, with a sparse beard, a slightly hunched frame, sunken
  43. And Burgher of Calais were on display in the official French pavilion at the, fair ,and so between the works that were on display and those that were not, he was
  44. Plains to share;: With courage let us all combine: To advance Australia, fair ,.: In joyful strains then let us sing: Advance Australia fair ! * Criticism Lack
  45. But its rules on pronunciation are actually consistent and predictable with a, fair ,degree of accuracy. At the other extreme, are languages such as English, where
  46. Side Devil take place between our world, the " grim world" and an alternate ", fair ,world" where the Side retreated to. Although technology is clearly present in
  47. Advance Australia fair .: In joyful strains then let us sing: Advance Australia, fair ,.; Verse 4: Should foreign foe e'er sight our coast, : Or dare a foot to land,
  48. The elections however have been described as only partly free but certainly not, fair , A White Book on the elections in 2008 lists up all irregularities surrounding
  49. Advance Australia fair .: In joyful strains then let us sing: Advance Australia, fair , An automatic number announcement circuit (ANA) is a special telephone
  50. Rules the wave. ": In joyful strains then let us sing: Advance Australia, fair ,.; Verse 3: While other nations of the globe: Behold us from afar, : We'll rise

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