Examples of the the word, chase , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chase ), is the 3697 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A's in the famous" Earthquake Series. " 1998: Wild card race & home run, chase ,The '98 seasons would begin on a somber note with the death of legendary
  2. Civil rights worker Viola Lizzy was murdered by KU Flux Klansmen who gave, chase ,and fired shots into her car after noticing that her passenger was a young
  3. Parts of landaus. ABD ar-Rahman's appointed governor in Seville took up the, chase , and after a series of small fights, managed to defeat al-Fihri's army.
  4. III, an F-15D Eagle, past Mach 1,with Lt. Col. Troy Fontaine as co-pilot. The, chase ,plane for the flight was an F-16 Fighting Falcon piloted by Bob Hoover, a
  5. Most days of the filming. Other sites included Achnahaird beach where a horse, chase ,was filmed and Lock Curtain. Notable residents *Lucy Irvine (b. 1956)
  6. Of the dehydrated United World Organization's Security Council. After giving, chase ,in the Catboat, the Caped Crusader and Boy Wonder use a sonic charge weapon
  7. Yet dark enough to escape and that his fleet would suffer terribly in a stern, chase , doubled back to the east at 18:55. In his memoirs he wrote," the maneuver
  8. Series starring Bonds. The show, titled Bonds on Bonds, focused on Bonds ', chase ,of Babe Ruth's and Hank Aaron's home run records. Some felt the show should
  9. Have longer-range semi-active radar homing (SARAH) missiles, they will have to, chase ,the launching aircraft in order for the missiles to track them, effectively
  10. Terrier. Beagles are intelligent but, as a result of being bred for the long, chase , are single-minded and determined, which can make them hard to train. They are
  11. Disappear again in to the desert, into which the Sassanian army was unable to, chase ,them. Mutant’s acts made Abu Bakr think about the expansion of the Rashid
  12. Four runs en route to being swept by Atlanta. On a positive note, the home run, chase ,between Sosa, Mark McGwire and Ken Griffin, Jr. generated a great deal of media
  13. Prey to ground, then the hunters would release the small dogs to continue the, chase ,through underbrush. Elizabeth I referred to the dogs as her singing beagles and
  14. An army to face his former ally. Caesar, lacking a fleet to immediately give, chase , solidified his control over the western Mediterranean – Spain specifically –
  15. String, it is sometimes replaced with a laser pointer's dot, which cats may, chase , While concerns have been raised about the safety of these lasers, Professor
  16. One (1997) were filmed in and above Severance Hall. More recently, a complex, chase ,and battle scene in Spider-Man 3 (2007),though set in New York City, was
  17. Chase at Kemp ton Park Racecourse in Surrey. It is the second most prestigious, chase ,in England, after the Cheltenham Gold Cup. Boxing Day is a popular day in the
  18. And his knife to clean their carcasses. As his gunpowder dwindled, he had to, chase ,prey on foot. During one such chase he was badly injured when he tumbled from a
  19. Be heard from a distance of. These were cast in bronze into two parts. The, chase ,(the barrel) and the breech, which combined weighed 18.4 tonnes. The two
  20. Arrow into Daphne, causing her to be repulsed by Apollo. Following a spirited, chase ,by Apollo, Daphne prays to her father, Peneus, for help, and he changes her
  21. The Cubs ended the regular season tied in the down-to-the-wire Wild Card, chase ,with the San Francisco Giants. This resulted with the Giants and Cubs squaring
  22. Borzoi were bred to pursue, or " course ", game and have a powerful instinct to, chase ,things that run from them. Built for speed and endurance, they can cover long
  23. Process can be seen in his weekly serial The Old Curiosity Shop, which is a, chase ,story. In this novel, Nell and her grandfather are fleeing the villain Quilt.
  24. Began to lose formation under concentrated gunfire. To deter a British, chase , Sheer ordered a major torpedo attack by his destroyers and a potentially
  25. Club advocates and encourages responsible bow hunting by promoting quality, fair, chase , hunting,and sound conservation practices. From the 1920s,professional
  26. The hope that" the achievement of this record will inspire others to, chase ,their own dreams. " Bidding began on August 28 and closed with a winning bid of
  27. Force the missile to turn it might bleed off enough speed that it can no longer, chase ,the target. Lower-capability targets This leads to two main engagement
  28. The hunting instinct to such a degree that they find it impossible not to, chase ,a cat that is moving quickly. The hunting instinct is triggered by movement and
  29. Century, hunting was an all day event where the enjoyment was derived from the, chase ,rather than the kill. In this setting the tiny Beagle was well-matched to the
  30. Are not very effective at digging rodents out of their burrows, they will, chase ,the animals while they are above ground. Badgers, on the other hand, are not
  31. Makes a speech in favor of the windmill, whereupon Napoleon has his dogs, chase ,Snowball away. In Snowball's absence, Napoleon declares himself leader and
  32. Of Attila, thus checking and turning back the Finnish advance. Genius gave, chase ,and caught the Huns at a place usually assumed to be near Catalan (modern
  33. Employment for our active energies, leading the eye on" a wanton kind of, chase ,"; and (6) quantity or magnitude, which draws our attention and produces
  34. And they will gather together as a pack under the lead of the alpha dog, then, chase , off or attack the predator. The Slough, by comparison, is more of an
  35. And, since obviously he didn't recognize her as his mother, he began to, chase ,Callisto. Callisto, followed by Areas, sheltered herself in a temple, a sacred
  36. Or represented Emperors gorgeously arrayed on horseback or engaged in the, chase , ":" From the tenth to the twelfth century Byzantium was the main source of
  37. Of the risks to his capital ships posed by torpedoes, Jellicoe did not, chase ,directly but headed south, determined to keep the High Seas Fleet west of him.
  38. Territorial conflicts. Outside these neutral areas, territory holders usually, chase ,away stranger cats, at first by staring, hissing,and growling, and if that
  39. As his gunpowder dwindled, he had to chase prey on foot. During one such, chase ,he was badly injured when he tumbled from a cliff, lying unconscious for about
  40. Their vision of an egalitarian utopia, but Napoleon and his dogs eventually, chase ,him from the farm. Thereafter, Napoleon spreads rumors to make him seem evil
  41. In 1976 Rick Sylvester skied off Canada's Mount Asgard for the ski, chase ,sequence of the James Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me, giving the wider world
  42. Us from that other so-called superior animal, man. It's not worth it to, chase ,out the merchants: their temple is dedicated to the unsuitable lie of the value
  43. Finally pouring out into the surrounding streets. The citizens of Rock Ridge, chase ,the villains back to town to destroy them but Lamar runs to the theater while
  44. Composer of his time. The first act sanity sequence ... and the third act, chase ,... are unlike anything that came before. " Howard Tubman in his New York
  45. To seize Newport, Rhode Island, while General Lord Cornwallis continued to, chase ,Washington's army through New Jersey, until the Americans withdrew across the
  46. An aircraft designed to surpass Mach 2 in level flight. That year, he flew a, chase ,plane for the female civilian pilot Jackie Cochran, a close friend, as she
  47. Ottoman armies of Mehmet II, save the city from Islamic conquest, and even, chase ,the Turks deeper into lands they had conquered before. 19th century One of the
  48. Surrounded Selim and his involvement in Barry Bonds' all-time home run record, chase , For months, speculation surrounded Selim and the possibility that he and Hank
  49. Thus revealed, the main characters run for their lives, resulting in a madcap, chase ,across the stage with both Miles and Senex pursuing all three" Philia’s (
  50. Of Tom Jones, a Foundling (1749) Chapter 7. Cowper:" For persevering, chase ,and headlong leaps, True beagle as the staunchest hound he keeps" The Progress

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