Examples of the the word, erase , in a Sentence Context

The word ( erase ), is the 7988 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Romans managed to suppress, enraged Hadrian, and he came to be determined to, erase ,Judaism from the province; Idea province was renamed Syria Palestine, and
  2. In the original one again, as the mate and the Messaged 2000/2100 devices, erase ,their memory completely after replacing the chip),the result will be the
  3. He suggested he purchase new tapes so that the BBC would have no need to, erase ,the originals, but this was also turned down. Of the original programs, eight
  4. The plebiscite took place during the time when Polish-Soviet War threatened to, erase ,the Polish state. After the plebiscite in German areas of Maria attacks on
  5. Had encouraged an open and friendly atmosphere in the Olympic Village, to help, erase ,memories of the militaristic image of wartime Germany and, specifically,of the
  6. English Wikipedia, allowing a handful of highly trusted users to permanently, erase ,page revisions containing copyright infringements or libelous or personal
  7. You of a moment of loss),but with Diabetic therapy, the patient can actually, erase ,moments of pain and unconsciousness. He emphasizes:" The discovery of the
  8. Imprinting mechanisms Imprinting is a dynamic process. It must be possible to, erase ,and re-establish the imprint through each generation. The nature of the imprint
  9. Side" radially with a nail or other sharp object. Some recent burners support, erase ,operations on -R media (Elector, LiteOn),by" overwriting" the stored data
  10. Mister Sinister, who takes Cannonball prisoner, attempts to telepathically, erase ,his mind so that the X-Men will find him as an empty shell. Iceman attacks
  11. To erase using the command GENERATE (PE). Now any future FD movements will, erase ,anything beneath them. The pen can be restored with the command PENNANT (PPT
  12. Or fillies and glacial erratics. Successive glaciations tend to distort and, erase ,the geological evidence, making it difficult to interpret. Furthermore, this
  13. Very basic equipment and bricolage methods, such as sticking matchsticks in the, erase ,heads of a second-hand tape recorder, or manually interfering with the tape
  14. Follows a group of time travelers from the 23rd century who go back in time to, erase ,Godzilla from history supposedly to erase a devastating future that the mutated
  15. Paint, and the turtle's pen must erase . In Logo, the turtle can be set to, erase ,using the command GENERATE (PE). Now any future FD movements will erase
  16. To crown him" king of Massachusetts "; he felt that Shays was just trying to, erase ,unpayable debts. In his later years, independent Vermont continued to
  17. That his passport was lost and got a new one, which is a common tactic to, erase ,evidence of travel to places such as Afghanistan. When he returned in spring
  18. Of 1910 and requested the creation of several hundred Liberal peers to, erase ,the Conservative majority in the House of Lords. In the face of such a threat
  19. Dependent on a button battery, and failure of this backup battery would, erase ,any high scores or information stored on the console. Tiger failed to sell the
  20. Dread. There were two pools, that of Lethe, where the common souls flocked to, erase ,all memory, and the pool of Mnemosyne (" memory" ), where the initiates of
  21. Binder schedule, clipboard schedule, manila file folder schedules, and dry, erase ,board schedules are all beneficial to increase a child's organization skills
  22. High-powered users. Animations require both the ability to draw shapes and to, erase ,shapes. The process is the same, except that in the former a line is deposited
  23. Earth is devastated in a war fought with" Go-Away Bombs"—weapons which, erase ,the information content of matter, causing it to disappear from reality. The
  24. Move left or right through a sequence of rooms and while there either mark or, erase ,a paper or observe the paper and make a yes-no decision about the next
  25. The Internet. Basic concepts In the book,". Diabetics is a proposed method to, erase ,these" engrams" in the" reactive mind" to achieve what is referred to in
  26. 13),an ancient magical coin artifact of the roman god Janus that can, erase ,a past life memory of a person to start a new life. It was in an episode of the
  27. All Our Sins Forgotten ", as a therapist that develops a device that can, erase ,the bad memories of his patients. Rollins also voiced Mad Stan in Batman Beyond
  28. To wind the tape from one reel to another, passing tape heads to read, write or, erase ,as it moves. Magnetic tape was first used to record computer data in 1951 on
  29. Unrest in several states and efforts by debtors to use popular government to, erase ,their debts increased the anxiety of the political and economic elites which
  30. Wilhelm. Numerous newspapers took it over. When wary Wikipedia wanted to, erase ,Wilhelm, the revert has been reverted with regard to those newspapers. This
  31. The printer will use a special UV light bar which will be able to write and, erase ,the paper. As of early 2007 this technology is still in development and the
  32. Wrenching. He then ravages on Tokyo as payback for the Japanese attempting to, erase ,him from existence, and Shinto is killed; though not before he and Godzilla
  33. The sacred scroll was ceremonially burned on the Temple Mount. In an attempt to, erase ,the memory of Judea, he renamed the province Syria Palestine (after the
  34. The combination of aid money, arms sales, and diplomatic alignments helped to, erase ,the memory of the Suez Crisis and the Algerian War in the Arab world and France
  35. Despite her achievements,Hatshepsut's nephew-stepson Tutsis III sought to, erase ,her legacy near the end of his reign, possibly in retaliation for usurping his
  36. Of some kind (usually audible). * 8 (backspace, BS,\b, ^H),used either to, erase ,the last character printed or to overprint it. * 9 (horizontal tab, HT,’t, ^I
  37. Interest, and,in exasperation, threw at the examiner's head the rag used to, erase ,the blackboard. More plausible accounts state that Galois made too many logical
  38. Eventually lower tariffs and increase trade. In March 2006,Russia agreed to, erase ,$4.74 billion of Algeria's Soviet-era debt during a visit by Russian President
  39. And transitive. Proof: * (arc ∧ BRC) → ARB a/c (Ara ∧ bra) → ARB reflexive;, erase ,TO bra → ARB. Hence, R is symmetric. * (arc ∧ BRC) → ARB symmetry = (arc ∧
  40. The man refused further contact. The revelations led on Trier to attempt to ", erase ," the connections with his stepfather by converting to Catholicism, and to
  41. With jealousy and murdered both of them. Wracked with guilt, he tried to ", erase ,the crime" by bringing his mother" back to life" in his mind. He stole her
  42. To offend" honest and peace-loving" Muslims. However, he still refused to, erase ,his opinions about Islam in his website and the sincerity of his apology was
  43. Plasma in the early universe. The pressure of the photons tends to, erase ,anisotropies, whereas the gravitational attraction of the baryons—moving at
  44. Originally intended to be an ignored character, but now used in some systems to, erase ,a character. Occasionally one might encounter modern uses of other codes, such
  45. SECURITY ERASE UNIT command requires the Master password and will completely, erase ,all data on the disk. The operation is slow, it may take longer than half an
  46. 23rd century who go back in time to erase Godzilla from history supposedly to, erase ,a devastating future that the mutated dinosaur causes, but instead, they
  47. German colonial rule destroyed the war making ability of the tribes but did not, erase ,their identities or traditional organization. People from the more populous
  48. The turtle analogy, the turtle's pen must paint, and the turtle's pen must, erase , In Logo, the turtle can be set to erase using the command GENERATE (PE).
  49. Metro, targeting Chinese users. CIH The first was a virus which was able to, erase ,Flash ROM BIOS content, rendering computer systems unstable. CIH, also known as
  50. In mind the glory of circumnavigating the enemy army once again, desiring to, erase ,the stain on his reputation of the surprise at Brandy Station. General Lee gave

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