Examples of the the word, ai , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ai ), is the 3698 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Avoiding a hiatus). The missing vowel is replaced by an apostrophe. (e.g. JE, ai , is instead pronounced and spelled → j' ai ). This gives, for example, the same
  2. The U. S. and to this day in the former Dakota Territory, the expression," You, ai , n't just a bear tracking '. ", is used to mean," You ai n't lying" or," That
  3. A vector-based drawing program by Adobe Systems ** Adobe Illustrator Artwork., ai , file format, the native file format used by Adobe Illustrator Science and
  4. A1,a2,a3 in the plane R² and let I be the dilation of ratio 1/2 around, ai , The unique non-empty fixed point of the corresponding mapping ψ is a
  5. And that" there is no infinite sequence (a) such that ai +1 is an element of, ai , for all i. " With the axiom of dependent choice (which is a weakened form of
  6. Siracusani, *Tagliatelle alley Osceola, tagliatelle AI Cardiff, tagliatelle,AI, funghi, tagliatelle all pomodoro, tagliatelle all Hugo DI leper, tagliatelle all
  7. Grandeur there.: Close by the sturdy batsman the ball unheeded sped-:" That, ai , n't my style," s ai d Casey. " Strike one," the umpire s ai d.::: Taking the
  8. Jo en tin tree 'I have three of them' ( Spanish tango tree but French j'en, ai , trois). * The construction used to express punctual/effective aspect in the
  9. Each season: ** Autumn: tomato and mozzarella (like Pizza Margherita) *Pizza, ai , quattro format - with four different cheeses (sometimes melted together
  10. Am I even a beetle bit entitled to think that Connie likes to play, and gee, ai , n't it s ai d that as long as SHE sets the rules for play, and I'm the village
  11. The expression," You ai n't just a bear tracking '. ", is used to mean," You, ai , n't lying" or," That's for sure ". This expression evolved as an outgrowth
  12. Vowel is short. * ch occurs most often and is pronounced either (after ä, ai , AU, e,a, eu, i,ö, ü and consonants; in the diminutive suffix -Chen; and at
  13. Dumbbell, torus,etc. -with the nucleus in the middle. AI, A. I., Ai,or, ai , may refer to: Computers * Artificial intelligence, a branch of computer science
  14. Refer to: Computers * Artificial intelligence, a branch of computer science *., ai , the ISO Internet 2-letter country code (ccTLD) for Anguilla * Adobe
  15. With four different cheeses (sometimes melted, sometimes in sectors) *Pizza, ai , funghi e Alice (or Osceola)- with mozzarella, mushrooms and sausages
  16. Is represented as a trivial polynomial, where,(using the above notation):, ai ,1,and x 2. Then, x (or x to some power) is repeatedly factored out. In this
  17. Live shows became increasingly fevered. Moore recalled," He'd start out,'You, ai , n't nothing' but a Hound Dog,' and they'd just go to pieces. They'd always
  18. Getting into rap. He is quoted as saying" once you max something out, it,AI, n't no fun no more. I couldn't really get no farther. " He goes on to expl ai n
  19. Log_2. The entropy H (in bits) is the weighted sum, across all symbols, ai , with non-zero probability WI, of the information content of each symbol:: H (A
  20. Finnish, for example, borrowed the word for" mother ", äiti, from Gothic, ai , ei. While English borrowed the pronouns" they "," them ", and " their (s) "
  21. Fruit in 20 years! And I'll tell you one thing, in another 12 fucking days, I,AI,n't eating anymore. " — John Young in an ai r-to-ground transmission
  22. The determinant unchanged. Value "If/IN"> 9">If A is a triangular matrix, i. e., ai , j 0 whenever i > j or, alternatively,whenever i < j, then its determinant
  23. And basic philosophy The word" ai kido" is formed of three kanji: * –, ai , – joining, unifying,combining, fit The term" wiki" does not readily appear
  24. Indiavolati, Spaghetti Siracusani, *Tagliatelle alley Osceola, tagliatelle,AI, carciofi, tagliatelle AI fungi, tagliatelle all pomodoro, tagliatelle all Hugo
  25. And John Selfridge conjectured that if \sum_^ a_ink = \sum_^ b_JFK, where,AI, ≠ BJ are positive integers for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n and 1 ≤ j ≤ m, then m+n ≥ k. This
  26. But the softening of usage notations, from the previous edition, for two words, ai , n't and regardless, out of over 450,000 in Webster's Third in 1961,was
  27. You have read a book by the name of 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer '; but that, ai , n't no matter ". The revisions also show how Tw ai n reworked his material to
  28. Siracusani, *Tagliatelle alley Osceola, tagliatelle AI Cardiff, tagliatelle,AI, funghi, tagliatelle all pomodoro, tagliatelle all Hugo DI leper, tagliatelle all
  29. Numeral systems – in which case x is the base of the number system, and the,AI, coefficients are the digits of the base-x representation of a given number –
  30. Acid at the age of 20. In the BBC video he s ai d" I've seen people die. It, ai , n't easy being young, but that stuff doesn't make it any easier ". In May 2006
  31. Indiavolati, Spaghetti Siracusani, *Tagliatelle alley Osceola, tagliatelle,AI, carciofi, tagliatelle AI fungi, tagliatelle all pomodoro, tagliatelle all Hugo
  32. Tbinom NK, while the number of ways to write k=a_1+a_2+\dots+a_n where every, ai , is a nonnegative integer is given by \think. Most of these interpretations
  33. With a slightly revised, but nonetheless prophetic lyric:" Christ, you know it, ai , n't easy / You know how hard it can be / The way things are going' / They're
  34. Word man has a lax a pronounced, but with the addition of i (as the digraph, ai , ) in the word m ai n the is marked as tense and pronounced. These two
  35. Below *Column I are the digit numbers counting from the right to left. *Column, ai , are the progressive values calculated as AI (10 x ai -1) mod 97,where a1 1.
  36. Reply," yuck! " One notable run-through of the routine had Grandpa saying" Ah, ai , n't got nu thin '! ", which would be the only time he ever got booed during this
  37. Of tomorrow, next week, or next month. This is sometimes summed up as the" you, ai , n't going to need it" ( YAGNI) approach. Proponents of XP acknowledge the
  38. A monkey wrench, under the weather, jump b ai l, come clean, come ag ai n?, it,AI, n't over till it's over, what goes around comes, and will the real x
  39. De Gaulle procl ai med in front of a vast crowd of Pieds-Noirs" JE vows, ai , compris" (" I have understood you" ). Most Pieds-Noirs then believed that DE
  40. Listed in this article are given in terms of n and the corresponding pi, ai , ω, and Ω. Multiplicative functions OK (n),τ (n),d (n) - divisor sums
  41. To its unpleasant odor. Upon his ejection, Mr. Spanish uttered," The Cubs, they,AI, n't going to win no more. " The Cubs lost Game 4,lost the Series, and have not
  42. 1 (1997) Televisions: 1,000 (1997) Internet country code:., ai , ( Top level dom ai n) Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 3 (Cable & Wireless
  43. Each season: ** Autumn: tomato and mozzarella (like Pizza Margherita) *Pizza, ai , quattro format - with four different cheeses (sometimes melted, sometimes in
  44. The ability to get into new businesses. " I can't act, I really can't act, I,AI, n't no rapper,it's all game. I'm just working these Biggs. " Later he raps
  45. Of the prime p that divides n. I.e. if p is one of the pi then up (n) =, ai , otherwise it is zero. Then: n=\prod_p PA. In terms of the above the functions
  46. By Shannon (1948),the information content h (in bits) of each symbol, ai , with non-null probability is: h (a_i) = \log_2. The entropy H (in bits) is
  47. Different cheeses (sometimes melted together, sometimes in sectors) *Pizza, ai , funghi e Alice (or Osceola)- with mozzarella, mushrooms and sausages
  48. Dialects of English, such as the following: **h ai n't (when derived from, ai , n't rather than haven't) Allowed words E-prime does not prohibit the
  49. H ai , ha,Hanna (present indicative of av ai l" to have" ) from o (" or" ), ai , ( " to the" ), a (" to" ), anno (" year" ). In the spoken language, the
  50. Walks' estate, saying," H ai n't we got all the fools in town on our side? And, ai , n't that a big enough majority in any town? " Huck likes Walks' daughters, who

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